Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

11/14/2018 09:12 PMPosted by Isaik
At the moment Ahcire would be bound to Salkeen, the second one, the homunculus isn’t old enough to be bound yet. So long as they are bound to him the contract would remain however, you wish to unbind these two new entities?

Who would you suggest Ahcire and the unborn be bound too?

I don’t disagree with your path, if you wish to adjust the contract you may try. Just keep in mind I must rp each character as their own, while Isaik is fine woth such actions, I’m not sure the demon lord wishes to lose more minions... His avarice is legendary...

They would be like Jericha Master, as they are now, they would have to be bound to just Salkeen, like Jericha Master would have no control over them. which means gifting Nakano to Ahcire is something that Should’ve required Salkeens permission. The contract doesn’t just say every aspect of Jericha must belong to Salkeen it states they must belong only to Salkeen. That makes Ahcirej’s body the sole property of Salkeen, Ahcire the sole property of Salkeen. Technically both the creation and aging of Ahcire would have required Salkeen’s permission as the body and blood made to create her and Ahcire herself are solely his.

However Master is right I don’t see Salkeen wanting to give up more minions.

Izzabelle chimes in. “He’s fine giving me up, I don’t think he’ll fight it that much.”

Never mind what I just said it cannot be done. A new contract cannot be made
11/15/2018 01:57 AMPosted by Yuiko
11/14/2018 09:12 PMPosted by Isaik
At the moment Ahcire would be bound to Salkeen, the second one, the homunculus isn’t old enough to be bound yet. So long as they are bound to him the contract would remain however, you wish to unbind these two new entities?

Who would you suggest Ahcire and the unborn be bound too?

I don’t disagree with your path, if you wish to adjust the contract you may try. Just keep in mind I must rp each character as their own, while Isaik is fine woth such actions, I’m not sure the demon lord wishes to lose more minions... His avarice is legendary...

They would be like Jericha Master, as they are now, they would have to be bound to just Salkeen, like Jericha Master would have no control over them. which means gifting Nakano to Ahcire is something that Should’ve required Salkeens permission. The contract doesn’t just say every aspect of Jericha must belong to Salkeen it states they must belong only to Salkeen. That makes Ahcirej’s body the sole property of Salkeen, Ahcire the sole property of Salkeen. Technically both the creation and aging of Ahcire would have required Salkeen’s permission as the body and blood made to create her and Ahcire herself are solely his.

However Master is right I don’t see Salkeen wanting to give up more minions.

Izzabelle chimes in. “He’s fine giving me up, I don’t think he’ll fight it that much.”

Never mind what I just said it cannot be done. A new contract cannot be made

Don’t give up my Yumara, I see what you feel, your desire to make everything right. I believe we can make such a thing right still. You are correct Ahcire and the homunculus are Salkeen’s property but could he control the fact they were cloned without his knowledge? I assume the contract will react depending on how he deals with our deception. Jericha has left blood in many places surely if another villain came along he could try the same. If Salkeen accepts Ahcire, she may live and be immediately magically bound to him.

However let’s try not to inform him of our other creation? Shall we? My relationship with my minion is complicated as you can see but I strongly feel our prideful and greedy demon would not turn away something that is rightfully his.

If you still wish to change the contract it might just require more... Leverage... More calculating moves that forces him to take your desired outcome...

In the end you wish to relieve him of his new cloned versions of his favored? Where do you wish them to be in the end? How shall we leverage him? Be careful now, I’m sure he would love to raise his flames at you, and I would bring him to his knees for doing such a thing..

Sericon’s post is complete, I will be posting on Smuggs tomarrow. It’s too late for me to start his now and get the correct amount of sleep.
Well technically speaking the contract cannot be changed. Salkeen would know if other aspects of Jericha were created. As they are all his, if he grew an extra limb he would know it was there. The same thing applies to any and all aspects of Jericha. He would have felt Ahcire the moment she was created, he would of also felt the echo of pain of her rapidly growing.

Starts dancing around, yes I just found the loophole in all this, and it doesn’t require anything be done to change the contract between Salkeen and I. Because Izzabelle used the Dagger on Ahcirej, Ahcirej is no longer an aspect of Jericha, and neither is her body. Which means Ahcire actually isn’t related to Jericha at all, she is only related to Ahcirej. It makes sense in my head but I probably have you all messed up.

Forums are changing today I’ll see you Master on the new forums, until then Sleep Well.

Sorry I didn’t realize that the forum had switched me from Izzabelle to Yumara until after I posted. So I deleted yumaras post so I could change it to Izzabelle.

Will write Yumara’s reply a little later today.

