Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

You did not miss the ratstrat era sir.

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what happens for 30 minutes before qs start and ends with a screenshot in discord
That’s hardly “just queueing as a 5man”

Is this why you constantly respond to these threads, because you just don’t care?

The day will come, and the circus will open its doors for a grand event

hey why aren’t you online?

That’s fine, I just had to directly ask you so we all now know that:

  1. You can’t even defend your own positions
  2. Were always only arguing in bad faith (shocker)

This could have been a much shorter thread had you just skipped the “Use in game voice comms to fight premades, their behavior isn’t actually deplorable” argument from the start.

me giving my opinion on the topic of premades is a separate issue from me caring what you think of me lol.

that’s where we pray to the rng gods.

uh huh, “2 more weeks”.

close comm chat and just queue then bud, take pops without checking for approval

Can some of yall anti premaders make an anti premade thread?

Like enforce more strict penalties on dropped ques, account wide deserter, or whatever else you can think about? I support you!

already did, people disagreed. Welcome to forum debates!

“anyone that disagrees with me is arguing in bad faith”

I’m surprised you haven’t quit WoW in protest of this absolute travesty that is premades. You clearly feel very strongly about this

Everytime we try (guess, really guess) who shows up everytime to derail the thread and defend premades blindly with no logic and less honesty. Guess who. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the “anti-premaders.”

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god i miss being able to post Joels on the forums

Well I’m not part of that, I want premades to only fight premades. Can we agree to that?


Was pretty much just a choke. At least the few times I ran it.

Ran a handful of different games with tiny (creator of oqueue, dk 5 boxer). It was fun for its time.

Was a great way to gear a fresh alt with no honor.

This is why I choose to be blatantly direct and ask you simple but effective questions. Using in game voice chat and deflecting valid points was your choice, not mine. I just asked you to defend it. I’m not surprised you won’t solo queue and try the very thing you’re demanding non-premaders try. I’m not surprised because you’re here arguing in bad faith. See points 1 & 2, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

That’s one of my main arguments and I’m met with resistance every time from some very dishonest people.

Well BSG has your back. This is what we want. All these other premades should be hunted down.

idk if its the darkest timeline or best timeline where enough people come to this forum where you and I firmly shake hands and argue the same points

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bsg premade hunting owns

sucks that the ppl u guys hunt dodge more than demon hunters

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Do Blitz if you want to farm conquest. It’s fast and you get some even if you lose.


People not using in-game voice chat doesn’t negate the fact that Blizzard clearly doesn’t mind us communicating. Just because puggers haven’t figured out how to use it to their benefit, or haven’t heard about discord or premades, doesn’t alter anything.

i solo q’d for over a decade, i got bored with that and have moved on to other stuff. As i said elsewhere, i just like the premade-vs-premade fights.

i don’t think you really understand what that word means. I’ve already done over a decade of solo q bgs, even against other premades. And all without complaining about premades like y’all :slight_smile: I just play the game and adapt to it as i can.

Hey Snowcrest,

I kinda like it taking a long time. I get to slowly work towards it, a little progress here and a little progress there.

And sometimes when I win in a 1v1, 1vX I know it wasn’t gear that got that win lol!

I have 3 characters now I play. Sadly, my Hordees all end up in Valhalla (with all the other alts that have come and gone through the years).

So now it’s Just Lorethon, Elehan and Ronalvandy. Ronalvandy is I think the best name in the game for a gnome. So, with a name like that, gear really isn’t a factor anyway. I win no matter what!

Q up ya fools! Ya wanna live forever? <== Conan ref there