Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

It feels good to see someone finally hold Lor’themar accountable for serving Sylvanas.


Pretty much.

I think that this patch and ending went above and beyond as a screw you to Night Elf fans.

It brought in Maiev, who has not been involved at all… the most moral absolutist character we’ve had up till now, the one many people said wouldn’t have wimped out. Used as an express example of “If she were leading the Night Elves instead of Tyrande this wouldn’t be a problem”…

To insert in a “This might not be justice ,but it is right” fluff line of comment.

It irritates me. It takes my “yeah, I get angry jokey but it’s mostly a persona because I just have trouble taking ineptitude seriously” to actually just angry because… It’s deliberate. This was deliberately put in, with no build up, no reference, no reason for her to be there except to say to any other NE fan “get over it”.

She is there to reinforce the authors voice without having one of her own, and it’s done specifically as an out of left field response to a claim that’s been around since Shadowlands started and Sylvanas got away.

It’s not poor writing. It’s not a missed plot point. It’s a literal we put this just to tell you to get over it moment… But no, don’t worry. They still have a special loyalist comment for Sylvanas followers about how she knows she can always call on you when she needs an ally.


Even Tyrande’s comment is stupid tbh. Tyrande or Elune, neither NEED Sylvanas to retrieve the souls from the Maw, they have their own forces who can accomplish this task. Tyrande herself spent months in the Maw fighting the Jailer’s forces. And several people carrying out the task instead of one lone ranger makes a lot more sense and is more efficient.

This is a forced judgement to keep Sylvanas around while making the night elves and Elune look like idiots. At the very least they could’ve justified it better, or not made the characters inconsistent and stupid. And the fact that Anduin is there to hold her burden also reflects the moral finger wagging stance of the writers, of who they sympathise with.


Do you think they are still on track for a fall 10.0 release date? lol

No doubt about this. All these Shadowlands folks who can and have been down in the maw, their answer is apparently “Just leave the souls down there” which… kind of seems… honestly, whatever.

Like you said, if they don’t care why should you or I.


Probably not(not that I particularly expect a fall one in the first place) With the whole season 4/making all of SL raid relevant again I expect we will be stuck with SL until maybe early 2023.

If that does happen, it will be an interesting year for Blizzard. Overwatch 2, Diablo 4 and a new Warcraft expansion sounds like the perfect recipe to try and turn a page in Blizzard history.

There had to be one, and I doubt any Genn fans wanted him to be the dog at the table drinking coffee.

Genn… the only person with a spine to say what needed to be said. :wolf:


I’m personally glad his whole “the only person I have beef with is Sylvanas.” was a lie after the Battle of Orgrimmar. No one wants a neutered Genn. Let him give the Horde hell. Someone has to.

Let’s see if the darling Calia Menethil is a match to Genn Greymane!


I have to imagine Genn has such conflicting feelings about Calia. He was friends with her father, she and Liam might of even played together as kids.


I don’t hate this as much as I thought I would.


I like the sound of King Lor’themar and I hope we got to see that Lor’themar - Kael’thas conversation. Though I think that might be a short story over a cut scene.


All the more reason for them to fight!

Him having a soft spot for her can make him turn a blind eye to whatever the Forsaken are going to do next to piss off the world. That may come back to bite him in the butt.

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Not to mention Tess Greymane and Voss are Uncrowned colleagues. Interestingly as I understand it they play eachother’s roles in the story for Red/Blue players.

Also we’re apparently just never going to address how there’s a God damn Illuminati are we? It’s got multiple people from RAS and SI:7 in it on top of every organized criminal organization on and even beyond Azeroth in it’s web.

Azeroth straight up has an Assassin deep state and its just never dwelled upon.


Probably because it’s stupid and useless and couldn’t even find Sylvanas after BfA.

So much for Voss and Garona trying to uncrown her.


Could you pls post the talkes?

Oh perhaps that’s just what they want you to think.

Let’s just say the writers aren’t smart enough to handle writing for them.

Here ya go:

Greymane: I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see you safe, my king. Even after reading Jaina’s reports, I can scarcely imagine the horrors you endured.

Anduin: There were times I thought I would never escape the Jailer’s control. The things he made me do…

Greymane: Those actions were not your fault! You cannot blame yourself.

Anduin: I… I should have been stronger…

Greymane: Anduin Wrynn, you are the strongest man I know. And when you return to Stormwind, the whole kingdom will tell you the same.

Anduin: I can’t go back, Genn. Not yet.

Greymane: But the people need–

Anduin: Turalyon will keep the Alliance safe in my absence. And I know you’ll watch over everyone we care about… Old Wolf.

Greymane: Of course. Take whatever time you need. And when you’re ready… please, come home.


That’s cringe, all the way from “my king” to “strongest man I know” to “old wolf”, which is what Sylvanas called him.