Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Izzabelle is actually trying to get both Varicar, and herself, thrown from the vessel. Izzabelle isn’t holding onto the vessel at all, She’s holding onto Varicar.

Soon it will be my turn and I’m freaking livid…

Don’t worry my dear, so many things are happening at once! The Titan is down, the traitors are escaping! With the titans fall I must push salkeen and Reavrix forward!

As for Izzabelle, I think I might have accidentally pinned her to the ship with Varicar’s post he was gonna hurt you when he was knocked free! I can change it is you desire.

Yes I greatly desire for you to change your post, for my post to make sense. Thank you.

Also I think you meant live

And I expect you arrive in time to stop me from getting my spell off.

The view I had in my head. Varicar was basically on his hands and knees, gripping the ship with one hand while ripping into it with the other. I appeared behind Varicar and latched onto his back. I punched him up beside the head, with the knowledge if he let go I would fall with him. I never planned on grabbing hold of the vessel, the plan was for Smuggs to escape.

My plan is for us both to escape, as you can see the Titan is down and Reavrix is basically screwed on the next post. It’s time to run madam!

I plan on permanently escaping this dreadful life, once I take out that Traitorous bastard and what remains of Salkeen’s demonic army still on the ground. I’ll use my immortal body to power my final weapon. I will destroy them all laughs madly.

Basically Screwed and screwed are two entirely different things… With Demons Lords like Salkeen and Reavrix… It isn’t over until the end. I gave my word I would help defeat him. Leaving before I absolutely sure he has been defeated would break my word. It would make me in my eyes no better than those I’m trying to escape from.

((I’m not sure if you understand Izzabelle’s Character… she has many pro’s and cons… One of them is, when she says she will do something, that is her giving her word. Her word is the most important thing to her, to her without it her life is meaningless. There’s many other things which are highly important to her, but that would be number One. It is why the contract between Salkeen, and Isaik is ripping her apart so badly. She was already greatly damaged from losing her ties to Jericha. That contract sent her over the edge, into a madness of unimaginable proportions.))

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My post is now up, I feel this chapter will be ending soon. I don’t like this… I really enjoy RPing with you and I do not want this to end. :sob:

You don’t need the change Varicar’s post I changed Izzabelle’s to free her from the pins. I figured why have you change your post, when as a rogue I have a few spells that can break movement impairing effects.

Also Izzabelle has no intentions of joining or seeking help from the good guys. She never planned on going with Smuggs. She just needed him to distract Orion so she could get away, once she knew Reavrix was defeated.

Does she still plan to escape? I never intended to take you to the “good guys.” You have been choosing your path this whole time and for now it’s landed on someone more neutral. Technically in the end he is gonna align with the good guys, but that’s because when you wanna persevere the world the way it is, you can’t ally with Isaik.

Smuggs said he was gonna take you to a guy he knew that could help you with your damage to your body and soul. I also think it might be poetic, if Izzabelle follows Smuggs she would be going to a place that Jericha and Salkeen have already been. You have probably even met this guy in the lounge, he used to visit often.

Of course this is if you want to escape at all. Because he’s neutral he can help you with your problem then it’s up to you.

I hadn’t actually planned on Izzabelle escaping, her path is irrevocably tied to that of Yumara, and Jericha, through Orion.

I figured either Salkeen’s or Isaik would stop her. She’s trying to get away right now, because she’s been driven nearly mad. She is physically, mentally, and emotionally damaged. Still in the end she cares for Sericon, even if she cares for none of the others at this time.

She feels hollow inside, because of the damage to her mind and soul. While the physical damage to her soul can be easily healed. The psychological, and emotional holes left behind aren’t so easily taken care of. The ties that Izzabelle had with Jericha, and the dependency she had on her, was the strongest of the group. That damage to her spirit, body, and mind, could never be cured by any magic. That damage can only be fixed with time and, someone she can soul bond with, love, and depend on like she did Jericha…

The damage to Izzabelle’s body is easily healed. I mean the physical damage that she has taken. Her body will never go back to the way it was before Salkeen forced the Felbourne change on her.

