[ERA] Original Lock Pets Missing

Good afternoon! Hope this finds you well. My character, Noralye-Benediction in Classic Era logged in this morning after the update to an entirely new lock pet. My original pet Gelpep the imp is gone. The new pet has a different name and none of the upgraded abilities.
Can you please restore my (and any other lock’s) old pets? Honestly, even just the names would be nice.

Update: It looks like the pet or pets the lock last did damage with before the patch are the ones missing. At least, this has been the trend across the locks I have spoken with in guild.
We miss our demonic broskis!


This has happened to me too! My felhunter is gone!!! :scream:


Just logged in after today’s re-update and have another, new imp. This imp is different from the post-update imp. Also when I logged in, I got a small red notification that read “internal pet error.”
The reply I recieved from a GM is that both pets appear in my list and I am, somehow, “summoning the wrong imp.” They also said “no resolution can be provided.” Hoping this changes!
Note: The new imp (new imp #2) has not learned abilities, again. I had trained new imp #1 last night.


Hey all, we’re aware of this issue and are working hard on a fix. For now, I recommend holding off on using grimoires until we’re able to finalize a fix.

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Yea, cant do that because then the pets don’t have the abilities they need for being useful in combat. Heres what it looked like for me finding out today.

  1. Die to a clueless rogue because I am spamming seduce on a pet that does not have seduce (Walk back to Corpse and then to flightpath to go buy grimoires) 8 Minutes 13 Seconds

  2. Flightpath to Orgrimmar to train (6 Minutes 25 Seconds, 5 Silver 80 Copper)

  3. Re-buy and train grimoires (5 Minutes 2 Seconds)
    Lash of Pain 80 Silver
    Soothing Kiss 80 Silver
    Seduction 40 Silver
    Invisibility 80 Silver

  4. Hearth and Flightpath back to quest zone (2 Minutes 39 Seconds)

  5. Walk back to quest area (4 Minutes 8 Seconds)

This bug cost me:
1 Unnecessary Death (Repairs)
3 Soul Shards
1 Hearthstone Cooldown
2 Gold 45 Silver 80 Copper
26 Minutes 27 Seconds off time

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Thank you!


Some warlocks are reporting that their demons have lost both their original names and all of their learned grimoires. Not all warlocks are affected. We DO get attached to our demons, my succubus is called Cattthea with 3 t’s and if I lost her I’d be upset.


my Felhunter lost all its abilities :frowning:

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this happened to my imp today on a classic hardcore server.

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Me too, my Succubus lost her abilities and her name. Huge problem for me on an RP server.

Blizzard, if you are reading this… Please consider testing the integrity of the patches on a test environment server before you deploy them to the live servers. Pretty standard stuff for most of the world, but I guess not for you.

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  • Season of Discovery

After yesterday’s phase 4 patch, after logging in, my Felhunter demon’s name had changed and it lost all of its known spells. I had to rebuy the grimoires and reteach the pet.

To my horror - the same thing happened today. I simply logged in and my pet had a new name and lost all of its abilities. This only seems to be happening for my Felhunter.

Please fix this - this is a class/gamebreaking bug that literally stops us from using our class mechanic unless we pay a fee each day to reteach it.

Character Name: Ingvar
Realm: Crusader Strike - US

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Also reporting that my Lock’s Felhunter had lost it’s abilities, I didn’t pay attention to the name but I’ll just assume it’s a new name because I was always on top of buying books for my pets.

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Replying to bump because same here, and I also reported this issue! Beyond frustrating!


Also, not to be a barb in what I am sure is already a stressful patching situation, but just so Devs are aware, whoever is doing Customer Support may need some more info about the game. Responses myself and others have received are that we need to:

-check our bank for the correct pet
-consider that we are summoning the wrong pet
-consider that we are using the incorrect summoning spell or put the correct spell back on our action bar
-understand that warlock pets are “not like hunter pets” and warlocks always summon a new pet or a random one from a list (which, I can infer, means that we are supposed to be prepared to pay a few gold for grimoires with every few summons)

I appreciate the prompt responses, but it would really go a long way to improve customer relations if the CS support was stronger.


I just lost my succubus… again. All of her abilities untrained… again.

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There was a patch today, I was hoping to have this issue fixed. Still no. Level 1 skills on all my pets and worse names. I am not pleased.

I did not lose demons last time. I did lose my felhunter this time. Once again, some of us warlocks play specs that don’t sac demons cause we;re attached to them, so losing them is a problem.

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Have you guys noticed if it is the pet that you had active most recently that disappears? I tried to make sure I had nothing summoned for the maintenance, but that didnt help.

Maybe if I swap to a pet that I dont use it can tank the bug?

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Sadly not. I use my succubus in all solo content and my felhunter ate the wipe. Which, is good for me, but means its not consistent.

July 8, 2024, everything was fine. July 9, 2024, after update my Voidwalker and Imp no longer had grimore abilities, but my Succubus and Felhunter did. I re purchased all Grimore’s for my Voidwalker to the tune of 6 gold and 50 silver. July 10, 2024 I logged into the game and my Voidwalker had no abilities again except for Torment 1. put in at least 3 tickets all of which said send it in as a Bug and that they are aware of the issue and have no immidate fix. Here’s an idea roll back the update back to July 8. How is it over 20 years later we still have issues after an update. This is my only toon and I can’t even effectively play it, but still pay $15 a month for a messed up game. Come on Blizzard get your S*%t together.

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