Era dead thanks to gdkp

lol Perhaps but to say it didnt clean up the game is wrong too. There’s no gdkp and thats the big one.

The people saying there was more gold buyers after gdkp was banned in SoD are just flat out wrong lol.

Nobody said banning gdkp would stop gold buying

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The claim was bots and gold buying would be reduced dramatically

Neither of the two claims were shown to be true

The only reason people on sod wanted them banned is to force good players into SR runs and that didn’t even happen

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lol - yes they did. That and many other claims that turned out to be totally fabricated.

Banning GDKPs destroyed the trust a huge percentage of raiders had with SoD and the overall result showed that community micromanagement is bad.

They listened to the karens and imploded their game, I doubt they will do it again.

They did the same thing with all their PvP changes.

Maybe it’s time to understand that people complaining about something doesn’t equate to a problem

All they did was create more problems

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Hopefully. But, all the gold sellers/buyers will defend it till the day they die.

Reading through this thread which i know is a few months old, claiming era will die without GDKP’s… Mankrik cluster didn’t have GDKP until early this year when whitemane guilds ran from pvp and brought GDKP runs with them. One server preferring GDKP does not dictate the rest.

Also the idea that gold demand is anywhere close for the AH/consumables is absurd when a stack of LIPs goes for the price of a summon - clearly regular farmers and crafters are at a significant disadvantage.

However, none is that to say ermergurd ban GDKP, its just that these points are dishonest and have clear bias from within the GDKP environment.


Not according to my own personal experience. I get a heck of a lot more gold from farming and crafting than I do GDKPs. Granted I usually only do an MC and BWL every week, but still you can get A LOT of gold from good old fashioned farming/professions if you know what you’re doing and you have a good setup.

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I mean its worse when the problem with raiding in MC on the latest phase is the difficulty elitism. If you cant speedrun heat 3 you’re garbage in everyone’s eyes that raids. Meaning you cant get progress done unless you build a pug team from scratch or a guild from scratch.

Course that is a whole other post to make lol

Care to share? Just because, using the guide of popular alchemy consumables such as LIPs, the time spent gathering mushrooms for a stack of 5, to be 11g per potion, compared to 2k+ pay outs for 45-3hr raids, it doesn’t really add up.

I’m not doubting you in that you have a good experience, I am just asking for a reference point to compare what a good experience is to what a GDKP prints.

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I have 13 level 35s each with tailoring and leather working. Between those and the 60s that I have I can make 14 cured rugged hides and 15 mooncloth every cool down. That’s where I get most of my gold.

In addition to all that I’m always farming something while I wait for raids. I get my character I’m raiding with into the raid so I’m ready to go and I farm on another character while the raid forms. Usually it’s plaguebloom or rich thorium veins or something but it’s more than enough to compensate for all the consumables I’m about to use in the raid I’m waiting for.

I wouldn’t expect most people to level a bunch of 35s. But if you have an herbalist getting the gravemoss and fadeleaf in Scarlet Monestary is a great and super easy way to make gold. Works best on a druid or rogue.

If you have a hunter DMT runs can be extremely profitable especially if you’re able to partial AFK with an open DMT for people to get buffs.

It also helps a lot that I have 2 accounts with multiple 60s on each account. Dual box farming is significantly more efficient.

This kinda nudges you out of the “regular” category.

While cooldown alts are very smart passive money spinners, yeah I do kind of agree with chislev that very much takes you out of regular farmer/crafter. Especially compared to the effort input required when considering a gdkp once a week/twice if its 20man

Ok. Well I guess what’s the expectation for time required to farm consumables or gold required for a GDKP? Is that time greater than or less than what it was in pre-Era Classic for the average player?

Seems to me higher costs means greater profit potential just as much as it means you need to farm more gold. You’d think the two would offset each other.

And as for getting into GDKPs the it might be rough for a fresh 60 but once you get to the point where you can carry you start to make all that back.

If there wasn’t a reliance on bots, it would, but as we saw from aggrend’s tweets that Jarl showed us in the other thread, they’re very much happy to supplement WMC raiders with other server bot xfers.

Edit: for your edit on the making it back on GDKP’s, not everyone wishes to GDKP or raid in general, yet still need gold for the things they do. Offering GDKP as a way to make your gold back, due to the gold heavily favouring GDKP payouts, is a circular answer that doesn’t address woes outside GDKP’s caused by botted/bought gold. And yes that happens in all sources, but again the GDKP scene throwing more gold around simply means a greater reliance on that illict gold within the scene, moving upwards to legit raiders in non-trivial content.

There is mankrik GDKP and then there is whitemane GDKPs…

Find out which one is the worse of the 2.

Those few idiots that came over from whitemane onto mankrik this year and tried digging their fingers in other guilds making them get “interested” in doing GDKPs to afford consumes was a complete sham and a ploy to get people to buy gold.

There are ZERO GDKPs on Horde Mankrik. Just sayin…

Tend to happen when there is almost zero Horde on Mankrik. Just sayin… (Note this is sarcasm, but you folks are an endangered species.)

We have three guilds clearing Naxx every week and many more guilds doing lower level raids.

I don’t know what this “zero Horde” is you speak of.

Did you not read the parenthesis sir?