Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

09/22/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Smuggs
I assume even the neural path ways are destroyed in the brain? Electrical signals are obviously gone so that doesn’t help what I clone but a general map of the connections in the brain and layout allows the clone to atleast think similar.((basically a cat scan of the physical brain)) But if that dagger basically scrambled the brain and even the connections are broken, there’s nothing I can do!

The Dagger severs all connections, so it would have messed up the brain. Nothing of Ahcirej remains bound to the body. Thoughts, emotions, memories..etc, were all severed. Still Smuggs doesn’t remind me of the type to just give up, And I can see where the clone should at least be somewhat similar to Ahcirej, however the dagger would have prevented that.
09/22/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Smuggs
It’s basically whether you want to see how well I can copy Ahcirej’s behavior and attitude or want me to have the clones brain wired differently.

The clones brain should be wired differently from Ahcirej. I actually think that the clone would be more apt to pick up some of Jericha’s behaviors and attitudes. The general map of connections that Ahcirej created while in the body has been destroyed. The ones Jericha created for the short time she was in the body have not been.
09/22/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Smuggs
I leave the choice to you, your character! Though I was thinking of making a few different clones... Homunculi Ahcirej might be interesting... but that might be going to far!

Homunculi Ahcirej, The Unholy Light, has a nice ring to it but no.
The Dagger severs all connections, so it would have messed up the brain. Nothing of Ahcirej remains bound to the body. Thoughts, emotions, memories..etc, were all severed. Still Smuggs doesn’t remind me of the type to just give up, And I can see where the clone should at least be somewhat similar to Ahcirej, however the dagger would have prevented that.

Quite right madam! I am going to have to study the cell structures for clues about her external influences during gestation! Testosterone levels, estrogen levels, dopamine, ect!

The clones brain should be wired differently from Ahcirej. I actually think that the clone would be more apt to pick up some of Jericha’s behaviors and attitudes. The general map of connections that Ahcirej created while in the body has been destroyed. The ones Jericha created for the short time she was in the body have not been.

Smuggs thinks a second... Quite right! Ahcirej is a clone of Jericha, scanning Jericha’s brain might be the second best option!! Though I do wonder how the void witch would respond to a little gnome appearing in the middle of the fight to try and scan her brain then leave.

Homunculi Ahcirej, The Unholy Light, has a nice ring to it but no.

It does but I have so many characters I must control, it might get hectic adding 2 more. But I always enjoy a large amount of characters so we can kill them off in one way or another!!
09/22/2018 11:04 PMPosted by Smuggs
Smuggs thinks a second... Quite right! Ahcirej is a clone of Jericha, scanning Jericha’s brain might be the second best option!! Though I do wonder how the void witch would respond to a little gnome appearing in the middle of the fight to try and scan her brain then leave.

Grins, I meant if he scans the brain in Ahcirej’s body. He would be more likely to end up with a clone more similar to Jericha in its behavior and attitude. The body originally was made for Jericha, before she gave it to Ahcirej. The dagger destroyed the map of neurological pathways that Ahcirej had created. The map of neurological pathways Jericha created while in the body, most likely still exist.

I hope that makes at least some sense to you, because I’m starting to confuse myself.
I hope that makes at least some sense to you, because I’m starting to confuse myself.

Don’t even worry about it, that’s how the high tier sciences are... Ridiculously confusing beyond imagination!!

Quantum physics is by far the most confusing, be lucky we aren’t using that! We are just using advanced biology, dna mapping and genetic modification, along with internal body chemistry and it’s effects on early fetal gestation!
Hope you don’t mind, I’m going to take a few privileges, so I can knock Jericha’s power down a few notches. I want this battle with Reavrix to feel, and be epic. Not just two demigods roflstomping the Raid boss.

As the battle wages Ahcirej’s shade is going to become more powerful.
I won’t be posting on Ahcirej again until after the battle with Reavrix begins.
Ahcirej never took the modification serum Smuggs gave her. or at least I don’t remember her ever using it.

