Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

I respect you and Mohz (Mut), seeing y’all’s name in the opposing team means I have to watch my back or I’m done lol.

Anyway, yeah, please do ask blizzard to do something about premades vs premades. BSG has your back, we are the anti premade-premade comm


they do and they get dodged like crazy


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We actually have players that came from avm, they were tired of sitting in valdrakken, after a long dodge ball night.

actually i just don’t care to argue the point anymore. Complain to blizzard. Until they actually start banning people, i won’t be convinced that premades are “cheating”. :slight_smile:


you can partake in a vice and still be critical of it friend
try to queue as a singular 40 man and see what the funny red error text says

do what u want but remember the above


i try to take an attitude towards wow that involves just accepting the game the way it is, instead of constantly complaining about it. It’s just a lot less stress in my life that way. There are plenty of things i could complain about in wow/pvp, but none of that ever actually changes anything. Just like the people complaining about premades, they’ve been complaining for years i imagine, and nothing has ever changed lol. If blizzard ever bans premades then i’ll adapt, until then, the reality is premades are here to stay, so adapt to it or don’t. Or complain incessantly. Whatever floats your boat :slight_smile:


Wait a second. Elise posts great .gifs, not just text.gifs.

o.0 /somethingIsNotRightHere

mass reported my gifs away

Well frick. It’ll come back, though.

there’s nothing wrong with this but what you tend to do crosses into the territory of the average horde premade.
You can enjoy and continue to syncq while still being completely aware of what the game explicitly tells you when you try to queue as a party larger than 5 people. I rlly don’t care if thats who u are

the omega cringe ppl are the ones that DO sync queue and load the goal posts into C-130 cargo planes, while beating around the bush with a squad of 50 silverback gorillas, with more gas and light that the sun looks like a black hole.

lastly just because the game’s been a certain way doesn’t mean change is impossible, cross faction has spread like wildfire despite 20 years of “red angy at blue,” with one flick of the wrist and cross faction enters epics and effectively kills syncing.

Do what you want, but please don’t plug your ears and go “im not reading that” when asked to explain what happens if you try to queue as >=6 players, this is how i end up having to call u a busta

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i will. And i choose to ignore and not try to decipher your novella. I’ll continue to do premades until blizzard bans them, and i’ll continue thinking it’s not cheating since i’m not q’ing as a “raid”, but instead as a “party”.

but please, continue complaining if that’s what makes you happy.

There have been premades in this game as long as it has existed. It does NOT violate TOS. As much as you would like it to. Premades exist to help PUGS with little to no gear or xp be able to group up with people who do know how. Epic battles between premades is something we’ve asked BLIZZ for going on 20 years now. They gave us War Games, but you get NOTHING for doing them, not even honor. If they would just allow us to have the ability to queue as a 40 man group ONLY AGAINST OTHER PREMADES, and give us rewards like conquest, honor, loot boxes, etc. it would literally be a rebirth of this game because right now its dying. I know at least the 5K members of Hydra been in the queue, along with BSG, SPM, Ruin, Auggy, Ruthless, etc. The most fun I’ve had in this game was during WOD when it was the glory days of the premades. Then Legion dropped and pretty much destroyed FUN pvp, pushing us toward rated whether you wanted to just be casual or not.

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i already did read people’s complaints, and gave my perspective. In this thread and in a couple other threads where the same people made the same arguments. We’re just chasing our tail at this point.

Think whatever you like of me, i don’t even know you so i’m honestly not bothered by anything you do or don’t think of me. Plus i’ve seen you in oca’s premades so… yea…

you should be congratulating them for getting their GED, not criticizing them for getting it this late.

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faction separation has existed just as long, your point is meaningless in the year 2024

tell that to the dropped queues and the pugs you play against

also you act like most premades dont literally dodge premades all day

everyone is geared by this point, outta here

play rated, takes 3 hours to get maxxed

It take me forever to get conquest as I don’t do rated. I never cap out.

Also, congrats to Gloam for getting their GED!

thx bro :smiley:
See, that’s how you do it, Elise

it won’t let you. So i don’t. I q as a 5 man. Which is allowed.

uh… okay? Not sure why you think i’m only devoted to premade epics, only been doing this for a month or so. I’ll just focus on SS arena if premades get banned, it’s really not an issue for me at all. I just like Oca’s premades because he goes after the other premades, and i like the massive fights since they’re challenging.

meh, i don’t care one way or the other. Think whatever you want of me, it really doesn’t bother me. I don’t think anything bad of you, just mildly surprised you’re making such a big deal of all this.

Premades are de facto allowed. End of story. :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :comet: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Welcome back, but it’s easy to gear up now. Premades should fight only premades.

I completely missed out on the rathstrat era. I’d still like to see a good example of what the strat is in the modern game.

I quit WoW at the beginning of WoD and only came back in May of last year. I was there with Tiny when he first released oQueue, though… that was a golden time, IMO.

I think y’all should Q up and get it on. I’m in AV atm, q’d into a looser of a fight but we’re fightin!

Ohh they put up the runway, so maybe we’re getting farmed. Ohh we lost. All good, reQ!