Era dead thanks to gdkp

Actually that’s exactly what that means.


I have stated that and acknowledge the one positive aspect it brings. However through the course of conversations on it in the last month or so I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a net negative effect on the game and should not be there. Because, as you say, RMT is catalyzed by GDKP.

That’s the responsibility I mention above that Alsharptusk is so adamantly denying. It’s not his fault people do bad things and it’s not his fault he profits off it, right? :wink:

GDKP could have pure motivations, but in practice it doesn’t and it’s been a significant driver for RMT. Unless all GDKP participants are willing to have a complete economic reset so we can all start fresh in a world where the TOS is strictly enforced, then I think I would prefer to just let them stew in the mess they made and exist elsewhere.


Something something flouride in the water something something…

More like, if you’re gonna judge and condemn and preach from a holier than thou virtue signaling altar at least pick one that can hold the weight of your enormous ego.


GDKPs also solve the issue of geared player churn. Vanilla is notorious for having people stop raiding on toons the second the get full bis.

With GDKPs the best way to gear alts and make gold is to raid on a well geared carry that will get into AQ 40 / naxx + earn bonus (tank, top dps, top heal), this means that geared toons stay in the raiding pool, which greatly increases total raids and also makes raid much more smooth.


Maybe not the something something I was referring to you but hey, you do you.

I care when it has an impact on the game as a whole, which it has. You were never intended to always get the item you want. You were never intended to pay to increase your chances.

You can lose a roll sometimes, you’ll be ok.

Oh, I was supporting you here. Climate change denial and alex jones gobbledygook are hand in hand.

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Yea sorry, my inteition wasn’t to say otherwise but I don’t think it came out as intended.

very likely, sometimes I take chances that don’t work out.

The culture of era makes me sad sometimes.

Wasn’t the world first classic relaunch clear of MC done by a group that had sub level 60s in quest greens? And there were people who cleared Onyxia with no gear at all. I know this groups knew what they were doing, my point is just that this content is not hard DPS-wise and I wish people would stop gating it like it was.

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Well that is the thing. As a fresh 60 pug that nobody knows how you will perform.

There were also groups full of geared people that didn’t clear content. Those don’t get talked about, because it is embarrassing. Except by people making fun of xyz’s run.

Banning GDKPs on SoD did nothing to stop bots or people from buying gold, if anything it’s much worse because gold is more valuable now and people still buy gold because no one enjoys spending 6 hours farming gold in game. The problem isn’t GDKP and never has been.

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Those fresh 60s also worked as a team to pass all important items to their tanks before the raid and had run MC 100s of times so none of them were going to wipe the raid by being out of position or not doing their role. MC is also many many times easier and more forgiving than naxx.

People will basically take any fresh toon into MC to this day without much question, same with ZG, AQ20 and even BWL.

But when you get to AQ40 / naxx people ask more questions because there are ‘dps checks’, mechanics that can wipe raid if not done, etc.

the game was made, so it’s possible your run a dungeon or raid and not get anything. and then look!!! you run it again and maybe you get something!!! omg give me a break. I think we are playing different games.

Humpy? do you think you get something all the time just because you participated?

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It goes against the spirit of the game. You’re paying for an advantage that you weren’t intended to have. If you join a hockey team, do you pay extra to get more play time? Do you pay extra so your team can get bonus points over the other team? In any given game, does the highest bidder get a free run?

You could do this, but it would change the nature of the game and put pressure on other people to pay as well.

I can’t speak for them but I do practice what I preach. I don’t run GDKPs and I try to farm my own consumables and work with my guild to trade for what I need. I’ve been recently fortunate to find a guild who is open to this.

Also, there is no “intended” price for consumables. It’s merely the price that players make based on demand and what they’re willing to pay. Because there is so much gold in the game right now through RMT, and redistrubuted via GDKP, people such as yourself can pay far more than folks who doesn’t GDKP or buy gold. RMT and the GDKP that helps to fuel it have had a multiplicative effect on the natural inflation of the game.

If you want to continue doing GDKP that’s up to you, Blizzard isn’t telling you that you can’t currently. I hope they do but I’m also losing interest in caring. This is why I’m asking for one Era server where GDKP is banned and the ToS is enforced. I’ll just go play there, no worries, you can have your GDKP.

I don’t think GDKPs give any advantage - having a payout for everyone at the end of the run is not an advantage - it is a different loot system. Just like a DKP guild would update a spreadsheet, we just use the gold points already built into the game.

This allows us to run with any crew without loss and prevents leaders from becoming corrupt.

In contrast, under geared toons do have an ‘advantage’ in SR and MS > OS runs - they need more items thus have a chance to roll on more things, all while providing less to the raid, this actually makes it so geared players do not want to be involved with those loot systems.

Without GDKPs more people would buy gold to afford consumes. SoD has shown that gold selling is at an all time high and GDKPs are banned.

Their consumes for gnomer are like 1-5% the price of consumes for naxx. If people raided AQ40/naxx to the same degree that they currently do on Era, and GDKPs were banned, the amount of gold buyers would greatly increase.

I mean, yeah, AQ40 is a harder raid. But it’s also not the one OP is talking about. What grinds my gears is this opening content being gated as if it were hard.

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What we are saying is that 3k gold is very little on era. It takes much less time to farm 3k gold than it does to get prebis from dungeons. Just ‘20 stacks of herb’ as someone posted above. 3k is smaller than any payout from higher tier raids and pretty common payout for mc / bwl.

So expecting people to bring at least enough currency that meets that minimum seems reasonable and not gatekeeping. Someone farms 3k, then they can then double that in one run if nothing drops for them.

But if they come with zero coin, no gear, and stuff drops but they cannot buy even very cheap upgrade - then they aren’t contributing anything to the raid and it is better to take someone who is willing to put in at least minimal effort.

The concern about RMT gold is legitimate. Blaming GDKPs and tarring everyone with the same brush is not. GDKPs could be a nice community supplement for alts and/or solo types or they could be an RMT hellscape - the players made the decision - that tells you where the blame belongs.

Besides all that GDKPs are not at epidemic levels on the Era cluster I play on, horde or alliance. Guilds are still the preferred method of gearing by a wide margin and there are still plenty of normal pugs for things like MC, Ony, AQ20 and ZG.

I have no love for GDKPs but eliminating them in Era isn’t a real solution and the hyperbole surrounding them is hitting absurd levels. Maybe it works for SoD since Blizz prefers jailtime (short bans) over capital punishment (account deletion) and thats where all the cool kids are playing.


Lol, what a trash take. I go to school full-time, work in my off time, AND balance a marriage between those 2. Not all of us want to spend their limited game time to try and farm gold JUST to buy into a raid that isn’t even that difficult.