I feel as though there has to be some catalyst that would make Salkeen, become somewhat over dependent on the fel created, when Jericha and Ahcirej are together. If you don’t mind as the battle with Reavrix progresses, I would like to create that catalyst.
09/24/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Ahcirej never took the modification serum Smuggs gave her. or at least I don’t remember her ever using it.

I feel as though there has to be some catalyst that would make Salkeen, become somewhat over dependent on the fel created, when Jericha and Ahcirej are together. If you don’t mind as the battle with Reavrix progresses, I would like to create that catalyst.

*evil grin*

But Smuggs didn’t know she didn’t take the serum... And damn I may have to check back and see if I said he found any... I think she did take it though... She asked her lord and he said take it if I recall... but I’ll check again.

Also how do we have him rely on the catalyst if Ahcirej is dead? I mean she is still trying to make light magic to be noticed, but it wouldn’t compare to if she was alive. I always saw it as they tied into his points of magic on him, his respective point of void and light. Since his point of light is now exceptionally weaker by her death he must rely on not making his own fel and massive amounts and use it another way. But if you wanna do the catalyst, I completely agree! I wanna see what you came up with!
Does Izzabelle have children of any kind?
09/24/2018 08:43 PMPosted by Reavrix
Does Izzabelle have children of any kind?

Other than her spiders, which she considers herself somewhat responsible for. No she does not, she never wanted to be tied down with that kind of responsibility.

09/08/2018 10:45 AMPosted by Ahcirej
Ahcirej drops the syringe she is holding, as her whole body goes numb. “She stares wide eyed at Lord Salkeen. “The. Soul Thief, didn’t destroy her mind and soul?” She asks barely above a whisper.

Ahcirej dropped the syringe before she took the serum. It’s currently somewhere on the floor of the Ered’Kiel.
Other than her spiders, which she considers herself somewhat responsible for. No she does not, she never wanted to be tied down with that kind of responsibility.

((True evil moment here, and why we have to ensure Reavrix is defeated)) My little pet, I don’t mean your spiders, it would have been easier if you had elvish children! But now we must go down the path of Garona... Your children will be sickly mutts that are tortured forever! I am sure the sickest and vile wyrmtongue will do as a father!
Ahcirej dropped the syringe before she took the serum. It’s currently somewhere on the floor of the Ered’Kiel.

Damn I might have to change my post then! I’ll go figure that out!

09/24/2018 09:06 PMPosted by Reavrix
Other than her spiders, which she considers herself somewhat responsible for. No she does not, she never wanted to be tied down with that kind of responsibility.

((True evil moment here, and why we have to ensure Reavrix is defeated)) My little pet, I don’t mean your spiders, it would have been easier if you had elvish children! But now we must go down the path of Garona... Your children will be sickly mutts that are tortured forever! I am sure the sickest and vile wyrmtongue will do as a father!

Obviously I’m just trying to make the worst villain ever, this is what I consider the most evil act ever. If this makes you uncomfortable I will change it immediately. I apologize in advance if it does make you uncomfortable.
09/24/2018 08:25 PMPosted by Isaik
09/24/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Izzabelle
Ahcirej never took the modification serum Smuggs gave her. or at least I don’t remember her ever using it.

I feel as though there has to be some catalyst that would make Salkeen, become somewhat over dependent on the fel created, when Jericha and Ahcirej are together. If you don’t mind as the battle with Reavrix progresses, I would like to create that catalyst.

*evil grin*

But Smuggs didn’t know she didn’t take the serum... And damn I may have to check back and see if I said he found any... I think she did take it though... She asked her lord and he said take it if I recall... but I’ll check again.

Also how do we have him rely on the catalyst if Ahcirej is dead? I mean she is still trying to make light magic to be noticed, but it wouldn’t compare to if she was alive. I always saw it as they tied into his points of magic on him, his respective point of void and light. Since his point of light is now exceptionally weaker by her death he must rely on not making his own fel and massive amounts and use it another way. But if you wanna do the catalyst, I completely agree! I wanna see what you came up with!

