Warlock Pets!

I guess it’s not enough that you will not fix the fact that our pets spawn with half life and have done so for about a year now.

Now we have to retrain all abilities on pretty much all our pets and pay for it as well…

Tell us you hate Warlocks without telling us you hate Warlocks.


My Imp, VW and Succubus still had their spells trained. But my Felhunter did not.



You guys couldn’t replace my succubus (the one with teh powerfully stupid name), and just had to replace my fellhunter, the only one with a name I liked.

Also seriously, it cost gold retraining all those things from scratch.

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Did y’all only have to retrain once? I’m on round 3 for the imp and wondering when this will be acknowledged.

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God I would love for my pet to spawn with full life. Would be the life of luxury.

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