Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

I’m still at a loss, but I have not given up. I’ve been looking online, one of my guesses would be something akin to a Void Titan

Close enough!!! Behold the thing you now fight a slave with no soul, pieces of once a world!

“It was during this epoch that Sargeras discovered the full horror of the void lords’ plans.
He was drawn to a remote corner of the Great Dark, where cold Void energies radiated out from a black and desiccated world. There, Sargeras found enormous beings he had never seen, festering across the world’s surface. These were the Old Gods, and they had embedded themselves in the world and shrouded it in a veil of Void energies.
With growing horror, Sargeras realized that this was not just any world. He heard the world-soul dreaming within its core. But these were not the joyous dreams Sargeras recognized from other world-souls—they were dark and horrific nightmares. The Old Gods’ tendrils had burrowed deep, enveloping the slumbering titan’s spirit in shadow.”

“Sargeras, the undefeated champion of the titans, knew fear for the first time. It dawned on him that just as the Pantheon had been searching for world-souls, so, too, had the void lords. Sargeras had never dreamed that Void energies could so utterly consume a slumbering titan.
Yet the proof was right before his eyes.
Rage and anguish burned through Sargeras’s soul. He smote the nathrezim with a single blow—his fury so great that he utterly obliterated the demons’ forms. Sargeras turned his attention to the black world itself. His heart ached with sorrow, for he knew there was only one way to stop the dark titan from rising.
With a heave of his blade, Sargeras split the world in two. The resultant explosion consumed the Old Gods and their energies, but it killed the nascent titan as well.”

Excerpts From
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1

We aren’t fighting a full grown Titan, we are finding the scraps of Titan flesh and blood Reavrix mined from the world Sargeras shattered! It’s not completed, it’s not a full Titan, so it is beatable but still exceptionally powerful!
09/27/2018 10:46 PMPosted by Isaik
We aren’t fighting a full grown Titan, we are finding the scraps of Titan flesh and blood Reavrix mined from the world Sargeras shattered! It’s not completed, it’s not a full Titan, so it is beatable but still exceptionally powerful!

I’ll have Ahcirej’s post up sometime tomorrow as it doesn’t really effect anything, it just gives a look into what she is doing.

I had Jericha and Izzabelle attack the same point, whether it’s completely immune to their attacks is up to you.
Alright Smuggs and Isaik’s posts are up! I gotta make a reply thread for Reavrix and go down that line of characters again. How are you enjoying the story so far? Did you ever expect to end up here?

I had Jericha and Izzabelle attack the same point, whether it’s completely immune to their attacks is up to you.

No madam you chose wisely, you say you haven’t read much of the lore but you seem to make good guesses! Titans are weak against fel magic, Sargeras killed the whole pantheon by himself using fel!
09/28/2018 04:42 PMPosted by Isaik
Alright Smuggs and Isaik’s posts are up! I gotta make a reply thread for Reavrix and go down that line of characters again. How are you enjoying the story so far? Did you ever expect to end up here?

I had Jericha and Izzabelle attack the same point, whether it’s completely immune to their attacks is up to you.

No madam you chose wisely, you say you haven’t read much of the lore but you seem to make good guesses! Titans are weak against fel magic, Sargeras killed the whole pantheon by himself using fel!

Have you guessed what I have planned =) Also I hope Ahcirej’s post was acceptable.

Not really, I think all of my characters stories have developed so much further because of this RP, I can also say I never thought it would reach over 600 posts :)
My guess is your gonna knock Reavrix down, I was gonna make his leg buckle because he is already lifting something huge! But if you wanna Push him over that is acceptable as well, perhaps if I make him tumble due to his leg buckling the army then can attack him from all angles dealing great damage.

I’m hoping for a few more posts from our villain before he is slain. But we must always remember we are villains too, our time will come.
09/28/2018 06:26 PMPosted by Maleok
My guess is your gonna knock Reavrix down, I was gonna make his leg buckle because he is already lifting something huge! But if you wanna Push him over that is acceptable as well, perhaps if I make him tumble due to his leg buckling the army then can attack him from all angles dealing great damage.

