Era dead thanks to gdkp

I genuinely believe Sa does not like RMT. I’ve read enough of their posts to believe that. However, in spite of it being explained several times, they do not understand how GDKP promotes RMT and that the bulk of the gold they get from GDKP, and that circulates through GDKP, comes from RMT practices. They don’t really see the difference between that and RMT gold circulating through the AH.

Like I said, I’m willing to believe them when they say they don’t like RMT, but being ignorant of the realities of GDKP (willfully or otherwise), does not make it right.

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Whatever my thoughts are on GDKP, I am aligned with you on this wholeheartedly. Bots/RMT absolutely do need to go.

I’m gonna be honest here, I don’t work for Blizzard so I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of their operation. What they’ve tried and how they’ve evolved their policies remains a mystery. However, what I see from the outside is a seemingly stubborn adherence to a banwave policy that just does not seem to work. Whatever the motivation behind it, it does not appear to be having the desired impact.

I’m in no way saying this is an easy problem to solve, but I am saying it’s definitely time for a different approach.


just reduce the price of token

Unlikely to happen, for two reasons:

  1. Era is really far down Blizzard’s radar. It’s all about SoD now for them.

  2. if they did ban GDKPs in era… it would likely do more harm than good to Era’s player base, due to the fact that most of Era player base is used to GDKPs as a standard way to pug raids.

The most commonly pugged raids are MC, Ony, ZG, and AQ 20. BWL, AQ40, and Naxx are usually done by guilds.

It probably has to do with the idea that a real player cares about their account, and a bot account does not. They might be able to track both accounts activities. But when a real player does something illicit and receives punishment they care about the punishment. That serves to curb the illicit activity for fear of punishment. If a bot account gets caught, they just spin up a new account. Consequence is only felt if cost to spin up new > money made.

Why they dont punish buyers? I think they do. But by the time they have the damage has already been done.
The illicit gold moved into a plausible deniability legitimate GDKP pool. Because the players have no means to check the source of the gold. Blizzard does take the payouts away from players that were just playing by the rules of the GDKP. But that is the problem, the gold is now clean.

AH is a different beast. That is transactional between two parties.

Actually now that ive made this post, i hope they keep it in era, but ban it in every other iteration of WoW currently and moving forward. I think the community in every other version of WoW thats out right now is just better, so itd be nice to keep all the gdkp clowns in the version of the game they killed themselves

Why would they remove it in other versions of the game where Blizzard has legitimized RMT?

SoD has banned it, if you dont see the writing on the wall… its coming.

You can buy gold through Blizzard in other versions of the game. Why would they ban it?

Retail they wont ban it but I bet future iterations of classic anything will have it banned seeing as it didn’t hurt SoD’s bottom line.

This thread is hilarius. The amount of people defending it lmao.


Personally I hate GDKP. I feel like its ruined the game feel overall. But at the same time if they ban it the MC/BWL/AQ40 raids will die overnight resulting in much less options to raid. I also see a vast decrease in pugs and SRs lately. It seems to be 95% gdkps. And 80% of those are run by players or guilds I dont trust to either steal my gold or fail to complete the run. Basically I feel like the player base is inflated by people just trying to make gold to sell and not actually good raiders. SoD p2 hurt the player base which I expected but I know personally I’m wearing thin on doing gdkp with players who dont speak a lick of English.

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Start UR own SR and then ULL be happier.

They should have the same aggressive stance they have on SoD and apply it to Era but without banning GDKPs (and still allow gold via trade but should be significantly filtered/adjusted). The goal is to get ride of bad actors and gold buyers but let people do GDKP in a clean environment, without cheaters.

sure majority of the raids on era are GDKP but i regularly see HR/SR pugs in LFG. Also know of several guilds that are progressing through at their own pace just cause whats the hurry in era lol. Not sure what loot rules they’re using though.

Mankrik horde must be an exception to the rule then. Sure there are gkdps but they’re nowhere near the majority of the raiding scene. I see more of them alliance side but that’s a much larger population and even then I don’t think gdkps come close to alliance guilds when it comes to raiding.

trying to find a non GDKP in era ya good luck with that

I think you miss-understood the point. As a fresh 60 in greens and quest blues they were not going to find groups either. Pugs would have wanted pre-bis. I was saying make real arguments, instead of taking a false position. I.E. 3k gold being some insurmountable burden considering the inflation in era.

You gotta be over lvl 13, liar!

All he can say is he started classic era with no gold in his pockets and no knowledge about gdkp with a single player mindset.
He spent well over 70k gold and spent probably over 300~500 USD so he can get pixels in a 20 yo game.
That gold was made from a combo of 98% RMT and 2% profession
He loves he can RMT gear that was never ever supposed to be be sold, hence the Bind on pickup and not Bind on equip, status.
Just his 300 USD, he is a huge supporter of RMT instead of just playing a video game.