Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Yeah Kel’thuzad was cheated in

Someone followed her into the maw, i suppose its uther…the lightbringer…it would make sense…he looks at sylvanas and saw his “second chance” if you will.

She’s met Uther all of once and had no idea who he even was at first

Also how he threatened to off Sylvanas then and there in Siege over raising his troops.

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Does the book just not explain it?

I’d honestly say that people rightfully called foul on that one.

But, hey blocking is the perfect solution to such out of touch things :relieved:

nope it doesn’t but i think it’s Anduin.

If I think it’s Uther does that make me an Uther Truther


I think it’s Anduin too. Her recalling the Anduin quote in that moment implies it’s him.

This is a Christie Golden book. It makes sense that she’d circle back to Anduin. She also said on Twitter that the end of the book is the most important part. That’s because we now know Anduin is staying in the Shadowlands.


So Turalyon remains in charge, with Genn at his side.

Man, dare I say freaking finally, the Alliance might actually become interesting again. I hope for some ultra aggressive crusades, I’m all in for it.


Crusades for what though

Well, Turalyon was talking about other holdings of the old Alliance that could be secured. Hopefully he’ll make a move.

Which ones though? After the Fourth War the only former Alliance holding that isn’t held by either the Alliance or Alliance friendly forces is Tirisfal and part of Silverpine, and Turalyon is very close to both Faol and Calia. And even if he decided he was going to retake those places by force anyway it wouldn’t really be a crusade since the Horde’s grip on those places is already so tenuous that it wouldn’t take a crusade for the Alliance to retake them.

Maybe Quel’thalas but I don’t see why he’d be interested in Quel’thalas. I can see why Alleria would be though.

“Alliance holdings” is also a dumb phrasing of what are supposed to be allied states and not vassals of the god emperor of mankind.


Be careful what you wish for. If the last two wars have shown us anything, it’s that the aggressor loses every battle past the first one (which is later reversed to placate aggrieved players anyway) and gets their character roster culled.


If it means we can get gilneas FIRMLY in alliance hands and none of this hand waving nonsense they been doing since Cata concerning it’s status?

Well, bring it on baby and all the ugliness of war. :wolf:



Everyone must be careful with their words, much like some people wanting Lor’themar to head the Horde.

Be cautious, people!

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I would be very happy to win on the screen and then get told I lost later.

I can work with that.


The worgen should hardly have to lift a finger to restore Gilneas at this point. The Forsaken are gutted and the two Horde characters who cared to invade it in the first place are both dead. Why on earth would the Alliance need to start a war to reclaim its ruins? Who on the Horde would object?


The Horde are currently still fighting in Ashenvale. So… your guess is as good as ours.



The Alliance starting a war to retake Gilneas and Lordaeron at this point (assuming Gilneas hasn’t already been retaken as war table missions suggested) would mean that the Alliance went to war with the Horde, retook Lordaeron and Gilneas, and then gave up those places so that they could declare war again 2 expansions later and retake them again.

And given that they literally had just retaken those places two expansions ago, it wouldn’t even be a war, it would just be walking back into territory that the Alliance had inexplicably given up for no reason. The Horde would not be able to put up any meaningful resistance.


“Gilneas is back in alliance hands” is also something that’s been implied offscreen for 3-4 expansions in a row, it’s just that the writers never commit to it

Like how half the war table missions are literally just recycled Cata quests


It flips between being in alliance hands, to being a blighted uninhabitable wasteland depending which writer decides to remember gilneas is a thing.