Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Good evening, I am Fushan of the four winds, it is a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps a break from constant demon power struggles would be welcomed? You realize your about to experience a Chinese/Asian wisdom trip? Let us see how you feel truly inside?

I find it intriguing you fall for some of these characters. Sericon was originally intended to die, he was a filler to help get the job done, but beyond that not much. You have forced him to grow instead.

What I find most interesting is Sericon is actually based on another of my same characters. Sericon was supposed to be Isaik’s version of this hero like character. I wonder if perhaps then you would enjoy this other character?

Wasn’t Salkeen originally on the chopping block as well. Also it’s funny, when it comes to your characters the order of how I like them also depends on the character I’m on at the time. Sericon could play a very important role in how Izzabelle’s character develops.

Damn I always fail pop quizzes. As for how I feel inside it constantly changes. I can say I might leave and take Sericon with me if possible if I feels like I’m being poked, and prodded like a test specimen. At this time I’m highly untrusting of everything, but after everything thats happened recently can you blame me.

This is not a test you can fail. This is a Chinese wisdom thing, if you decide you are what you say you are, that is what you are. But if it’s not, you can’t lie to yourself. I’m just here as a guide, I’m not prodding.

I also don’t blame you young one, but is fleeing the best path? Perhaps Sericon is in some need of learning of his inner self? So long has he been part of the whole dies he know how to be one?

I honestly see this topic on censorship in the forums and I have no idea if they are also referring to us? I mean our thread is pretty graphically adult, blood, violence, graphic detail, hinting of terrible things to Izzabelle by Reavrix. I mean damn even to some Smuggs genetically engineering a croc into a monster is animal abuse. I’m not sure what to do, I am not sure putting any warnings up is good because I’d rather just be unnoticed at all if it comes to that.

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Sorry about not responding earlier I got banned from the forums, it was overturned but it took a few hours. I don’t think what we post is a bannable offense, it does or did say graphic violence in the old forum warning. I will be writing Izzabelle’s post then one for Yumara then Jericha. I say we just continue as we have been. As long as I don’t post in the Lounge where there’s those that would like to see me banned I should be okay.

On another note I’m really enjoying seeing a different side of Isaik.

Banned madam? A little troublemaker are we? I haven’t known you to do anything too crazy. I am glad your back however.

I’m glad to be back as well, I can be a bit of a trouble maker though. I will have to write a post for Yumara next.

Isaik laughs wickedly!

What a true twist! Isaik and Reavrix know each other! But how? Perhaps this is something that Isaik had been trying to explain! Just wait for the next post and find out why Isaik sees Ebony as a nuisance. Why Isaik doesn’t have a problem with working with the legion… Maybe you will have figured it out on your own…

Did you mean Ahcire was beside Maleok, Jericha is next to Salkeen.
I’m not sure how Reavrix falls into Isaik’s past, I can say that Other than wanting to defeat him for Lord Salkeen, I didn’t give much thought into his past.

I meant Maleok near Jericha and Jericha near Salkeen. I picture them like so.

Ahcire Salkeen Jericha Maleok

Ahcire is offensive to Jericha she is near Salkeen, Jericha seems to tolerate Maleok so he is by her. And finally Jericha and Salkeen need to be near each other.

Do not worry my dear, he is but a minor spec on the tapestry that is my history… Though he may be a good tool to reveal more about just who or what Isaik really is!

That makes sense, with Salkeen’s post I was under the impression only he and Jericha approached the hole he made.

Also in one of Your earlier posts Master Isaik, I think you meant as long as you lived, you would ensure that Salkeen lives not that as long as you lived you would ensure that Salkeen dies.

It seems we both have twists happening, Jericha is now both the Void Witch and the Holy Light the two forces will continually clash and battle each other for dominance.

Also Have a Happy Thanksgiving

For that specific quote you are correct Isaik wishes for Salkeen to live. However given the massive amounts of paths this story could go I have designed paths where the other quote also applies. In the end it will all make sense.

Twists? No I am revealing! Did you not wonder why a human shadow priest became such a powerful being the likes that could challenge Ebony a several thousand year old elf? Did you think it was human potential? evil laughter

It will be happy but I am just going to be working that day. However my job does make a thanksgiving feast for its employees so it’s not all bad. Hopefully yours is going well.

I mean I suppose you could make sure that Salkeen Died. Would make it harder for me to RP with all the Characters I Enjoy RPing with no longer really existing. For now it doesn’t make sense, but things don’t always make sense.

With this, I feel like the two of us keep trying to make the other more powerful. I can keep making Ebony stronger, then you can make Isaik more powerful. I figure Isaik’s story will be revealed, but just like Isaik Ebony’s story is not fully known. Nor is his potential but that will be kept a secret until the time comes. How did a human prince become the Lich King. As for Isaik I believe that it has something to do with the book that he covets. But I don’t put to much thought into it, I like the surprise aspect of what can happen next.

