[ERA] Original Lock Pets Missing

Could we get an update on this issue? Our paid game-time is elapsing as the game remains unplayable for some of us.

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Hey all, weā€™ve got a fix for the overall bug, and when the fix is applied with realm restarts, warlocks should no longer lose their demon pets. We do not yet have a secondary fix that restores previous demon pets to Warlocks, and weā€™re continuing to work on that.


Could we get assistance repurchasing tomes in the meantime? It might be sensible to reduce the cost of tomes while this remains an ongoing issue. If eventually original warlock demons are restored then weā€™re likely to lose tomes once again.


well i must have 3 felhunters now because after fully training the second one i logged in today to see it lost all its spells yet again :sweat_smile:

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a week of being unable to use 1/3rd of my pets, being Demonology Specā€™d means 1/3rd of my skills were not available. Unless i constantly retrained them, which cost a lot of gold at 60 (Classic). We should be credited 1 week of subscription accordingly.

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Still happening today.

Many basically identical threads here:

The fix does not seem to have worked.

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The fix was applied this morning with restarts, so it should stop happening as of today. We are still working on a secondary fix for restoring previous pets, though I canā€™t promise anything at this time.


Thank you Kethryllia - I havenā€™t been able to reproduce later today, after consistent reproduction since patch. So it may be fixed.

Fingers crossed for the return of old pets!

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So, is it safe to buy spell tomes for our demons at level 60? Or are you going to revert us to our original demons and therefore force us to buy the upper spell ranks yet again?

my original felhunter came back, but unlearned some spells. when i relogged, he retained all spells.

my felguard is now called Unknown everytime i summon him

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I got my original Voidwalker back but still have the new imp.

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