Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

This is what I thought, why is Anduin calling Genn “old wolf”? I thought that was something only sylvanas said to try to demean him in the BfA cutscene. Did anyone else call him that before?


Lor’themar getting reamed out because the writers forgot the Horde has a cast beyond Saurfang and Sylvanas until 8.2 makes me sad. BfA’s abysmal storytelling made most of the Horde’s leaders pathetic lemmings, but it especially stings for Lor’themar given his good showing against the last evil warchief.

The Kael’thas stuff is fascinating though. I kind of want a “Conversations with Dead People” short story detailing this and a few other choice interactions before leaving SHL.


Trust the writers to relegate something as interesting as a Kael’thas and Lor’themar reunion to off-screen events.


I like most of your post Mara, and they are well analysed. On top of it, this patch again miss the mark and can´t heal the wound that bfa and sl inflicted on certain fanbases.

I mean, we had for bfa beautiful cinemas, and i see, sl isn´t even WORTH ONE of this cinemas…wtf. The elune-part here, nice, okay, she can forsee like a goddes…but why failed she her own children? Oh yeah, because the writer wanted some nonsense why sylvanas survived it.

Atleast, nice to know, that we know now, that it was indeed elune who shut tyrande down and not like some people argued “She lost her power because she was dying”, na, it was really elune who put the powerbutton off.

Ah, btw, for other peoples the dialog between Genn and Lor’Themar:



Thanks! And yeah I remember when that was happening some people were trying to say Elune didn’t take the power away, like Tyrande just ran out of it or something else. But it would be like why even let her catch Sylvanas if she was just going to take the power away. The entire night warrior story was entirely pointless.

The funny thing too is Tyrande wasn’t even sure what the reason was because it didn’t even seem like she talked to Elune while elune was using her as a telephone. We didn’t get a cutscene of Tyrande dealing with her grief like with got with Sylvanas and Uther. It’s just something they glossed over. And now tyrande “thinks” this is why Elune stayed her hand, she didn’t even have an actual conversation with her.


Genn just Will Smith’d Lorthemar.



Perhaps it was part of the now mythical original, pre-cut content 9.2? Who knows. I imagine at this point they are saving that conversation for an expansion or two, when we deal with troubles in the plane of Life.

Is almost like this dialogue and the other with Anduin were written by two different people. Pretty sure the Anduin one being Christie Golden.

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The part no one talks about Sylvanas’ apparently very long sentence is that the slower she is the more the souls will suffer as they are stuck in Hell Prime.

Golden gives me the “My son is a gift to the world and can do no wrong” energy.


Ren referenced this page here:

Someone followed her into the maw, i suppose its uther…the lightbringer…it would make sense…he looks at sylvanas and saw his “second chance” if you will.


i still think that blizzard put some blame on elune for one purpose, to lifter sylvanas crime, to make it even possible that she will not be killed immidiatly

For this, many characters had to eat dirt, so that Sylvanas plot worked out…among others also Elune…and Tyrande., sadly…


Ah, that Anduin quote is what she used in her tweet about Ukraine.

She tried to show support for Ukraine not just by quoting herself but also by promoting her book.


checks notes

Stab someone who’s since recovered, steal a sigil, and fight a bunch of people who are used to smacking the corruption out of others.

I get it, don’t gate keep trauma, but my death knight is a walking war criminal.


I imagine they are doing that thing they do where they are referencing a bunch of horrific actions that happened off screen and are otherwise not refrenced.

Like somehow we fixed the forge of afterlives and healed Azeroth’s soul according to Bolvar.


Tyrade should have taken her bow, stabbed her and kicked her into the Maw. =/

Not kill her, but not make it easy either.

: )


Shoot her in the knee?

Wouldn’t that be counterproductive if Sylvanas is supposed to free the souls? I just think an appropriate punishment would be…if she can’t save Nathanos, Nathanos should no longer exist, as well as the night elf souls he should be extinguished as well.

ngl I also kind of wish they made him do some bad things to people he’d actually care about but I guess that the mere experience of being controlled like that would be pretty rough on its own

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My initial thought in 8.1 for why the night warrior power was so weak, was because Elune was weakened which would be the reason she didn’t help the night elves. I thought it would be further explored when they announced shadowlands as in the barrier between life and death is weakened and Elune is essentially dying or weakened and with us fixing this she would be better or something.

That however was not it and Elune was ONLY revealed to try to take some pressure of of Sylvanas’s genocide, so people can point and say “wow what an incompetent goddess sending all those souls to the maw” even if that wasn’t her intent and turn her into a robot like the winterqueen. What an absolute waste.


But that was explained why the night warrior was weaker at that time.

This power is like life, it grows in the user, further and further and further, until the user dies because he can no longer hold the power.

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