A specific set of paths must be chosen for Isaik to ensure he kills Salkeen. The chance at the current paths we are taking is unlikely that those two will fight with such passion. Basically your Salkeen is safe, and since I am seeing a trend of characters who are following Salkeen I find it likely that all your women would be on his side.

I apologize if it feels as if all I’m trying to do is one up Ebony, I assure you I am not. To me, after hearing Ebony’s story I am legitimately surprised how close their stories feel to each other’s! To be honest I still have Isaik’s rough story concepts, there was almost a time where he was gonna be a night elf. But as a player who started BC, another race stole the win to be Isaik’s original race… or _______’s race, his true(other?) name will be revealed soon.

Well not all my women… hmmm how to explain, Salkeen allowed for me to open up and actually RP outside of Lou he threads. With the things Salkeen would say, and do, I started looking forward to what would happen. Isaik came along and destroyed all of that, so for a while, I greatly despised Isaik’s character.

((Just so you know, I don’t despise Isaik’s character anymore, I’ve gotten to know the character more and see that he’s a rather complex character))

Still when RPing I get into the mind set of the characters I’m RPing as. Jericha will always have a burning hatred for Isaik, based on his not allowing Salkeen to punish her. That hatred effects her whole perception of him. Plus she will always have an irrational fear because of the tome that he carries.

Since their creations Jericha, Yumara, and Izzabelle lives have always been tied together. So yes Yumara and Izzabelle would side with Salkeen, because it seems counterproductive for them to kill the person who’s death would destroy them as well. But then there’s the possibility of a twist. What if Salkeen’s existence is tied to Isaik, what if Isaik’s death meant that Salkeen would die as well… Then it wouldn’t matter who my girls dudes with we would all be screwed.

No need to apologize it is something that I enjoy. I’m not sure how long you had the concept for Isaik’s Story. However Ebony’s story was created by my brother and I almost 2 decades ago. It was created during a Ravensloft Campaign that lasted nearly 6 months. I took the story we created for Ebony and adapted it to better fit the Warcraft universe. So I to was surprised at how closely the two of their stories felt. The difference I see, is Isaik wants to be a god a basically rule the universe. Ebony wants to be a god so that he can destroy the universe.

At the moment you are correct, Salkeen’s life is tied to Isaik’s existence. But I am a weird guy who doesn’t just design Salkeen’s story and he done with it. I designed all of Salkeen’s possible stories. Along the current combination of chosen paths and decisions, Salkeen and Isaik are still allied and unless we are prematurely pushed to have that major good guy vrs bad guy fight they will live a long time. Always keep in mind though, while on the path of the villain, eventually they will die, it is the fate of villains. Failure. It’s why I designed more than one story, he doesn’t have to die a villain, if that path isn’t chosen.

Isaik’s conception took multiple steps. First like you he is based off of something not from wow. The oldest peace of Isaik was created long ago in the earlier parts of my life with my own brother. When we were growing up we both wanted to design a video game based off of a universe we had been designing since we were even younger. His mannerisms, cold calculating cunning and deceptive nature comes from a character that was similar to him. It is unfortunate that the game was not mean to be and the characters of this designed universe just paused waiting for something.

Later Isaik’s creation was started using that other characters intentions because I created Raveintis first in wow. Sure he’s a warlock but he was never going to be evil, so a evil rival had to be made and the birth of Isaik as he is now was concepted.

A lot of my characters of mind still draw their concepted origins or inspiration from those other older characters. Raveintis is a lot like another of the characters I designed, and even Salkeen took from another of the characters. Infact if Salkeen’s path finds its way to surviving this whole ordeal, he’ll be more like his inspiration than any of the others.

Pretty much correct! Isaik wants to be a god to rule in a way but he also wants to be such a god that the people of the universe wouldn’t even really know he was doing such. There’s no magic in our real world, so when you listen to your inner thoughts do you question them as someone else’s? Isaik wants to become such a god that he can be within everyone and above them all. He kinda wants to be like the real life idea of gods, hard to tell if they truly exist, honor them and gain his favor, disrespect him and possibly feel his wrath. At that point he wouldn’t even have a body, and Isaik is supposed to fail and die, it’s his story.

If your ever curious I can always tell you more about this other universe of creations. It is unlikely to ever become a game now, but perhaps if writing is a thing in my future they might still get their story told.

V[quote=“Isaik-emerald-dream, post:258, topic:15420”]
There’s no magic in our real world, so when you listen to your inner thoughts do you question them as someone else’s?
Yes I do, sometimes I question if they’re not the thoughts of many people. I also wonder if we dream in different realities. Why is it in the real world that I cannot fly, yet in my dreams I can, and it seems so natural.