I’m hoping for a few more posts from our villain before he is slain. But we must always remember we are villains too, our time will come.

His leg buckling will be good, that is what I was hoping would happen.

Ahcirej has a plan, that she hopes will work, but she needs to get to them first. After all she can only remain in this realm for so long, before she vanishes again.
His leg buckling will be good, that is what I was hoping would happen.

It probably will! I don’t care how strong you are, if a firecracker goes off on your leg while your lifting something really big your probably gonna drop it!
While I really like Sericon, in a way I hope that he was killed, it will allow me to break free of Salkeen’s control. the contract between the two still stands and that’s why she doesn’t fight him to reclaim the piece of soul he’s using to bind her.

This fight is getting good, I cannot wait to see what happens next.
09/30/2018 09:18 AMPosted by Izzabelle
While I really like Sericon, in a way I hope that he was killed, it will allow me to break free of Salkeen’s control. the contract between the two still stands and that’s why she doesn’t fight him to reclaim the piece of soul he’s using to bind her.

This fight is getting good, I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Whether he is truly dead or not is still in the air, I’ll probably flip a coin or something to decide. But as I recall your contract gives Salkeen a time period to restore Sericon if he should die... Such a life, to feel nothing but a select few emotions, his mind and brain is irrevokebly changed. Perhajs his final words have a reason to be said.
09/30/2018 04:41 PMPosted by Raveintis
09/30/2018 09:18 AMPosted by Izzabelle
While I really like Sericon, in a way I hope that he was killed, it will allow me to break free of Salkeen’s control. the contract between the two still stands and that’s why she doesn’t fight him to reclaim the piece of soul he’s using to bind her.

This fight is getting good, I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Whether he is truly dead or not is still in the air, I’ll probably flip a coin or something to decide. But as I recall your contract gives Salkeen a time period to restore Sericon if he should die... Such a life, to feel nothing but a select few emotions, his mind and brain is irrevokebly changed. Perhajs his final words have a reason to be said.

Well honestly I kind of figured that Sericon would most likely die during this. The contract says I believe as long as Sericon lives she will serve Salkeen. While Sericon is dead, the contract is null and void. It reactivates when Sericon is brought back to life. Sericon has changed a bit as well, he could have told Izzabelle that he wished for death, while they were trapped inside her body. There never would have been a contract had she known, she could have gotten them both killed, sheesh that was a waste.

On a different matter, would it be okay for Izzabelle to have moments of complete madness, now that she has been soaked in and ingested the blood of a Titan.

(Raveintis looks awesome as an actual Dark Iron Dwarf,)
Well honestly I kind of figured that Sericon would most likely die during this. The contract says I believe as long as Sericon lives she will serve Salkeen. While Sericon is dead, the contract is null and void. It reactivates when Sericon is brought back to life. Sericon has changed a bit as well, he could have told Izzabelle that he wished for death, while they were trapped inside her body. There never would have been a contract had she known, she could have gotten them both killed, sheesh that was a waste.

It’s still up in the air, I have yet flip a coin, I think it’s a fun idea he might live, but now his thoughts about living are known. He may be a newly made boost but I think I made him a good complicated story, I’m unsure he should die before some resolution...

On a different matter, would it be okay for Izzabelle to have moments of complete madness, now that she has been soaked in and ingested the blood of a Titan.

Go for it, Titans blood is all power related as seen by Azerite, but remember this is blood from a dead almost void corrupted Titan soul. This blood likely has many bad things in it!

