Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Why dont you 1v1 him then ? I think you will get smoked tbh.

But I will come watch haha

these premade geeks are ruining the fun for every1

even when u get them on your side its so boring

who wants to steamroll win every single game in 2 mins? seems like it would get real old real fast

I hate seeing these premade dweebs on either side. usually i just afk out uwu xd


Still a problem. Still needs fixing. Sorry for the necro, but this zombie is still walking around and it needs to be put down. Blizzard should at least give us a comment on it.

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Yeah, it’s boring 100% of the time.


The analogy of a premade raid is a false equivalence. It’s commonplace for premade raids or, at the very least, group content for guilds. Circumventing the queue for an epic pvp bg is as close to cheating as it gets. All things being equal, one group of strangers against another group of strangers was the true essence of “random” battlegrounds, ergo the word random. There’s nothing random about preplanning and discord coordination against a pug team of solo queue players.


listenin to annoying people like you makes me want to kill myself

No it wasn’t hence why originally and the vast majority of its life span you could full raid que into them. The “random” was what battleground you actually did. In fact if you read the description of the in game event itself it even says so.

Didn’t that “full raid into bg” option just get taken out of Classic / SoD because of the massive amount of unfair games / complaints going on ?

This is the random bg we are at now… no raids in a bg. Unless your cheating via syncing

A blue post from 2019, so back in Battle For Azeroth days, half a decade ago ? Pretty sure that means its obsolete.

I would like an up to date Blue Post about the current Epic Queue Syncing system considering how bad it currently is. Do you have one of those ?

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Awww cute you took a video of yourself after you face another premade in an epic

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Are these the original? No so what reverence does that have to statement I made?

Unless the rules change and in this case they have not a blue post is not required. Blue posts mase from 2010 are still relevant and effective to this day.

The bracket may not though.


I’ts annoying to waste 20 minutes. You wait in the queue and then get stomped on by a bunch of loser geeks who are laughing with each other on discord. What’s the challenge? It’s so boring, even if you’re on the premade side. There is no challenge, just losers who get off on bullying and griefing b/c they have toxic personalities and personal problems.


So it should be no problem to reconfirm their position via a blue post.

Surely, with the amount of threads going up about Epic Premades destroying that game mode they would speak up about it.

They are simply ignoring at this point.

It’s simply cheating in my opinion. You can think my opinion is wrong but I consider anyone who does it a cheat. Kinda lucky most of them are average players tbh.

Too true unfortunately. This game does attract a whole lot of such types


This is the entire problem with this game. Instead of getting with a group of people and pvping these WOWbies want to que up for group pvp solo and cry about it… Get a group and please spare us all the tears.

Its not bullying when YOU volunteer for a group based PVP match and loose. Get a group and stop crying.

What I’m unsure about is the general player base has gotten so bad in terms of how they play epic BGs, and what they expect from epic BGs. I think too many people want to play ‘fast’ games in which they consistently PvE ‘player mobs’ to the easy finish. They don’t care to understand the maps or strategy necessary to win. They want in and out with a win under 10 minutes. And they refuse to accept that’s not what epic BGs are made for.

So I’m NOT convinced that individuals currently complaining about group syncing premades would actually stop complaining if group syncing was disabled. They’d find something else to blame their losses on - but never their own actions or poor play.

I think if there really was a solo queue for epic BGs these same people would be the worst players and trolls in there, because all they know how to do is be angry. They don’t know how to play the maps, they don’t lead or direct correctly. What they seem to want is two teams of random solos randomly doing whatever, where the team doing whatever better will win quickly, rinse repeat.

The argument that unorganized solo teams should not have to face premades is sound; however, said solos are no better at epic BGs simply because they solo. In fact they are likely worse.


Unfortunately, the known PvP devs, who were aware of the premade raid problem and explained to players that premade raids vs. random pugs harms the PvP community, have left Blizzard.

There might not even be a PvP dev team anymore.