Hopefully you will like what I have planned for the catalyst.
09/24/2018 09:08 PMPosted by Smuggs
Ahcirej dropped the syringe before she took the serum. It’s currently somewhere on the floor of the Ered’Kiel.

Damn I might have to change my post then! I’ll go figure that out!

<span class="truncated">...</span>

((True evil moment here, and why we have to ensure Reavrix is defeated)) My little pet, I don’t mean your spiders, it would have been easier if you had elvish children! But now we must go down the path of Garona... Your children will be sickly mutts that are tortured forever! I am sure the sickest and vile wyrmtongue will do as a father!

Obviously I’m just trying to make the worst villain ever, this is what I consider the most evil act ever. If this makes you uncomfortable I will change it immediately. I apologize in advance if it does make you uncomfortable.

No it doesn’t bother me, and it would be the most vile act for the vilest of villains to enact on another. I was going to ask if Reavrix was referring to Izzabelle when he called someone his pet. Now I know that he was,

@the wanna be demon lord... if a wyrmtongue was the father, by all mean torture them for eternity. Then again a vile wyrmtongue would be better than you.

I will have to change Izzabelle’s back story, so that it coincides with everything happening. Orginally She was never in Reavrix’s possession.
@the wanna be demon lord... if a wyrmtongue was the father, by all mean torture them for eternity. Then again a vile wyrmtongue would be better than you.

I would never sully myself with a pitiful and lowly creature such as yourself... My wyrmtongue might be too good for you, the most sickly and diseased felhound will do! Perhaps I will make your bastard children your jailers!

I will have to change Izzabelle’s back story, so that it coincides with everything happening. Orginally She was never in Reavrix’s possession.

She joined us because she and Reavrix had some sort of past together I was just trying to expand that.
09/24/2018 10:04 PMPosted by Reavrix
She joined us because she and Reavrix had some sort of past together I was just trying to expand that.

She hates Reavrix for making her a Felblood, and causing her to feel the constant pain of having everything she was, and could have been destroyed. She was never actually in his possession, and she wasn’t sure if he even knew she existed. The short version
Izzabelle wanted Eago to make her a demonic gateway.
Eago agreed but only if she retrieved some powerful objects from a demon lord.
Izzabelle steals the object, but a group of would be heroes arrive to attack the demon lord.
Izzabelle is thrown out of stealth, and the demon lord attacks her, driving his clawed hand through her back and injecting fel into her spine, and the surrounding tissue.
Izzabelle escapes, and goes to Yumara first before going to Eago and giving him the objects
She realizes that she is changing and speaks with Rogal, who points out she is becoming Felblood. Eago and Rogal make a plan to try and help cure her of it.
Izzabelle stayed with Jericha for a while, Yumara created an elixir to keep the Felblood from spreading.
Jericha strengthens the demon within her, hoping that Lord Salkeen would change her.

Originally she escaped and didn’t realize she was becoming Felblood until later. To give her a reason to join the battle against Reavrix, I had it so that he was the demon she stole from, making him the one that turned her into a Felblood.

That can be changed however, to better fit what is going on now.

I would never sully myself with a pitiful and lowly creature such as yourself... My wyrmtongue might be too good for you, the most sickly and diseased felhound will do!

Oh so now Your dads going to do the job, boy aren’t you being generous, I bet your half breed siblings will be stronger then you.
Following Lord Salkeen’s orders I’ve been awake for almost 50 hours that’s way to long, and it’s beginning to mess with my mind.
09/24/2018 11:00 PMPosted by Jericha
Following Lord Salkeen’s orders I’ve been awake for almost 50 hours that’s way to long, and it’s beginning to mess with my mind.

Slumber! You will continue this thread when you awaken! Remember to dream of dread and world domination!
Oh so now Your dads going to do the job, boy aren’t you being generous, I bet your half breed siblings will be stronger then you.

