Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Smuggs pondered the equation before solution appeared... It had seemed that the void witch that the masters constantly talked about was a twin to Ahcirej! A trivial brain scan of the void witch would allow Smuggs to help remake a better clone of Ahcirej

If you come anywhere near me with anything, I will blast both you and it to Microscopic bits. You will not get any sort of scan of my mind, ever.
I’ll probably make Reavrix say that at one point he tortured your mother, whether you want it to be truth or a lie I’ll leave it to you! I’ll leave your father out of it, but I’m gonna make accusations for Reavrix to say he did something at some point to your mother!
09/25/2018 11:28 PMPosted by Reavrix
I’ll probably make Reavrix say that at one point he tortured your mother, whether you want it to be truth or a lie I’ll leave it to you! I’ll leave your father out of it, but I’m gonna make accusations for Reavrix to say he did something at some point to your mother!

That’s okay with me, I’m not sure he will get the reaction he is hoping for. I did not know my mother, so have no feeling for her.
Sorry for any delay madam, I’m currently making a slew of posts that I will drop all at once.
09/26/2018 03:19 PMPosted by Varicar
Sorry for any delay madam, I’m currently making a slew of posts that I will drop all at once.

I patiently await your slew of posts, and Varicar’s return to us.

(Tell me if this works for you? Back when Izzabelle first got infected with the Felblood. I had considered starting an RP thread, where she was going to be taken by minions of the Demon Lord Reavrixthat infected her. She was going to be taken to The Demon Lord Reavrix, once there she would be painfully tortured, and infused with fel. She was rescued, before fully succumbing to the curse. Because of what she went through, the memory was either blocked, or she buried it so deep, right now she has no recollection of having ever been a test subject of his. While plagues, and poisons wouldn’t have worked on her. I would think the Demon Lord Reavrix, would discover that she was deathly allergic to astral glory. I can only imagine the things done, to try and break her mind. Perhaps some of her Dwarven family were protecting her, when she was taken, and they were brought back with her. Tortured while she was forced to watch.

If we go with this, I might have Izzabelle start to get flashes of memories, as the fight goes on.)
Oh no my dear, my post in the slew of posts is nearly complete! You will know what I did to you, it is more vile than you can possibly imagine! In fact it explains why your family would abandon you without changing your story... *maniacal laughter!!*
09/26/2018 10:55 PMPosted by Reavrix
Oh no my dear, my post in the slew of posts is nearly complete! You will know what I did to you, it is more vile than you can possibly imagine! In fact it explains why your family would abandon you without changing your story... *maniacal laughter!!*

You do realize I have no idea who you are other than being the one who infected me with this curse. Also my family didn’t abandon me, but were killed by trolls on the way to the sun well . This is a fact I won’t be bothered by anything you say, because to me you are just some demon lord wannabe crack pot. So forgive me if I have no reaction, to whatever you have dreamed up. As far as I’m concerned you are just spewing crap, so I will just ignore you.

(Ooc A few things about Izzabelle that I’m not sure if you know
She is a High Elf, she’s 107 years old, and her family was killed by trolls on a sojourn to bring her to the Sun Well for the first time. Izzabelle has never been to or seen the Sun Well. She doesn’t have the magical hunger, and the Sun Well actually makes her skin crawl, whenever she is in Silvermoon City, or the surrounding area. She never knew her original family, so she has no family type bonds to them. So please don’t be upset if Izzabelle has no reaction to what Reavrix has to say about them.)
(Ooc A few things about Izzabelle that I’m not sure if you know
She is a High Elf, she’s 107 years old, and her family was killed by trolls on a sojourn to bring her to the Sun Well for the first time. Izzabelle has never been to or seen the Sun Well. She doesn’t have the magical hunger, and the Sun Well actually makes her skin crawl, whenever she is in Silvermoon City, or the surrounding area. She never knew her original family, so she has no family type bonds to them. So please don’t be upset if Izzabelle has no reaction to what Reavrix has to say about them.)

The things Reavrix says actually do fit with this, and if you accept it, it would make the story much more complicated!

Also just Incase mistakes are made in understanding. The flesh Titan and flesh golem are the same creature, I just change terms so it’s not the same word repeated a million times. Sometimes Reavrix is also refered as a demon lord in the thread so it isn’t always referencing Salkeen.

