Eranikus balance

Definitely taking the free option could be more expensive. But we have a lot of alts, because our native server was low pop and we had to craft our own products. Moving so many characters is expensive and we don’t want to go wrong again.

don’t know nor care who bobby is, but if blizzard ever really wanted to fix server balances, it’s the answer.

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Replying to your own char is cringe btw.

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you are calling him cringe when you equate 1 gank to balance?

I’m calling you cringe, yes.

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try harder lol

Eranikus balance is just fine.

PS: waiting for people making bold claims on Eranikus to post on their own character.

First time on the forums? Faerlina2 is doing awesome… if you’re horde

Not first time, but when you move to another server your character reset the post count.

You’re just trolling here. I’m gonna report you, hopefully you get suspended and stop gaslighting other forum members and ruin the server balance.

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Please do… this place is a toxic cesspool

LMFAO, You are still here crying about this?
Stop trying to sway the server alliance we dont need it.
Its balanced just fine.

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What I dont understand is why people so stubornly choosing pvp servers, knowing Blizzard dont monitor balance and they are all doomed to monofaction sooner or later.
It is only a matter of luck will player end on winning side or loosing side, leading to frustration of loosing side and transferring off.

As long as they are Alliance


Found the horde baby that needs 10:1 to feel safe


That shows 42/58…


You guys saying 60-40 is fine, you do realize that faerlina was 60-40 one year ago?

Do you guys know what happened?

Alli mass transferred off until it became 99-1 horde dominant. This has happened on basically every single pvp server in tbc and it’s going to happen on eranikus too if blizz doesn’t lock it.

Except he’s wrong and you actually believe him. I poll both sides and it’s fairly balanced just not when he plays.

How is that anyones fault but the alliances? 60/40 isn’t bad considering people play at different times.

I wish the alliance posting here would just admit they want to have the favor on a server and be done with it. We get it. You want to beat us up. We don’t like you either.


Well they have just responded.

Free transfers to Eranikus ends tomorrow.

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