Ered’Kiel’s Desolation (occ closed 2)

Sorry it took so long to reply, my mind is flooded with so many different ideas, that I have no clue which to use.

I has such a problem with my other more fledging characters. Once they get high enough a character cements what he is and his existence… Low level characters still must fight for their continued existence and permanent additions to the story.

I am in the process of making a lightforged mage and horde shaman. The lightforged needs to decide whether fire or Frost magic is gonna be more of his specialty. Should he use fire infused with light to purge darkness from the universe? Or should he use ice and light? Capturing and containing evil and using the refractive power of ice to further weaponize his light?

I spoke with you earlier about the shaman, the spiritwalker Tauren or beyond savage Orc. Obviously the Tauren has a great potential story, but I alswaus feel the ability to rp a crazy Orc. That is since Throggore is rather reserved and quiet.

I’ll be writing my response now.

My problem is I have an overactive mind, it is constantly flooded with dozens of different ideas on what I would like to do with my characters. Which would be okay, but there’s so many they become a jumbled mess that I have to sort through. Then while sorting even more ideas join the Frey… Which is why usually resort to rolling the dice. I can go over 60 hours without sleeping, I’ve walked across highways with 12 lanes of traffic, and not realized that I’ve done it. My mind is a chaotic wonderland.

Still I wonder how receptive Salkeen would be of the ring, if he knew it was made from Yumara’s hair.

Mine is the same except for creating new characters. It’s why when they said, we are removing the server limit I nearly cheered! I want to create characters nonstop but I got this weird thing about mostly staying to one server. Still I’m practical, I only want to create each class on each side. Only 24 characters you know! Until we get a new class… +cants wait for next expansion! As the wow expansions have a pattern… race=BC, class=Wrath, race=Cata, class/race= Panda, race… Kinda…=Wod , class=Legion, race=BFA, class= next expansion.

Would you care is you knew your metal rings were from a mine in Brazil? With magic the fact it was a hair is hardly important! As it was Yumara’s is slightly more important, we can turn warriors into sheep!

Now unfortunately I feel I’m speaking gibberish but only because I’ve been up to long. Salkeen goes next, i must press again that the ring has nothing to do with the tome! Theoretically it shouldn’t make Jericha flee! Isaik knew the spell I just read the tome for accuracy. It’s like a guy who could possibly put YOUR whole car together by memory, do you want him to do so by his mind and if a mistake is made you might die? Or if he wants to glance at the notes he wrote of the car do you let him? The lifted words were not apart of the ring spell, that was Isaik showing Yumara that the tome kept track of copies made of it. The ring is in no way connected to the tome, it’s just a place a copy of the spell exists, as the tome does function as a book.

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Honestly Jericha would take the chance and gamble with her life. She wants nothing to do with the Genesis tome she want it to have no bearing whatsoever on the ring, not even as a reference.

One of the reasons I asked if the book was used in any form, is so that I can accurately play out Jericha’s response. There’s a reason other that just fear that sends Jericha fleeing whenever The Genesis Tome is involved. In order for me to accurately RP Jericha I need to know If the Tome was used even as reference.

If said Nutrients came from a Child poisoning psychopath, known for brutally torturing and murdering young Elflings… Then yes I would stop feeding it to the Elfling and find another source in which to obtain said nutrients.

I think if I wrote it right it shouldn’t have been officially used. Isaik already knew the spell, could’ve casted it right there, checked his writing to make sure he wasn’t mistaken and still casted the spell after his writings were away. In this scenario he is not changing the spell in his mind because it was already correct therefore the tome did not interfere by technicality. Technicality being a word I just like to use because I am that kinda way with things… It’s why my work won’t give me the rulebook anymore… I like loopholes a lot…

Theoretically though this shouldn’t be a loop hole or wild technicality that would still somehow link the ring to the book but not for cheating sake. In my mind the two are not connected at all, the ring should work, Isaik used the spell from his own mental knowledge completely as he was right and needed to make no changes based on the formula written in the tome. If this is still too close for you I wanna know to because as the master goes, he always has another plan of a plan of a plan. The damn creature watches the timeways for everything, he had several sets of weapons made for whatever Sericon would become. If he saw even the smallest chance it might backfire imma go with plan number three… providing I wrote the right words for plan three…

Yes, he did use the book, even if only for reference.

