Era dead thanks to gdkp

So take the time to form up your own raid of people who bring no consumes, whatever gear they want, at a time that works for you.

If you find yourself wiping for hours and unable to complete the content - perhaps you will learn some similar lessons that those who enjoy GDKPs learned some years ago.

People raiding as GKDPs and having minimal requirements for joining have no impact on you trying to form up your own raid. If anything, assuming their rules are as draconian as you make them, it should be to your benefit as others would also want to ā€˜easily clear content that isnā€™t even that difficultā€™.

Being real era is going to be filled with boomers who want to swipe to win. Check out the dude above me.

Itā€™s a mindset that is bigger than WoW.


Remind me again when was it that WoW was not a huge time sink?

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On a populated Era cluster, single layer, thereā€™s definitely a lot of competition to farm consumables and materials for those weekly Naxx clears.

IMO, realistically for populated Era clusters with several Naxx guildsā€¦ clearing Naxx with full consumes seems like it should be a Monthly or bi-weekly event, not a weekly event.

This is exactly the goal though. Gold should be valuable. Its value should be proportionate to the amount of time it would take to farm it from selling vendor trash. That is what bots ruin. They run non stop pumping gold into the system. Which devalues gold.

In a vacuum of RMT and bots, GDKP would be great. But we do no have that. Instead, they play off each other, in a crazy cycle. They have a harder time with RMT and bots, so they went for the low hanging fruit, GDKP.


Iā€™ve been giving this some thought and I think this is ultimately where Era is failing. The game was just never intended to support that many people actively playing on a single layer. When I played in Vanilla my server had maybe 3 guilds actually doing Naxx with maybe 10 other guilds scattered across the other raids. If you wanted to farm something you could. There was still a bit of competition, but nothing even remotely close to the order of magnitude we see in Classic Era right now.

Everybody feels they need full consumes for all the raids (not just Naxx) and they would be hard pressed to farm them. Iā€™ve moved off of the Mankrik cluster onto a significantly less populated server. It turns out when you can actually farm materials and do your professions, working on tandem with other people in your guild to ensure that you have the consumables you need, the game is actually a lot more fun.

Iā€™m not quite sure how Blizzard can solve this, though I have a few ideas. I donā€™t want Era to change any more than most folks around here but this is one of those things that is a change Blizzard introduced by putting more people onto the same layer than the game was designed for. Unfortunately though, Era isnā€™t likely to see any dev attention any time soon.

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Era has been out for 5 years. Rolling up to max level and expecting an insta group invite with zero investment is a bit ridiculous.

isnt GDKP just paying for soulbound items as tho you are buying it from a website or Blizz Store?
what is the Diff from GDKP to buying items and not earning them through gameplay?

if you see a guy walking around in Dreamwalker or Cryptstalker gear, how would you know if he just paid for it all in gold or actually ran the raid several tens or hundreds of times and earned the gear (the way it was supposed to be)?

Going to go ahead and completely disagree with you on that one. Itā€™s really easy to farm consumables on the Whitemane cluster.

3 mageblood potions
1 brilliant mana oil (5 charges)
15 nightfin soup
10 Kreegā€™s Stout Beat down
2 greater frost protection potions
2 greater shadow protection potions
1 flask of distilled wisdom
1 spirit of zanza (2 if you pre-pop one)
10 major mana potions (15 if you want to be safe)
5 dark/demonic runes

Thatā€™s all a healer needs for a Naxx raid on farm status. You can farm all that up in probably 2 hours or less. Maybe 3 hours for a less experienced player.

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thatā€™s very true and in addition you donā€™t need half of that.
most of that stuff altho good is just gravy

I see you donā€™t play melee DPS/tank characters based on that list :wink: Which account for ~50% of raid team compsā€¦

I raid Naxx on my rogue. You actually need less than that on a rogue, but I assume you mean warriors. And yeah warriors arenā€™t really that much worse. The biggest chunk of your consumables is still your flask. And warriors donā€™t need to use mana pots or dark/demonic runes. So Iā€™m not really even sure if their consumes are that much more expensive. Dark runes were like 200+ gold each last I checked. I farm mine because of the absurd cost. Mana pots ~25 gold each.

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it doesnā€™t matter what everybody feels, they donā€™t need full consumes.
I think they ā€œfeelā€ a certain way because they are not confident in themselves and rely on consumables.

in addition, there is nothing wrong with going into raids fully ready to go with all items blazing. If you are that kinda player, please donā€™t complain on how much time it takes or there is not enuf resources. i mean, do you want it all handed to you?

People like to speed run.

Well, naxx groups that go 15/15 in a reasonable amount of time (say average under 3 hours) - can basically bring whoever they want. For every slot available there are dozens of players wanting to raid naxx.

However, to clear naxx reliably in under 3h requires most people to bring consumes. If a good chunk of the raid is cheaping out on consumes, they are doing less dps, and even worse, if there is a wipe and not enough resist pots for loath / 4h / saph - then the entire run has to be called off until another day, or someone has to run to AH and pickup more potions.

Unless someone is a god tier gamer in bis gear and for some reason doesnā€™t want to max consume, there is zero reason to bring anyone that isnā€™t consuming fully. There are just so many players that are willing to do it who will be more useful to the group. Also the good players stuck carrying these non-consuming players, will find a better naxx group if the leaders are inviting low tier players who want to save a few hundred gold at the cost of everyone elseā€™s time.

(so you brought a couple players that didnā€™t consume and wiped the raid, the following week your top dps, a couple tanks, and top healers are now signed up for another naxx that isnā€™t going to waste their time)

Yeah melle is def more expensive if they are properly consuming. 1) because they die a lot more often and have to re-consume and 2) because thistle tea / rage pot on CD adds up, and 3) they have more consumes that stack - firewater, mongoose, giants, food buff, sharpening stone if ally, etc.

This. Anyone expecting to be taken into naxx without an AQ40 bis toon and great parses is a bit delusional, especially on a class which there are many of.

Getting into early raids is really easy, but requirements to go into naxx are quite a bit higher because people donā€™t want to wipe and spend hours or lose runs because someone wants to learn a new raid. There are sometimes groups that form around new people, and sometimes groups need players, but in general it takes some dedication and work to get a toon into naxx the first few times. Even more so for players with no experience in that raid or with that raid group.

You assume that all Naxx teams are equal and speeding through one night clears. The reality is there are more teams that are in fact progressing, dying, and often require 2 nights to clear.

Warrior Consumes:

Elemental Sharpening Stones (2x per application if Alliance w/o world buffs ticking)
Elixir of Giants (good luck farming anything Winterfall)
Elixir of Mongoose
Limited Invulnerability Potion
Mighty Rage Potion
Free Action Potion
Fire/Frost/Arcane/Shadow/Nature Protection Potions
Smoked Dumplings
Major Healing Potion
Flask ā€“ Optional

Tank Consumes add Gift of Arthas, Superior Defense, and Greater Stoneshield Potions.

But yeah, totally less than Rogue and Priest, you right.

If theyā€™re dying a lot more itā€™s almost always their own fault.

If you really wanna pump you gotta fly close to the sun.

If you really want to pump you donā€™t lose your world buffs from doing stupid crap. Dead DPS is no DPS as the saying goes.

Classic Era is pay to win.

You should try wow classic hardcore

Itā€™s the complete opposite, guilds are always looking for fresh 60s with some pre raid bis.

Thereā€™s no GDKP, no boosting mages.

The version of the game is really fun and rewarding, until you die. Lol