Epilogue: Judgement spoilers


Not gonna happen over night, she has eternity to heal and find the souls. :slight_smile:


either wayā€¦but nathanos should be lostā€¦sylvanas wanted to kill hopeā€¦yeah, it would be an irony if she killed her own hope too in this process.

Weā€™re talking about Anduin here. The man whoā€™s DBZ power boost comes from crying at the horrors of war.

I donā€™t think the guy would be alright for the rest of the day if he accidentally ran over a squirrel. This is a lot for him.


I think Nathanos should be ā€œdead.ā€ She has to claim his soul and send it to the Arbiter, Pelagos finds it unredeemable and sends it to the Maw for all eternity.

So Sylvanas has to carry that burden.


No, I would just let Nathanos be destroyed, soul ash, as well as other victims. That would simply be the greater irony, both for him and for Sylvanas.

Nathanoā€™s final fate was being 1/1000th of an upgrade to my legendary


Pelagos has stated he refuses to send anyone to the maw again, as no soul deserves eternal damnation without a chance at self improvement.

But he could send Nathanos off to any realm, and Sylvanas would have no way to ever find himā€¦ and they could refuse to tell her.

Separation can be her punishment.


nathanos at this point could or should be destroyedā€¦he served no purpose for the jailorā€¦he was not part of the soulprissonsā€¦


I have long joked he must of been melted down into mawsworn shoes, lol.


You can tell which one he was fused into by the fact that itā€™s uglier than the others

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I like imaging a pair of snarky shoes that insult your ability to fight.


Well thatā€™s dumb.

ā€œSome people just like to watch the world burn.ā€

A ā€œMawā€ is necessary imo.


Yeah lol nathanos is dead, if sylvanas finds him, she has to send him to the artibiter so he can put him in revendrath

So what happens if he encounters another Garrosh type of person?

Garrosh not being in Maldraxxus was insane


Yet Kelā€™thuzad was. Granted it involved some shenanigans.

Itā€™s not that heā€™s not doing his job. They just didnā€™t update that part of oribos to reflect the souls not being sent to the maw anymore.

Iā€™m amused by the handwaving of the Scourge, who we were told over a decade ago would be even worse without a mind to control them.

Bolvar: The Scourge can never be controlled again, and Icecrown is still spooky.

Darion: Yeah Iā€™ll keep an eye on them lol


Yep. Theron wants no trouble with anyone, but at least he understands why Genn is the way that he is and rightfully so.


I agree. Though, as Iā€™m at work and havenā€™t done the quests yet, if no one is seen in game following inā€¦ Blizzard might leave it a bit open ended.

So will a lesser Maw be created for the souls that were sent there by the machine of Death working properly or something?