Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Top poster says what?

lil bro emoting about having windows explorer open i cant :skull:

awww you even keep track of how many times people post? You’re so serious about this lol, it’s adorable. What else do you do for fun?

look i can do it too

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No, no. It up top on the thread. Blizzard is keeping track for us. Ohhh you sweet, simple, soul. See, there’s a little number next your name and your number is currently the biggest. But you “don’t care.”

we going this far?

Think about it. Really think about it. In an anonymous forum with ninja avatars this man can’t defend something he advocates for in the very same thread. All I did was notice that. We’re seeing the meltdown in real time.

more referring to the absence of

I believe that choke is easily broken now with a warlock gate from that small hill at the right side of Iceblood Graveyard. My friend Khan started using it during our late-late night games about 5 months ago, and it totally changed the game for us. I’m still fairly new coming back to the game after a long time away, so what may be new to me is probably an old and overused strat to someone else… when did the warlock gate get introduced?

and you’re keeping track of it like a good little secretary. It’s cute. I didn’t know that about blizz keeping track of posts. That’s… super duper interesting and neato or something.

Yeah again, reading comprehension is failing you, I’m not keeping track of it, all the work is done for me. Other people here don’t have trouble reading however. They can see with every post you have less and less of a spine. I’ll go grab the popcorn.

If you want we can get back on topic and discuss premades but you’ve already ignored every question regarding your stance on those so ball is kind of in your court. Let’s see where your faith lies.

Is Gloam, Hirav? I get the same vibe.



Wow, well, lol. And there it is.

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I’ve already thoroughly dismantled Hirav. Hirav at least tries to defend his stances. Gloam is avoiding all direct confrontation.

I’m like a hawk. I miss nothing!

Okay, I clearly have no idea what is going on.

(But they do kinda sound really similar…).

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Pretty apt comparison though. What gave it away? Lack of “good faith” discussion?

Honestly, it was the lack of empathy. But what do I know, I’m just reading posts on a video game forum lol.

melting down because i’m just soooooo maaaaaaad about premades being a thing! just can’t contain my raaaaage :slight_smile:

It’s fine man, we can all see it, get it all out. Remember, all you were asked to do was defend the things you’ve said and you’ve devolved into this.