Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

if you’re completely anti rated (seriously disable chat and play solo shuffle, once your mmr is “correct” the games are chill, you’ll get way more conquest and the weekly vault for faster progress and sockets) just make sure you take advantage of the first win of the day buffs
win an epic and get like 143 conquest, win a blitz and get 130 conq (+110 from gotta go fast and another 110 from the brawl quest), win a normal and get 97 conq

those add up really quick and you should get geared decently, snails paces vs rated though

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i can assure you plm picked his words carefully lol


Ohh I’m not anti rated. I think rated is cool and good for competition. Honest, sportmanlike competition is good for us humans. It is how we find our limitations and push ourselves for better results. Even in a silly game like wow. Hah! Now Q up folks!

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lol, no. Just “an observation”. But one that i don’t need to make for weeks/months/years on end.

Neato! Still don’t care. Premades exist. Blizzard doesn’t ban people for doing it. That’s called “de facto” (look it up if you don’t know what it means). The rightness or wrongness of it doesn’t matter, the fact is that they exist and will continue to exist. So either adapt or don’t. Neato lists won’t change that fact :slight_smile:

climate change has existed for millennia, should we just give up?

i glanced at the list, didn’t read it. But i’m sure it was super duper neato, like you said. It’s funny how worked up over premades you’re getting, like you actually seem to think that by arguing with me you’re going to change one iota of the game lol. I’ve offered my opinions, you don’t agree. You’ve offered yours, i don’t agree with them. I’m not going to read your neato lists or novellas, it’s just spinning wheels at this point, people literally repeating themselves ad nauseum.

But keep complaining, or “giving observations” or “arguing in good (or bad) faith”, or whatever you like. Float that boat of yours! I support your right to complain/observe/argue/make-neato-lists!

all this yapping from someone who doesn’t care btw

doesn’t care about what you think of me. At least finish the sentence :slight_smile:

Yeah at the end of the day I keep illiciting a response from “someone that doesn’t care”. Your name will still appear at the top of the thread as the name with the most responses. Sroll up, you see that number near your name, it’s going up.

As for good faith/bad faith that’s an easy choice, I’ll argue in good faith. You really got me there. Just keep this energy and consistency with everything that falls withing the Gray zone of what Blizzard chooses to enforce. There’s plenty of activity within the game I can objectively say, in good faith, “I won’t do that because I know it’s toxic even though I could probably get away with it.”

Nothing too much different than what you see now. Just holding the choke to force Alliance to pvp, since zerging tended to favour Alliance.

The only difference I can recall is how this choke hold was deployed. Unlike today’s Horde premades that will run straight into you in the Field of Strife, the Rath type premades would form a wall from IBGY to Galv and simply prevent Ally from passing.

Eventually of course the Horde would move North making sure everything South was secure (including killing Bal) and end up spawn camping at SPGY.

so by your logic, you care about my opinions since you responded to me??? Is that how this works?

No let’s explore your (lack of) logic. I’ll make it simple and be direct. Why are you here if you’re just “glancing” at posts yet voracious in responding? Why are you here if you don’t care yet you’re top poster? Why would you argue for things you don’t believe in or are willing to try yourself?

Boy, I’ll have you at parade rest so quick.

oh you responded again. You really do care! Aww sweatie, that really warms my heart

I told you I was going to be direct, you’re making this easy for me. Now everyone knows you’re still responding and ignoring inconvenient questions (although you “don’t care”) out of your lack of good faith. Confirm me again, like I said you’ll still be top poster.

and another response. I’m gonna save these in my “People who care about what i think about them” folder. You’re special to me, sweatie

Please hit me up in game — Paindevice - Area 52 — so I can join this noble cause…

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Another deflection. I’m gonna need an external drive for these.

it’s cute how serious you take this, sweatie. adds your post to my folder

He knows. We all know he knows.

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makes a separate subfolder for your posts