I just need to make Salkeen’s post for the slew and it will be ready to go. I’ll post for Smuggs and Isaik a bit after.
09/27/2018 01:51 AMPosted by Reavrix
The things Reavrix says actually do fit with this, and if you accept it, it would make the story much more complicated!

Also just Incase mistakes are made in understanding. The flesh Titan and flesh golem are the same creature, I just change terms so it’s not the same word repeated a million times. Sometimes Reavrix is also refered as a demon lord in the thread so it isn’t always referencing Salkeen.

I’ll have to see what he has to say, in reference to Izzabelle herself. Nothing he says in reference to her Birth family would bother her. for her to be emotionally effected by what he is saying, it would have to be something that happened to her. Otherwise she would have the same reaction as if he was talking about Seronn. Izzabelle will react to something that happened to her if she is forced to remember it. Something that happened to mom or dad not so much.

I understand that sometimes when you say Demon Lord you mean Reavrix, and I myself call the flesh Holem by different titles, but I’m still referencing the same entity.
One you probably thought I was dead right? Nah mon! Now if he had set me on fire or completely destroyed the body I would have died. Not even being completely crushed can fully kill me, my heart never beats anyway, and the loa would slowly help me regenerate! Though I’m not sure how to kill such a creature that we face now!

I put in many hints to what it is that Reavrix is fighting with, let us see if you can figure it out! The whole reason the master wished to seek out and capture Reavrix, a weapon unlike any other... I hear Azeroth has something like this stuff, as did Argus!
I’ve read a Reavrix’s post, and I’m not sure if you remember but many of Izzabelle’s abilities came from Jericha and Yumara, which I’ve made reference to a few times during this RP. To change that I would have to change all the posts that reference it.
Explain to me again why we needed to be made weaker, because I’m failing to see we’re Lord Salkeen or any of us including Isaik, has ever shown even a fraction of the power Reavrix has.
09/27/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Izzabelle
I’ve read a Reavrix’s post, and I’m not sure if you remember but many of Izzabelle’s abilities came from Jericha and Yumara, which I’ve made reference to a few times during this RP. To change that I would have to change all the posts that reference it.

When I referenced Reavrix giving that power I mean the straight up felblood infection that you would have now thought you received when trying to steal from Reavrix. In truth the original ailment, the bad side not the abilities gained from Jericha or Yumara. I mean the growing felblood thing at the very beginning was actually passed down from your mother in a inactive state.((demons think becoming a demon is a great power for mortals)) The claw scratch when you stole from Reavrix activated yours, your mothers was active... Your true parents went to pilgrimage to the sunwell to search and find a cure... how unlucky for you, there were trolls that day... if you do not wish this to be your story I can change it if you desire.

09/27/2018 03:34 AMPosted by Jericha
Explain to me again why we needed to be made weaker, because I’m failing to see we’re Lord Salkeen or any of us including Isaik, has ever shown even a fraction of the power Reavrix has.

Well by technicality Reavrix has almost none of the power he is exhibiting right now. It the equivalent of a pilot controlling a really strong ship. The ship is 100% bonkers strong because of what it is made of, Reavrix? Weaker than Salkeen and Jericha without that weapon...

I was tempted to add Isaik and Yumara to this fight but am still undecided... Because without the construct Reavrix is rather lack luster. I tried to put signs of how to break this beast in my own posts that might mirror a raid. Example, avoid the necrotizing plague fog, it’s a death zone! Move out of areas about to be crushed! Seek out and try to absorb the new liquid substance that oozes from the wounds for power buffs. Lastly I might suggest we target all the same area, legs, arms, chest or head. While the flesh Titan is holding such a massive item, I wonder if his arms would be adversely affected if targeted? That massive slab of earth only has so many places it can go!
09/27/2018 04:18 AMPosted by Isaik
09/27/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Izzabelle
I’ve read a Reavrix’s post, and I’m not sure if you remember but many of Izzabelle’s abilities came from Jericha and Yumara, which I’ve made reference to a few times during this RP. To change that I would have to change all the posts that reference it.