(Raveintis looks awesome as an actual Dark Iron Dwarf,)

Thank ya madam, if you ever think about joining the side of good again and go for a redemption arc, I’m sure I’ll be there... I have made many possible paths for all my characters...
Ahcirej will be joining the rest with her next post, I see a few more back and forth attacks between them and the flesh Titan before Ahcirej comes up,with her plan. However it will all be dependent on Lord Salkeen and his ability to command those on the Battlefield, if this idea is to work.
I’ve got a question about the newest contract between Salkeen and Isaik?
10/04/2018 04:20 AMPosted by Izzabelle
I’ve got a question about the newest contract between Salkeen and Isaik?

Ask away but be wary, I may not last much longer I was supposed to be asleep half a hour ago.
10/04/2018 04:51 AMPosted by Isaik
10/04/2018 04:20 AMPosted by Izzabelle
I’ve got a question about the newest contract between Salkeen and Isaik?

Ask away but be wary, I may not last much longer I was supposed to be asleep half a hour ago.

You can answer when you wake up.
How is the contract still intact, Salkeen no longer has any control over Ahcirej. How can he command her not to use holy magic in Jericha’s presence, when he no longer commands her. I believe Ahcirej no longer being bound to him would have voided the contract.
Now for Izzabelle, Salkeen has a contract with Izzabelle, would Master Isaik take over the responsibility of that contract. I have trouble excepting that one person can destroy a contract that exists between two others.
10/04/2018 05:12 AMPosted by Izzabelle
<span class="truncated">...</span>
Ask away but be wary, I may not last much longer I was supposed to be asleep half a hour ago.

You can answer when you wake up.
How is the contract still intact, Salkeen no longer has any control over Ahcirej. How can he command her not to use holy magic in Jericha’s presence, when he no longer commands her. I believe Ahcirej no longer being bound to him would have voided the contract.
Now for Izzabelle, Salkeen has a contract with Izzabelle, would Master Isaik take over the responsibility of that contract. I have trouble excepting that one person can destroy a contract that exists between two others.

Ahhh, no my dear the contract still attempts to stand... the terms only command that Ahcirej not use light in Jericha’s presence.((being bound would’ve made that easier for him, but is not necessary for the contract)) How that was accomplished is for the people in the contract.((commanding if bound, physically trying to stop her if not)) Technically the contract should be breaking right now, as Ahcirej is using light magic in Jericha’s presence.

I tried to write it in a way that it only needs to make sure Ahcirej doesn’t use the light, whether she is currently bound was not defined in the contract. The contract forces Isaik to never enter Jericha’s quarters, that means any area designated as Jericha’s quarters counts as I don’t believe I specifically said on the Ered’Kiel. Contracts with the master are hard to break and very vague or precise when need be.
You can answer when you wake up.
How is the contract still intact, Salkeen no longer has any control over Ahcirej. How can he command her not to use holy magic in Jericha’s presence, when he no longer commands her. I believe Ahcirej no longer being bound to him would have voided the contract.
Now for Izzabelle, Salkeen has a contract with Izzabelle, would Master Isaik take over the responsibility of that contract. I have trouble excepting that one person can destroy a contract that exists between two others.

Ahhh, no my dear the contract still attempts to stand... the terms only command that Ahcirej not use light in Jericha’s presence.((being bound would’ve made that easier for him, but is not necessary for the contract)) How that was accomplished is for the people in the contract.((commanding if bound, physically trying to stop her if not)) Technically the contract should be breaking right now, as Ahcirej is using light magic in Jericha’s presence.

I tried to write it in a way that it only needs to make sure Ahcirej doesn’t use the light, whether she is currently bound was not defined in the contract. The contract forces Isaik to never enter Jericha’s quarters, that means any area designated as Jericha’s quarters counts as I don’t believe I specifically said on the Ered’Kiel. Contracts with the master are hard to break and very vague or precise when need be.