I have a feeling our posting might get a bit messed up seeing as at times this new forum is still a bit confusing. That doesn’t even include the potential limitations if the trust levels are not shared from avatar to avatar.

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The forums are going to take getting use too, but they are getting easier to navigate as time goes on. Instead of deleting Yumara’s post, I simply changed it. It made more sense than having to wait 24 hours for it to be removed.

I’m not sure if the limitation is on the amount of characters you can post on. Or if it’s on the number of posts you can make a day. Each character seems to be separate. I think Ahcirej and Jericha might only be trust level one. But I only post on them in the RP so being limited doesn’t matter much on them. It seems trust level 1 is easy to reach so I will most likely work on it for all the toons I plan on bringing into this RP.

Speaking of the RP, I cannot believe that this chapter is finally coming to an end. The battle with Reavrix has been a long one. It changed all my characters.

As you can see while I care for Sericon and Varicar, I’m still damaged and angry enough at Salkeen and Jericha that I’m seeking escape. Something will take place before she attempts to get away with the help of Smuggs. She needs to be careful though…

I’ll make my post after Lord Salkeen makes his.

Salkeen’s post comes soon, but unfortunately the three groups need speed to pass differently… Izzabelle and the group within the Titan need to accomplish detonation, then Salkeen will post. Finally Isaik and yumara will post again.

Izzabelle’s post is up, I hope it’s okay. I figured with her being Felblood and with her body housing the fel plague spiders and plague scarabs, that the fel in her would eventually attack the void corruption.

Psst! You got my secret message? Hijack Vessel Escape? If me and you are gonna get free of these guys, we gotta steal this ship from them! You up for it?

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I really want to get away, at the same time I don’t want anything bad happening to Sericon and Varicar. Can we hijack them along with the ship? I was actually also thinking that if Smuggs and Izzabelle could get the chance they could use Izzabelle’s Gateway.

I also hope that you got that I’m being watched.

The stage is set! Are you ready madam? No the machine shouldn’t kill Orion just stun him long enough for us to fly outta here at max speed! The tranq dart should make Sericon much easier to transport… And Varicar although being left behind will be fine with his own ability to teleport! Then after we fly this hijacked vessel out we can use your gate to get to Azeroth.

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Just out of curiosity does Smuggs think what is happening to Izzabelle is an act? I can assure you it isn’t, right now half of Izzabelle’s body is trying to destroy the other half. I believe I posted earlier that something was going to happen with Izzabelle.

Second question will this device that will disable Orion kill her fel spiders.

I was posting so fast I missed thinking of how Smuggs would react to Izzabelle. But I’ll go with he thinks it’s a act. As for the machine, it should give them a little zap but it’s gonna really affect Orion since he is made of crystal.

Though to be honest I might change it if I get the chance before you post.

There I edited Smuggs to be worried but hopeful because he knows someone who might help.

Orion is a cat he is not made of crystal, he never has been. Orion is a extremely powerful almost god like being. He is impossible to kill, he has an unlimited supply of bodies that he can instantly switch to.

I’m sorry if you thought Orion was made of Crystal. Orion’s body is modeled after the Black Halloween cat that rides around on the broom, and Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magika. Izzabelle is going to try and use the device on Orion and it’s going to fail, but I can go with this.

Damn I’m really sorry I didn’t know my post was so easily misunderstood. I’ll try and think of a way to change it to make it more understandable. Izzabelle wasn’t reacting badly to Varicar’s healing. How to put this…

The human body has an immune system which is a defense system against unknown agents. The Fel in Izzabelle’s and her spiders are acting as her bodies immune system. They are attacking and destroying the void. It because the void has effected such a large part of her, her body is literally attacking itself.

I’ll write Izzabelle’s post later today… I have pneumonia, which is probably why my posts make so little sense right now. The coughing non stop and the difficulty breathing makes it nearly impossible to sleep.

I changed Izzabelle’s post to hopefully make it more understandable.

Post written I can change it if necessary.

I changed Smuggs too to make it so Orion is mammalian not crystal. I don’t know where I got that Orion was crystal but I have been thinking that for a long time. I saw him as a obsidian crystal cat being with red glowing ruby eyes that could chose to sit on the broom stick or not.

As for Izzabelle’s reaction and condition? Smuggs believes it’s a adverse reaction to Varicar’s healing but that because he’s currently against Varicar. Varicar understands it as apart of your body immune system reaction.

Now for the flurry of posts! It’s execute phase my friends, the campaign is nearly over!

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I figure right now it’s total chaos with everything happening all at once. I hope you don’t mind me posting on Izzabelle again.

Pssst Salkeen Jericha sent Varicar away not me.