Providing that he doesn’t mention the book even as a reference, plan three should be good… It is probably best, to not mention the tome at all.

There cannot even be the possibility of any kind of loophole.

I’m posting with Fushan next, as he’s the one who killed Izzabelle he will tell Myrandah that as well!

There is no loophole in the ring, at least none I made.

But… I can’t say I didn’t throw loopholes in other areas yet to be exploited!

No loopholes in the ring made by anyone, none made by Isaik, Yumara, Zalak, anyone… :rage:

Time for the plan of the plan of the original plan, that wasn’t planned, because… reasons

As long as those loopholes have nothing to do with the genesis tome, and Jericha. Then I impatiently wait to see what those loopholes might be.

Correct no loopholes made for the ring with malicious intent. I know this might be bringing up the anxiety levels but do understand we been rping for months together I won’t purposely injure that. The loophole I even speak of isn’t focused around the ring but in the end the plan of the plan of the plan does bring it under effect. If I judged right in the end you should like this outcome.

Correct there is no loophole involving the tome, if Isaik and Yumara were in a different location right now it wouldn’t even be a subject at all. As for Jericha? Kinda but not the way you think it is, not in a way you should dislike.

I believe the tactic I’m doing now is the same I do in pvp sometimes. So focused on the ring that you don’t see the other thing. As a warlock or hunter with some stealth items I position my pets to make it seem I am one place over another to get my prey in the right spot for attack.

In truth I’m trying to figure out how to write this the correct way so it’s still a surprise and not accidentally taken off path. I keep running it through my mind… Now the black mirror only lets things through when all consent on your side, I need Salkeen, Skalaz(who likely will just say whatever Salkeen does) and Jericha to agree. Rajen is far enough away where he is not needed. Then once consent is obtained even if I make a post about the ring, I need to guide it after its possible push through. I wish to say more be more easy to understand, but then it would be spoilers.

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Malicious intent can be suggestive. When Salkeen tried commanding Izzabelle to bond with Sericn and never leave him. He saw is as trying to be half way decent. Izzabelle saw it as malicious and they both ended up fighting again. Salkeen gifted Izzabelle with fel to try and heal her, Izzabelle rejected it because she viewed it as an attack. I don’t like the idea of any loopholes where Jericha is concerned. I do not like the thought of a loophole that would give anyone other than Lord Salkeen, any control whatsoever over Jericha. Nothing that can force her to act, take control over her, try and sway her thoughts or actions, try and suggest things that will alter her original thoughts, alter her mind or her magic, etc. nothing that will effect her actions, her reactions, her ways of thinking, her physical self, her physiological self, her mental self, her magical self, her spiritual self, her psychological self, her tangible self, her non tangible self, her Ethereal self, her corporeal self, her non-corporeal self, her inner-planer self, her outer-planer self, her void self, her self preservation… oh wait she doesn’t have that. Nothing that will give access to Ebony’s Tower, nothing that will effect Jericha in anyway at all, unless it only involves and can only be done by Lord Salkeen, with absolutely no influence of any kind d effecting him. No aspect of Jericha can be altered, owned, controlled etc… by anyone but Lord Salkeen. (Anything I might of forgotten to write in, that should be there as well.)

Actually I’m focused on much more than the ring, which is causing the anxiety. I’m focused on the tome, Isaik, how the ring was made, from what it was made, the words that were lifted from the page of the book, the fact it was used even as reference, Yumara especially Yumara, Zalak most definitely.

Now Jericha doesn’t really require any assistance in Controlling the Void Powers she gets from Ebony’s Tower, and from the Master Portal. Part of the breaking and remaking of Jericha at Ebony’s hands, was to make her strong enough to handle monumental amounts of void. What Jericha needs help with, is the Void that isn’t hers, void that she has no sort of control over. The void that pours into her from thousands of portals, that she has no way of containing, manipulating, using etc. Jericha’s constantly on the edge of madness, just owning what she does. Her body alway ready to be torn apart at the seems. The original focus more acted like valves that blocked the uncontrollable void from entering into Jericha.