When I referenced Reavrix giving that power I mean the straight up felblood infection that you would have now thought you received when trying to steal from Reavrix. In truth the original ailment, the bad side not the abilities gained from Jericha or Yumara. I mean the growing felblood thing at the very beginning was actually passed down from your mother in a inactive state.((demons think becoming a demon is a great power for mortals)) The claw scratch when you stole from Reavrix activated yours, your mothers was active... Your true parents went to pilgrimage to the sunwell to search and find a cure... how unlucky for you, there were trolls that day... if you do not wish this to be your story I can change it if you desire.

09/27/2018 03:34 AMPosted by Jericha
Explain to me again why we needed to be made weaker, because I’m failing to see we’re Lord Salkeen or any of us including Isaik, has ever shown even a fraction of the power Reavrix has.

Well by technicality Reavrix has almost none of the power he is exhibiting right now. It the equivalent of a pilot controlling a really strong ship. The ship is 100% bonkers strong because of what it is made of, Reavrix? Weaker than Salkeen and Jericha without that weapon...

I was tempted to add Isaik and Yumara to this fight but am still undecided... Because without the construct Reavrix is rather lack luster. I tried to put signs of how to break this beast in my own posts that might mirror a raid. Example, avoid the necrotizing plague fog, it’s a death zone! Move out of areas about to be crushed! Seek out and try to absorb the new liquid substance that oozes from the wounds for power buffs. Lastly I might suggest we target all the same area, legs, arms, chest or head. While the flesh Titan is holding such a massive item, I wonder if his arms would be adversely affected if targeted? That massive slab of earth only has so many places it can go!

I can work with that. So just so I have this right, Izzabelle always had demonic blood within her, it was just dormant. Her parent were actually journeying to Quel’thalas in hopes of finding a way to remove the demonic blood, curing her of the demonic taint. Instead they were attacked by trolls her family slaughtered, and she was raised never knowing that she was technically half demon, half Quel’dorei. I hope you don’t mind if she has a few dormant powers that haven’t been awoken yet. So I accept What Reavrix said as being truth, if anything it is actually going to simmer her rage, making it so she uses more common sense when fighting.

As for the construct, I don’t really raid at all, so I would have trouble figuring out the reference.
As for the construct, I don’t really raid at all, so I would have trouble figuring out the reference.

I raid rarely but it will generally go as evacuated the areas of necrotizing plague or use magic to clear it away, except for maybe Izzabelle don’t go swimming through it. The construct is powerful but slow, so dodge the crashing fists when he gets ready to smash you! The boss can’t see you after he slams a area because the dust he creates after every impact, use that to an advantage.

I suggest and in a later post if your people don’t start it, attacking points on the construct one at a time. Trying to damage the whole body at once is hard, taking a leg off with force is doable. The violet crystal like blood leaking off the construct gives a power boost, be sure to utilize that when attacking... however keep in mind negative emotions will be enhanced while using the blood.

Have you figured out what the construct is yet?
09/27/2018 04:46 PMPosted by Isaik
As for the construct, I don’t really raid at all, so I would have trouble figuring out the reference.

I raid rarely but it will generally go as evacuated the areas of necrotizing plague or use magic to clear it away, except for maybe Izzabelle don’t go swimming through it. The construct is powerful but slow, so dodge the crashing fists when he gets ready to smash you! The boss can’t see you after he slams a area because the dust he creates after every impact, use that to an advantage.

I suggest and in a later post if your people don’t start it, attacking points on the construct one at a time. Trying to damage the whole body at once is hard, taking a leg off with force is doable. The violet crystal like blood leaking off the construct gives a power boost, be sure to utilize that when attacking... however keep in mind negative emotions will be enhanced while using the blood.

Have you figured out what the construct is yet?

I planned on having Jericha and Izzabelle attack the same point in their next posts, Izzabelle will be utilizing the violet Crystal blood, Jericha will not be. She will be using her, void and fel magic and fighting at a distance. Even if it will make her stronger Jericha will not use anything that might mess with her mind. The insanity that come from the void is enough.

Ahcirej will be showing that she has a lot more power now than she ever did when she was living. However she won’t actually engage Reavrix for a few more rounds. Also if some one were trying to drop Azuremyst Isle on you, Unless you can portal, teleport or blink long distances. You ain’t getting out of the way of that. If I was Reavrix, I’d just pluck the the Ered’kiel out of the sky like that Gnome did Deathwing. Then send it hurdling across the multiverse.

