Era dead thanks to gdkp

Well that’s the fine line :stuck_out_tongue:

In naxx GKDPs we usually do bonuses from overall damage / healing (not only bosses). So every pull you have to be pretty quick at starting combat or else you uptime will be low and thus you will be pretty low in the rankings.

It is the perfect line of letting tank have enough aggro so you don’t pull and die, but being fast enough that you’re one of the first dps to start pumping.

yes and no. I mostly play HC these days and I love it, but raiding and pvp is bis on Era.

All the gold in the world doesn’t make someone a good player that their logs will reflect that.

The realest take

I’m genuinely unsure of this.

What sets GDKP apart from DKP is that the influx of currency is not restricted. In a DKP system you are typically awarded currency for participating in activities that directly support the raid itself. It’s a direct reward for time invested and therein lies the motivation… to encourage players to continue to come to raids, thus furthering that raid’s progress. Gameplay is about progression and working to ensure that progression’s success.

In GDKP the currency is external. You can skip every raid a group has and instead farm herbs to sell, which you can then turn into loot that has no implication of being fed back into the group’s progress. Typically this isn’t a concern for most GDKP groups as their explicit purpose is to make gold. Gameplay is about monetization.

I’m not saying that DKP is a perfect system. It has many flaws and is defininitely not my favourite, but the primary driver is the group’s success, not the individual. I don’t believe that’s true of GDKP and feel it would be subject to many of the same pitfalls it has now.

However, I do agree that it would be better in the absence of RMT and I, for one, would be more open to it. It’s still not something I choose but a core part of my argument against it is the impact it has on a server’s economy due to it’s coupling with RMT.

I hate DKP because of that, it locks you into a group and its power hierarchy. DKP is non transferable.

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You may not be benefiting the guild you’re in directly, but you’re highly valued on the server you’re playing on and I think that certainly deserves some reward.

Is that really such a bad thing? It motivates people to fix problems instead of just giving up. Seems like a healthy thing to me.

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I did say that DKP wasn’t my favourite, but it is a good thing that it’s not transferrable. The whole point is to keep a consistent group together in order to give your team’s progression the best chance at success.

I’d imagine anybody who has ran a guild in a progression sense would agree, keeping a consistent roster is a major challenge.

Plz ban GDKPs on all versions of WoW… ruins all social and fun aspects to the game… Parse mentality isnt fun.


GDKPs were banned in SoD… Not ERA. They need to be though.

I don’t think I’d couple parse mentality to GDKP here. It’s certainly become a part of it with extra cuts being given to the highest damage and heals, but we see those attitudes well outside of GDKP. I’d go so far as to rename it “Meta mentality” since it’s a bit more encompassing.

GDKP has been banned on SoD and it’s my understanding that strict adherence to the meta is kind of ruining the game for a lot of folks right now. You’re more likely to see a meme class in Era than you are in SoD, which is kinda crazy.

I’m not sure how Blizzard can fix this though, it’s an attitude that seems to persist in WoW to varying degrees across all versions. Maybe the only thing they can do is to make logging taboo like it is in FFXIV. They still have dps meters and logging in that game, but it’s against the TOS and so nobody really talks about it. I’m sure there’s circles where people will exclude you if you don’t “have sick parses, bro” but it seems to be few and far between.

There’s an interesting SoD experiment for you… in fact, I might even make a post about that. I’m pretty it’ll get downvoted like mad though :smiley:

I know you’re baiting.


That dude should get perma-banned along with everyone else that buys and sells gold. That would fix it quick. Just look at SoD. Cleaned up the game.

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You’d be hard pressed to prove that GDKP killed any of the realms that died. Not all of them even had GDKP raids, FYI.

Unfortunately if you play WoW you’re part of the RMT system. It’s everywhere, GKDP just happens to be one of the most blatant reasons to swipe. I think you already know this though.

Lol it didn’t. There is still massive amounts of RMT happening in SoD.

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Indeed. I’ve said as much, though not sure if I’ve said it in this thread specifically. Every time I post something on the AH there’s a chance the money I get from it comes from RMT.

There is a matter of degree though. Whatever the chance of my small AH posting getting paid out from RMT gold is, the chance of GDKP gold payouts coming from RMT is significantly higher, primarily based on the amount in question. Anybody buying Edgemaster’s on Mankrik for 15k likely used RMT to get it, or got it through GDKP which is also likely for RMT.

I’m not a fan of this… I don’t actually like not being able to trust the legitimacy of the things I found on the AH. Fortunately for me I found a different way to play where I can trust that RMT is minimized, though it has no guarantees of being entirely absent.

What’s left in SoD after the GDKP ban is ego and shade.

Every raid and pug wants peak levels of parses and full BiS for even an attempt at inviting you.

You miss a kick or position wrong even once during any activity, dungeon or raid you will get reamed so hard you’d think you’re a Japanese cubicle worker that just lost a client for the company.

I posted a topic suggesting that it might not be a bad idea for SoD to experiment with disabling damage meters and logs, then enforcing a policy similar to FFXIV’s where disparaging people based on numerical performance. Even just for a phase, just to see what happens.

Naturally most of the responses were extremely toxic, which is kind of the point. The culture that has built up around this game as a result of those things being available has gotten pretty unhealthy and the immediate fear everybody goes to is the ultimate extreme. Now slackers can join sneak into raids and ruin them for everybody.

PuG raiders will always vet their groups in a way that skews towards overprepared. In the absense of logs they will still seek overgeared players, but at least that’s something you get by playing the actual game, not the meta game that lets you parse better so you look more appealing to PuGs.

I think removing GDKP from SoD was the right move. The game definitely didn’t die as a result of it, in spite of predictions. I think the OP was off-base in their statement that Era is dead thanks to GDKP, I don’t think that’s true; however, I think there are definitely unhealthy practices in Era as a result and that the GDKP ban could comfortably be extended to Era.

Upon reflection though, I don’t think Blizzard will do it. Just the same as they didn’t make any boosting changes in Era after they did so in other Classic streams.

I’m going to make this simple.

In Black Desert Online, they have a line in ToS that states you cannot prevent someone from playing the game in short. What that means is they cannot node(graveyard) camp people until they log off, they cannot use multiple instances of CC to lock them from an activity and they cannot camp cities in hopes to keep someone from leaving town to then kill and camp them. It’s a 30 day ban if proven guilty of this.

Apply this to WoW SoD and other versions but with addons and parse sheets not allowing perfectly capable people into a raid or dungeon to complete content.

The only reason a rule like this doesnt exist in WoW all that much is because the devs didnt develop these addons, they allow them.

In BDO, the devs developed the node spawn systems, safe zone systems and made the flag and karma systems. They are obligated to put a rule in place to keep people from abusing others with these systems.

In WoW they have no obligation to do any of that because they didn’t create it, just allow it. That needs to change either with the community or the addon creators. If you want the addon disabled all that needs to happen is the addon creators get together and edit the addons to no longer work for the current version until a patch to test the theory of no addons.

But we all know how that will end. Pitchforks shifting from blizzard directly to the doors of these poor addon creators.

So honestly this goes back to a comment I made recently that the classic community needs to change if we want anything to get better. But I’ve seen nothing in Phase 3 to suggest we are making anything better for anyone. Specially with the horde camping incursions or alliance as well to prevent people from doing them. Or with the parse monkeys not allowing an average joe with a green or blue parse into a raid I could do with my hands tied…

we need a fresh, one that goes to tbc one day would be Pog