I will try and get a post up for Izzabelle and Yumara soon.

I can’t help that its within my nature to enjoy loopholes, I can’t fathom why. You met Skalaz but not Bludgeun, realize a great way to deal with the master is a strict contact with really well defined terms. Basically when you make a wish to a genie don’t let him mess with you. I am gonna need to find Jericha’s contract so I can put a copy in my notes, my memory you see is rather bad.

A promise to lessen your anxiety, the loophole I plan to exploit will not be doing this.

I can say this makes me grin as it means I got you looking at the right things for the surprise!

I gotta work on Isaik’s and Salkeen’s as they come out at the same time.

If I recall Jericha agreed with whatever Salkeen’s decision was?

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Agreed if there were no loopholes, zero ,zilch, nada. Otherwise Even agreeing she will have a terrible
reaction to the rings presence. I could wewrite what Jericha said, I did give permission because I was under the impression it did what Isaik claimed and he wasn’t trying to trick her. Which turned out to be a lie like always when it comes to Isaik, So I’m going to reword what Jericha said no loopholes I’ll write it in a way to be certain of that.

“You Lord Salkeen, must sign a contract that claims, Jericha will never belong to anyone but you, her soul, her heart, her, body and mind, in any shape or form. Will forever remain in your sole possession.”
No controlling, no altering, or influencing any aspect of Jericha.

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There, I cast a spell that will prevent any loophole on the ring from working on me. So know this no loopholes on the ring are going to work on me, or effect me. It will Neither change or effect anything.

(As I said no Loopholes with Jericha, I will do everything I can to see to that.)

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It does do what Isaik says it does, for now however.

I do listen to your words, your words cause change.

I will not interfere with the contract, this term is quite clear.

Good! I will try to put up Isaik’s and Salkeen’s posts up today. Maybe then your anxiety will lessen when the trick is revealed!

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Yes knowing that the trick will not have any effect Jericha will greatly lessen my anxiety. Now if Isaik had a loophole that would prevent my annoying cat from climbing all over me as I try to write. That would be welcomed.

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It was never meant for you my dear, You said the ring would not work on Jericha so it had to be changed.

In no way is any of the things I just did mean Isaik has any version of control over any of your void. My words about the Dominion tome were only meant to reinforce your own words of torture I am not insinuating Isaik has control of that specific tome. I left things ambiguous Incase you wanted to let Ebony continue to use the Dominion tome to try and control Jericha. Do know that if the Dominion tome is used to control Jericha it does not mean Isaik has control of her.

The entirety of the loophole was the black mirror. I intended to make it appear as if it was a magical trading window that let you trade from distance like in wow. Where consent is needed to finish a trade. But the black mirror is more like a viewing glass for communication, once consent is given it becomes like a open window that can be influenced and worked through. Once consent is given the specific mirror used will not go back to acting like before. Once you invite the vampire in he’s free to move through as he pleases. Strong spell for talking to void denizens so long as you never consent to them.

The pure intent I had always planned was ever since you were clear the ring was not gonna work I was always gonna turn it on Salkeen. A new device was needed, while Salkeen dealt with his new bracer, Isaik was gonna make a trinket from the demon lords blood, some skin and hair for a new untainted void trinket… Since you gave me Jaseiah I thought why not and used her too.

If ANY of the things posted are unclear or unacceptable, I can and will change it. I’d rather change things than let Jericha die and the rp end.

Actually yes it does need to be changed, you see if memory serves me correctly you said permission has to be given by all for the black mirror to work. I gave permission for the ring to be sent through, not the bracer. I believe my words were

I gave permission only for the ring, to be sent through the mirror. When Isaik changed it he would have needed to get Jericha permission for the mirror to work.
Also I have a question about the black mirror, once it’s closed again is that version of the mirror gone, or does the mirror always exist? Because if it does, then that just won’t do.

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