Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Agreed if there were no loopholes, zero ,zilch, nada. Otherwise Even agreeing she will have a terrible
reaction to the rings presence. I could wewrite what Jericha said, I did give permission because I was under the impression it did what Isaik claimed and he wasn’t trying to trick her. Which turned out to be a lie like always when it comes to Isaik, So I’m going to reword what Jericha said no loopholes I’ll write it in a way to be certain of that.

“You Lord Salkeen, must sign a contract that claims, Jericha will never belong to anyone but you, her soul, her heart, her, body and mind, in any shape or form. Will forever remain in your sole possession.”
No controlling, no altering, or influencing any aspect of Jericha.

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There, I cast a spell that will prevent any loophole on the ring from working on me. So know this no loopholes on the ring are going to work on me, or effect me. It will Neither change or effect anything.

(As I said no Loopholes with Jericha, I will do everything I can to see to that.)

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It does do what Isaik says it does, for now however.

I do listen to your words, your words cause change.

I will not interfere with the contract, this term is quite clear.

Good! I will try to put up Isaik’s and Salkeen’s posts up today. Maybe then your anxiety will lessen when the trick is revealed!

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Yes knowing that the trick will not have any effect Jericha will greatly lessen my anxiety. Now if Isaik had a loophole that would prevent my annoying cat from climbing all over me as I try to write. That would be welcomed.

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It was never meant for you my dear, You said the ring would not work on Jericha so it had to be changed.

In no way is any of the things I just did mean Isaik has any version of control over any of your void. My words about the Dominion tome were only meant to reinforce your own words of torture I am not insinuating Isaik has control of that specific tome. I left things ambiguous Incase you wanted to let Ebony continue to use the Dominion tome to try and control Jericha. Do know that if the Dominion tome is used to control Jericha it does not mean Isaik has control of her.

The entirety of the loophole was the black mirror. I intended to make it appear as if it was a magical trading window that let you trade from distance like in wow. Where consent is needed to finish a trade. But the black mirror is more like a viewing glass for communication, once consent is given it becomes like a open window that can be influenced and worked through. Once consent is given the specific mirror used will not go back to acting like before. Once you invite the vampire in he’s free to move through as he pleases. Strong spell for talking to void denizens so long as you never consent to them.

The pure intent I had always planned was ever since you were clear the ring was not gonna work I was always gonna turn it on Salkeen. A new device was needed, while Salkeen dealt with his new bracer, Isaik was gonna make a trinket from the demon lords blood, some skin and hair for a new untainted void trinket… Since you gave me Jaseiah I thought why not and used her too.

If ANY of the things posted are unclear or unacceptable, I can and will change it. I’d rather change things than let Jericha die and the rp end.

Actually yes it does need to be changed, you see if memory serves me correctly you said permission has to be given by all for the black mirror to work. I gave permission for the ring to be sent through, not the bracer. I believe my words were

I gave permission only for the ring, to be sent through the mirror. When Isaik changed it he would have needed to get Jericha permission for the mirror to work.
Also I have a question about the black mirror, once it’s closed again is that version of the mirror gone, or does the mirror always exist? Because if it does, then that just won’t do.

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I could change it back into a ring for the post to still be acceptable. As for when the mirror is closed and dismissed that specific mirror is gone and the connection is terminated. The threat comes from when you consent to bigger things like void lords they will protect the mirrors from being destroyed or closed. Isaik however will not he did as he wanted its purpose is over.

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Done, the bracer is now one of those bigger flashier rings. You know like older people where from other countries!

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Jericha gave permission for that ring, not a ring. So Isaik would still require Jericha to give permission for the new ring to be sent through.

Did we both post at the same time? also seeing as how it is meant to help Lord Salkeen handle Jericha’s excess void. Once Jericha knew the purpose of this new artifact, she probably wouldn’t say no to it being sent through.

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I unsure how to move forward at that point. As I can’t insert Jericha consenting in between Isaik’s and Salkeens post. If you wanted to you could change yours to A ring instead of this ring for continuity sake. If you desire. If you got another idea I’m all for it.

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Have Isaik explain what the new ring actually does. Isaik created something new, Jericha has no idea what this new object does. Right now it looks like he lied and attacked Lord Salkeen. I’m learning things, I knew that you might decide to destroy the ring and create something new. So I worded my permission for only the original object, the ring in this instance to be sent through. As Jericha distrusts Isaik and his intentions if things were changed he would need her permission again.

Once Jericha knows that the ring is actually meant for Lord Salkeen to make it so that he can be empowered by the excess void that torturing Is rapidly killing her, then Jericha will give he consent. Only if Isaik tells the truth 1: what the new the ring is meant to do 2: that it is for Lord Salkeen and not for Jericha. Which means neither Jericha or Lord Salkeen will be surprised by the ring adhering itself to Lord Salkeen.

Semi-intentional. I like creating drama between those two because it within their nature to be at odds, given their history and past. Though I’m sure I recently figured another piece of things that only makes things more complicated.

Basically I was undecided if Isaik was supposed to make it look more menacing and the coin toss said menacing!

If I was to do any of them it might be this but for the coin I’m undecided if he would say it’s for Salkeen.

I like surprises!

No surprises for you this time, and no menacing my Lord Salkeen, Isaik.

Sorry but I picture Jericha all ruffled up, hissing at Master Isaik like and angry cat.

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For some reason I really enjoy that scenario. (Could be the cat gif, I got a hiss happy cat at home, she makes me laugh) Perhaps we could go with ruffled rage ready to strike but have Salkeen talk her down again.

((((Jericha readied The last of her strength to destroy the gem that monster presented before her!!

“No Jericha, I am fine…” Salkeen says holding his arm up to block Jericha. “We will take this gem to save you then we will not ask for anything from this monster again!”))))

I’ve been slowly pushing the two apart(Salkeen and Isaik) on purpose so it doesn’t seem to forced for the possible chance of his survival in the true end.

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Hisses at Isaik, No you must explain that it’s for Lord Salkeen, and exactly what its purpose is and what it does, not budging. I let you destroy the most important thing to me already, so on this I will not budge.

Grrr… I will do so this time, but the next you will not be so lucky…

Now my memory is absolutely horrid, is this the Salkeen contracting Jericha thing?

I think I edited their posts correctly but it’s currently 5am here and I’m slowly fading out. If I need to edit more I shall. Hopefully they are satisfactory now.

Yes, I know that it wasn’t much to you. For me it meant everything, it was the very reason I didn’t give up on rping and just leave.

You didn’t change anything, Salkeen is still surprised by the ring attaching itself to him, it will not do. So Isaik explained nothing, it has to be explained to both of them before it is sent through, not as an after thought. It’s like the contract all over again, no matter what I say, it has to be your way.

Get some sleep Lord Salkeen I’m not going anywhere.

I’m gonna change it further tomarrow I think lack of sleep is causing bad writing. We will get this figured out. I will make it closer to our way, compromise. I apologize I’ll fix it first thing when I awaken.

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