Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

this just doesn’t happen. groups are made with whoever is online.
i haven’t seen a full 40 in months on either side.

the sky isn’t falling chicken little.


Just to brighten it up a little - I find people who are still playing Epic BG at the end of expansion seem to be more serious and keen, and troll are much rarer. Curious if you have the same observation?


There are some good players in those premades but most are not. You will never be the best player you can be if you refuse to step outside your comfort zone.

If someone is sending in spies and only taking easy games against pugs it is highly unlikely that person will learn enough to be a good player because those games are too easy.


I think it’s largely the premades in the bracket honestly. I have tested it over the last month and I am still at like a 60% chance of seeing a premade when I queue for them. Some times a day is worse than others. Sure some people want fast games but you also have the qsync who largely draw the games out. So you are not only getting stomped the games are being dragged out.

Idk how you “disable” group sync all they do is make unrated bgs cross faction and it kinds of ends it. But people will always complain, but as someone who loves BGs maps I love are no fun, and I know others who don’t touch EBGs anymore either for similar reasons.

This excuse is used for everything, but no one is asking for EBGs to be solo queue, we are asking for them to stop allowing groups to circumvent the group limit rules.

This is the argument, but again they are circumventing the rules.

My theory is nothing has been done because if you take out the premade qsyncs the bracket may be a barren wasteland just based on how I saw some backfilling occurring etc during matches.

There are certainly people that work on PvP stuff. Team like in the sense when Holinka had the PvP lead dev title not sure.

The vast majority of it’s life span? Full premades have been gone for wayyyy longer than they were around.

The bracket has been dead for years. Since Cata for many of us. I think that those who still play are doing what they can to survive in casual PvP.

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2002 - 2017 = 15 years.
Yes that would be the majority of its life span

for those who think premades are fine

I played over 10 epic bgs yesterday

I can asures 8 of them were premades

and sometimes, this happens

premades avoiding each other, so you have 40 ppl stomping 10 randoms

its literally smurfing, its not fun if you are in the premade side either, this is so disgusting, the way is stop playing bgs and only do blitz. if premades are forced to fight each other and can’t smurf randos anymore, they will just stop

‘‘b-but this has always existed in the game’’ wow if something was always bad you dont want to fix it just because it was there for years? and regardless, they’re so much worse right now, you basically cant enjoy a random bg at night, bc you will be carried by a full premade or you will be stomped and outnumbered like the print above

I’ve been part of a premade group before, all with full conquest gear, they literally say in the call not to accept the que if there’s another premade on the other side… they don’t want a real fight, they just want to smurf


DJL fights other premades (RR, BF) allllll the time (there is one group of toxic folks we refuse to engage with). Who was the premade on Horde side and also were they mercs?


I can vouch for this… I’ve been in games where they fought other premade groups.

But Torture and I go waaaay back… to WW2.

Disappointing Honor Level, though.

Doesn’t matter if they fight other premades. They have no problem going up against random pugs and absolutely stomping them.

Don’t let them fool you. If they wanted fair fights they would play rated.


There excuse is that there is no rated epics, but they could also do wargame epics against each other. They are 100% in it for free easy wins.

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your team isnt fighting a premade in that av
why don’t you just admit that you want to farm randoms in bg with an organized group instead of a rbg?, it’s not illegal, it’s just awkward


Horde player looking for premade community

Yeah, that’s us. We’re down to fight other premades except those one batch of rotten apples. No thank you there.

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Honestly, it really does come to the individual imo. For example, I’m pretty sure you are a great player, one I’d want to play with. But the majority of the complainers in these threads I would say I know I don’t want to play with.


it seems most of them are the ‘‘bad apples’’ if you are willing to fight another organized group, why not stick to RBG? you will always fight the ‘premades’ there

Because in order to progress beyond 1800 in RBGs - their community will have to nit pick it’s selections - due to lack of skill. There’s not 10 members in any of these premade communities that can hang with an actual 1800+ RBG group. It would be a disaster.

The only reason I don’t mind Torture - is because he/she actually admits that they’re not skilled players. … It’s just a bunch of people having fun. But I can name three other ‘‘leaders’’ whose egos couldn’t handle being exposed.


A lot of the appeal of premades are roll up, type 1 to get in a group, and play as long as you want to. RBGs are not popular due to several factors: team make up, meta classes, number of required healers, stress, toxicity, and time required to get the perfect team together. And if you lose, you have to start from scratch again pretty much. No thanks. Wargames also require planning.

Yeah - but since you guys are a community - and the team is built ‘‘community strong’’, why would people drop group after a few losses? I would think that a strong community based around only having fun would be the perfect group to play RBGs with. :rofl: :rofl:

Oh… wait