I would like to know more about this other universe. I have spent nearly my entire life creating worlds of magic in my mind. Perhaps some of the Characters I’ve created in my mind could exist in your universe.

That’s what Isaik wants to be everyone’s thoughts, influence everything.

As for dreams I wouldn’t know I don’t have dreams only darkness in my sleep. I might as well be a computer that turns off when he sleep and turns back on when I wake up.

The story would be long and hard to say everything, it’s as fleshed out as wow’s lore. So I’ll drop peices. The basic explanation of this universe’s birth is how would humans and other races deal with a world with magic when they get past the medieval like ages? Looking at ourselves we find we have to explain it somehow, so that’s how we handled our magic.

Our magic wheel is much like wows but devised long ago. It is split into four branches. Magic of matter, magic of energy, magic of mind, and magic of reality. All these things are affected by our devised magic particle we called the Magitron(like electrons or protons) these particles can be by outside influences to become magic. All Magitrons are neutral until influences to become a specific kind of magic.

We found that frost mages seemed a bit ludicrous and restrictive in a futuristic environment. Finding and using water would be hard on a desert planet. Hence we devised mages that influence matter in certain ways. mages can master the ability to have magitrons effect liquids, causing them to control water or any other available liquid. You can then switch to forcing the liquid together to become solid, another branch of magic, allows the control of solids; lifting, shaping throwing.

Another way to change what you deal with is the magic of energy. What is commonly known as frost is actually the magic of absence of energy, things without energy are cold. The magic of generation of energy is commonly known as fire! The magic of transferring energy is commonly known as lightning.

Then we have the magic of the mind. Shadow, Light and nature. Shadow deals with confinement, domination, paranoia, necromancy, darkness. It is not evil because of the creatures born in darkness, it is safety. Light deals with freedom, healing, hope, faith, it is not considered good because it can be like wow used for evil. The last of this branch is nature, the magic of altering dna, the magic of affecting ones own instincts. It covers shapeshifting, healing via genetics and other aspects of nature.

The last branch is reality, the Magic of order, chaos, time. Order magic is not like wows arcane, it is the magic of generation of matter and creation of bonds. It’s literal universe making magic, it is also incredibly rare and hard to use. Our chaos magic is in some ways like fel but not entirely. It is the magic of disassembly, it’s magic breaks the bonds between matter, and consumes matter leaving nothing. It is the magic of the end of the universe, when the last proton decays and the universe is empty. In normal terms it’s the magic that causes destruction. Finally is time, forwards and backwards, but beware! There is one timeline, altered timelines generally resort in the user being placed in a temporary time created mirror universe… If it can’t stabilize, the mirror universe can collapse. Time is power and rare magic and hard to use correctly.

This is just the creation of our magic wheel for our universe. It is also populated with many thousands of planets owned by all sorts of species! The amount of races made forced ya to split them evenly on who remembers and chronicles their stories. My brother had control of humans and their history, for that trade I was given the older races.

In short man’s terms, the human race is split into three evolved groups. Each one born from the main race after a terrible nuclear war rocked earth… The survivors dealt with radiation of a massive level, creating new civilizations in different areas, then returning to what humans do best, war among the radioactive fields. The three evolved races of humans fought each other within heavy metal war machines, it was too irradiated for conventional combat.

But that’s going a bit to much into humans. Your probably more interested in Salkeen’s inspiration, and Isaik’s inspiration. Isaik’s inspiration came from a particular man from the race known as Octos, a race of intelligent octopi people. He rose among them acting as a prophet that claimed to raise them up to be the master race of the galaxy. He aimed to control a ancient and powerful magical being known as Malificrous, he used this being to conquer thousands of planets. Using this to gain more people to his side he wished to unleash a older magical being and absorb its power and in a way become a god. The plan failed the first magical being was never truly aligned with the prophet, the two powerful beings turned on him and his people, his home planet was destroyed, his people pushed to the brink of extinction. If Isaik follows his inspiration to close its a bleak future for him.

Salkeen is based on another character. A man from the race of beings called Skrates. Large humanoid raptor being with vibrant red scales, and quills on the arms and heels, and three longer quills on the head. The race was once honorable and knightlike but a great tragedy turned them into a pirate raider race. Ravil was a large brutal leader of this race, he constantly wreathed himself in fire, and fought with a plasma blade and claws. He was prideful and arrogant, as well as greedy and voracious. He constantly led armies of screeching Skrate warriors to conquer new worlds and raid supplies.

So I feel like I typed an essay, you probably are good for a bit. Hopefully you enjoyed it.

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I’m currently creating Salkeen’s post but as its 500 I might pass out before I finish! Hopefully that doesn’t happen but…