Okay I’ll admit I’m having trouble excepting, and understanding this.
First Ahcirej has no idea she is not to use light in a Jericha’s presence, Jericha doesn’t know Ahcirej is not to use light in her presence. Izzabelle has no idea that Ahcirej is not to use light in Jericha’s presence. Salkeen had no idea that Ahcirej was going to return and use light in her Jericha’s presense. I feel when Ahcirej died the contract should have been destroyed. But that is just me.
10/04/2018 03:04 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Ahhh, no my dear the contract still attempts to stand... the terms only command that Ahcirej not use light in Jericha’s presence.((being bound would’ve made that easier for him, but is not necessary for the contract)) How that was accomplished is for the people in the contract.((commanding if bound, physically trying to stop her if not)) Technically the contract should be breaking right now, as Ahcirej is using light magic in Jericha’s presence.

I tried to write it in a way that it only needs to make sure Ahcirej doesn’t use the light, whether she is currently bound was not defined in the contract. The contract forces Isaik to never enter Jericha’s quarters, that means any area designated as Jericha’s quarters counts as I don’t believe I specifically said on the Ered’Kiel. Contracts with the master are hard to break and very vague or precise when need be.

Okay I’ll admit I’m having trouble excepting, and understanding this.
First Ahcirej has no idea she is not to use light in a Jericha’s presence, Jericha doesn’t know Ahcirej is not to use light in her presence. Izzabelle has no idea that Ahcirej is not to use light in Jericha’s presence. Salkeen had no idea that Ahcirej was going to return and use light in her Jericha’s presense. I feel when Ahcirej died the contract should have been destroyed. But that is just me.

Yes I agree the contract entanglement can be hard to maneuver around. Believe me when I say the same contractual obligations are not meant just for you. I had to make death not a way to break the contracts or else Salkeen would be free, as with Jericha during our first rp together, and Sericon and Varicar... Death is to easy, I had to make death something that wouldn’t break them. That’s not saying they can’t be broken by something, but not death.

The contract is more along the lines of say for example, Anduin Wrynn can’t use magic in Jericha’s presence. Salkeen can’t control Anduin but now must do everything in his power to ensure it never happens on Jericha’s presence. That means he either has to ensure Jericha is never near Anduin, Kills Anduin or controls Anduin. The reason I gave him the hard task was so the contract broke anyway, so that Izzabelle could be used to ensure Salkeen and the twins survive when things start along the good guy killing bad guy story part.
He uses contracts like this thanks to his old teacher, contracts that are negated by death are useless for binding things. Demons must be bound in contracts that negate death from the ability to free them, my old student just finds the cruel ways of forcing these contracts on people rather than demons...

If you ever truly want to be free of his contracts, the heroes are coming... I pray you choose the right side, because I’ll be there...
10/04/2018 04:31 PMPosted by Isaik
Yes I agree the contract entanglement can be hard to maneuver around. Believe me when I say the same contractual obligations are not meant just for you. I had to make death not a way to break the contracts or else Salkeen would be free, as with Jericha during our first rp together, and Sericon and Varicar... Death is to easy, I had to make death something that wouldn’t break them. That’s not saying they can’t be broken by something, but not death.

The contract is more along the lines of say for example, Anduin Wrynn can’t use magic in Jericha’s presence. Salkeen can’t control Anduin but now must do everything in his power to ensure it never happens on Jericha’s presence. That means he either has to ensure Jericha is never near Anduin, Kills Anduin or controls Anduin. The reason I gave him the hard task was so the contract broke anyway, so that Izzabelle could be used to ensure Salkeen and the twins survive when things start along the good guy killing bad guy story part.

So I guess my biggest problem is the contract Izzabelle has with Salkeen. If that contract is broken, Izzabelle isn’t above using the dagger of breaking on herself to unbind her soul from Salkeen. She would also use it to free herself from Isaik, unless like with Salkeen there was a contract that prevented her from doing so. I mean technically Izzabelle could use the dagger to free herself from Salkeen’s contract. She will not do that because she gave her word to honor the contract, believing Salkeen would do the same.

Also wouldn’t the breaking of the contract remove Jericha’s safe place?