Warlock pet abilities

All my voidwalker and felhound abilities are gone. Another lock in game mentioned the same happened to him, he bought the books again, and the next time he logged in the skills were deleted again. They’re not cheap I’m playing on deviate where the economy isn’t totally trashed, gold is not as easy to come by. How could you guys be so incompetent?

Same Same…even all the Demon Trainer books don’t show as learned as well. Seen a bug report they are aware and “working on it”. Kind of game breaking for a class. Hopefully it goes to the top of their priorities. Happened around the latest patch that gave ERA the guild tabs etc.

My Warlock’s summons names were changed in addition to the skills missing. I wonder if it has to do with the summons previously being acquired on a hardcore server and then transferring over as it only effected the summons that I got during hardcore (imp and voidwalker). Either way this is ridiculous, most games will provide at the bare minimum in-game resource compensation for when their mistakes cause in-game losses (the cost of the grimoires). Also, I really liked my imp and voidwalker names and now they are really dumb.

Pets are glitchy AF right now also… not just the abilities are missing, but they are randomly high health then near dead then suddenly high health again… its wack.