*in a demonic rage Reavrix throws a table across the room!* I’ll crush that spirit yet, I’ll choose the most vile felhound I own, and I will break you! I promise you, that demon won’t be gentle!!

((By far my favorite thing is the banter between these two!))

She hates Reavrix for making her a Felblood, and causing her to feel the constant pain of having everything she was, and could have been destroyed. She was never actually in his possession, and she wasn’t sure if he even knew she existed. The short version
Izzabelle wanted Eago to make her a demonic gateway.
Eago agreed but only if she retrieved some powerful objects from a demon lord.
Izzabelle steals the object, but a group of would be heroes arrive to attack the demon lord.
Izzabelle is thrown out of stealth, and the demon lord attacks her, driving his clawed hand through her back and injecting fel into her spine, and the surrounding tissue.
Izzabelle escapes, and goes to Yumara first before going to Eago and giving him the objects
She realizes that she is changing and speaks with Rogal, who points out she is becoming Felblood. Eago and Rogal make a plan to try and help cure her of it.
Izzabelle stayed with Jericha for a while, Yumara created an elixir to keep the Felblood from spreading.
Jericha strengthens the demon within her, hoping that Lord Salkeen would change her.

Originally she escaped and didn’t realize she was becoming Felblood until later. To give her a reason to join the battle against Reavrix, I had it so that he was the demon she stole from, making him the one that turned her into a Felblood.

That can be changed however, to better fit what is going on now.

You got a story for Izzabelle’s mother? Perhaps we could make the hatred run deep and have Izzabelle’s mother a once prisoner of Reavrix. This way we don’t change your story but still give her a real personal reason to hate Reavrix!
*in a demonic rage Reavrix throws a table across the room!* I’ll crush that spirit yet, I’ll choose the most vile felhound I own, and I will break you! I promise you, that demon won’t be gentle!!

((By far my favorite thing is the banter between these two!))

Now, now Dear, no need to go breaking the furniture! I take it dear old dad is out of the running? Shame! Still I wouldn’t want to be responsible for giving the geriatric a heart attack.
So you’re counting on your son to do the job instead? Keeping it all in the family, huh? Well hopefully he got his ferocity from his mother, and not you. I’d hate to fall asleep half way through, or worse yet, die of boredom.

You got a story for Izzabelle’s mother? Perhaps we could make the hatred run deep and have Izzabelle’s mother a once prisoner of Reavrix. This way we don’t change your story but still give her a real personal reason to hate Reavrix!

Izzabelle doesn’t have any memories of her family, as they were killed when she was really young.

She sits down unsure how to answer. “I didn’t grow up in Quel’thalas, I basically grew up among the Wildhammer Dwarves. I don’t really recall much of my family but my old Rogue Master/Father told me he believed the were killed by trolls. He said that many High Elves would make the pilgrimage to Qual’thalas to visit the Sun Well.”

She pauses before continuing “My family was killed and he believes the only reason I lived was because I was knocked out and thought to be dead. He found me trying to steal some of his bread. He said his first thought was to put me out of his misery. Yet instead he raised and trained me, although when he’d go on real dangerous missions he would usually leave me with the Wildhammer Dwarfs. So needless to say as I grew older, drinking with a Dwarf meant drinking like one”

As for her personal reason to hate him, originally it was because he was the one responsible for infecting her with the Felblood curse. She despises what she has become. She lost her first family, and Reavrix has cost her the family she grew up with. She will constantly have to hide what she is, for fear of being hated and hunted down, by those that she was once called family. Even if they don’t hate her, they will never fully except or trust her. He quite literally destroyed her entire life, by injecting her with fel. That doesn’t count the physical pain of having your body corrupted by fel. The way the blood in her blood vessels burned, all her nerves being set ablaze. Flesh, muscles, organs being constantly eaten away at. So she has plenty of personal reasons to despise Reavrix