As for the construct no idea, If it’s from any BFA raid or dungeons I would be clueless. If it’s something from Kul’tiras I’d be equally clueless.

Now to try any write my posts, I thought going after its limbs was a good idea. Also can you give me a rough idea how big this construct is? To me it seems like it stands 5 miles tall, in which case we would be lucky if can knock a piece of dust off its toe.
I planned on having Jericha and Izzabelle attack the same point in their next posts, Izzabelle will be utilizing the violet Crystal blood, Jericha will not be. She will be using her, void and fel magic and fighting at a distance. Even if it will make her stronger Jericha will not use anything that might mess with her mind. The insanity that come from the void is enough.

*Clever grin* Are you so sure this effect from the blood isn’t void related? Technically Jericha and Isaik might have the most knowledge on why this stuff is like this! If you have legion or Bfa the stuff will be similar to something now occurring on Azeroth.

Also if some one were trying to drop Azuremyst Isle on you, Unless you can portal, teleport or blink long distances.

Perhaps a slight exaggeration of the land mass, it’s just a incredibly massive mass of land! At least big enough to cause massive waves of destruction if it was hurled! This point of this part of the encounter is to damage the construct so it either drops it harmlessly or onto itself!((it might cause good amounts of damage)) The construct is supposed to be huge beyond compare, atleast the height of Karazhan however not as tall as Ice crown citadel. The reason it’s lifting something so big is because it can lift something bigger than itself for the moment.

If I was Reavrix, I’d just pluck the the Ered’kiel out of the sky like that Gnome did Deathwing. Then send it hurdling across the multiverse.

He might try but the best part is the constructs slow speed, the Ered’Kiel can outrun the construct. At the moment it is not the size or near of Sargeras.

As for the construct no idea, If it’s from any BFA raid or dungeons I would be clueless. If it’s something from Kul’tiras I’d be equally clueless.

Nope the construct does not exist in BFA. It has relatives that are living in legion and it’s killer was the main threat of legion! This construct was made from one of the stories of the first chronicle, it is pieces but not the whole of the page when Sargeras saw something that scared him beyond reason.

Also can you give me a rough idea how big this construct is?

The construct is supposed to be huge beyond compare, atleast the height of Karazhan however not as tall as Ice crown citadel. It’s basically so big we are insects compared to it, but since it’s only pieces of its original form and far from completed it’s only so tall.
*Clever grin* Are you so sure this effect from the blood isn’t void related? Technically Jericha and Isaik might have the most knowledge on why this stuff is like this! If you have legion or Bfa the stuff will be similar to something now occurring on Azeroth.

I wouldn’t be level 120 if I didn’t have legion or BFA, thevreason Jericha isn’t using the blood, is be ausevshe hasn’t noticed it yet. Jericha isn’t a melee combatant, she uses her void to fight at a distance. Once the corrupted blood starts flowing, she will most likely start to feel and sense it. When this happens she will most likely try and utilize it. She just has to remember, the more void energy she uses the better chance the Soul Thief has of finding her. If Jericha does use the blood, she would be using Void energy not tied to Ebony’s Tower which could prove disastrous.

Nope the construct does not exist in BFA. It has relatives that are living in legion and it’s killer was the main threat of legion! This construct was made from one of the stories of the first chronicle, it is pieces but not the whole of the page when Sargeras saw something that scared him beyond reason.

Just as clueless when it comes to legion raids and dungeons, also I’ve never read any of the Warcraft novels. So I have no idea what Sargeras saw that scared him beyond reason. But Alas I have more clues so I shall continue my search for what this thing might be. You might be stuck waiting on posts while I try and figure it out. :)
Whenever you give up I can just say, barring you don’t figure it out. When I say it though your gonna be floored!
09/27/2018 09:16 PMPosted by Isaik
Whenever you give up I can just say, barring you don’t figure it out. When I say it though your gonna be floored!

I’m still at a loss, but I have not given up. I’ve been looking online, one of my guesses would be something akin to a Void Titan, I saw them mentioned as I tried to see if I could find any clue as to what Sargeras saw that had him go completely nutters.

So I will get ready to write Jericha’s and Izzabelle’s posts, and think on this more tomorrow.

Also some of Ahcirej’s abilities are going to be really different, because of what she has become.