You ever play D&D? If this was D&D the DM is trying his best to hint that the best possible outcome for the story is one way. It’s so hard sometimes to have this plan for the whole story, wanting to tell you but not wanting to ruin the surprise.(not saying you can’t choose the other paths I’m just saying consider it carefully) I can’t even hint what this path is, but that it’s one you should consider dearly as it results in some pretty good results.(this pathway may not be open again anytime soon as well! Your in one of those choose your path story books, this path is rare and grand)

I might even strain that taking this escape path wont even permanently cut you off from the others. Think of it like a vacation for Izzabelle, at the end of her path if she follows Smuggs she can choose to return back to the villains group. I’m just hinting heavily that this is a individual that you should meet, he is solely responsible for some good pathways through the story. I wish I can say more but if I say to much it would ruin the surprises.

Don’t worry my dear, I’ve already decided, if you keep posting, the story will just continue indefinitely. We got a chapter ending yes, but we still have many to come. For example how does the group of villains react to the events on Azeroth right now? I do wish to know however what are your favorite characters. If you could list them from most to least favorite. Just Incase the story takes characters in different directions I gotta know which story you might prefer.

What I can hint so far.

Isaik is likely headed to Azeroth, the death levels in the war of thorns is to great to just ignore if one can benefit instead. He definitely will be interested in the happenings in Drustvar, Stormsong, Vol’dun, and Nazmir. How he goes about dealing with these path might be different, he can only go to one specifically he will need minions to go to the others.

Salkeen is arrogant and prideful, he has no interest in going to Azeroth and acting like a explorer, he is a demon lord, in his mind he would rather send a army down to take what he wants. However with some little convincing he might change his mind, and decide to be more subtle about it. Basically he’s on a rush because he had a great victory on Centralis and may need reminding that the denizens of Azeroth are still scary good at killing the legion.

Smuggs is going somewhere south, it’s the best I can hint.

You have piqued my couriosity, So for now I Izzabelle will escape. I will just need to write her post.

Also I really don’t want the damage to her soul healed so easily. The damage to her soul is now an important part of who she is and who she will become.

Have Smuggs teleport her back onto the vessel and use her Gateway. Izzabelle does want to get away right now, she has this overwhelming need to see her Gnome father and the dwarves that raised her. When you’re spirit has been broken family is always nice to have around. Even though she fears they will reject her.

Oh don’t you worry one bit madam, I know just how to get you back aboard the vessel. I already have my moves planned out! However, we need to move Salkeen, Jericha, and Reavrix first. We need Reavrix defeated so Izzabelle can keep her word.

You won’t mind if in Salkeen’s post I make Jericha use her Shadowfel Amalgamation? Although Reavrix is acting tough, I’m sure we both know he’s screwed facing Ahcire, Salkeen, Maleok and Jericha at the same time.

Question, favorite characters from your list of characters. Or favorite from my list of characters. If it’s from yours I will need a list you have so many of them but Salkeen, Sericon, Smuggs, Raveintis, Isaik, and Varicar would be at the top. It might change as I become more familiar with your other characters. As for my list it would be. Jericha, Izzabelle, Yumara, Ahcirej, Mana, Myrandah, and Kurumu. There’s going to be more being added but for now it would be them.

Yes Salkeen can have Jericha use her shadowfel amalgamation. I would actually really enjoy that.

Hopefully these posts made you pleased? The final battle is finished Reavrix is beaten and in chains. The Titan is destroyed, Smuggs and Izzabelle have fled, Isaik and Varicar are furious that the two fled. When with Yumara awaken by the way?

I also asked about the favorites so o can figure out which stories to pursue first.

Very pleased I’ll make Izzabelle’s post later tonight. One more thing… is Sericon still on the vessel with us?

Salkeen and Jericha are my favorite, but honestly I would like to let them rest a little, after their next few posts. Myrandah my Human Paladin and a new character will be joining Izzabelle’s story.

Sericon is indeed still aboard, he’s not gonna he happy that we betrayed and left the group… But he should be fine! He’ll live.

I feel the same sentiment about Salkeen and Jericha, give them a small break. I got a story for them to relax with.

Darn I wish he would stay with us but he seems rather loyal to the legion.

He’s got his reasons but the land we just went to should be safe enough for him. It gives him some opportunity for character evolution.

I like it, this also allows me to develop Izzabelle’s character more. I hope I get to be there for some of Sericon’s developments