Era dead thanks to gdkp

…but we aren’t an endangered species. Yes, there are fewer horde than alliance on Mankrik, but it is vibrant community.

Plenty of raiding options for people who don’t want GDKP.

I’ll remember that next time I see one of you out in the wild for every 7 Alliance I run into. And maybe I just don’t have much luck as my resto shaman is struggling to find groups for content. Community is nice though.

I have a 60 mage on mankrik horde and it can be a challenge getting groups at OCE times, but so can mankrik allliance

Mankrik is a mature server.

I wouldn’t judge such a server based on the leveling experience. Its been around for years and most players are at level 60 and are doing some sort of end game content.

Join a guild if you haven’t. There are several leveling guilds, and most people tend to find groups within them.

Is mankirk not a part of the cluster ? If so you have a guild clearing naxx for about every 4th server on the conjoined mega realm.