Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Rated content is stressful. People under duress react differently. I have run guild rbgs before in the past, there’s accusations of favoritism, people who say they will be there and don’t show. It’s just a lot of hassle.

I do like BGB and will be doing that once the season starts. I don’t have high expectations for myself, I just want to gear my alts. I don’t get sweaty about it.


The majority of the members in these communities can’t handle losing - which is why they feel the need to play in a premade group in the first place. That’s all you had to say.

Socializing/Friendship comes in a distant 2nd only to winning, though. :rofl:

I’m actually curious - if Blizzard ever did find a way to stop the queue synchs - how many of these people would unsubscribed due to not being able to feel ‘‘great’’ behind fake victories.

Probably a lot.



enough of the community players understand the strategies and fall in line even when solo queing. you’ve seen them. the ones who already have gliders in WG. the players who go make sure bt is capped and stays capped regardless of what’s happening at SR. the ones taking out guns before anything is built. things that need to happen besides “durrrr everyone go sr lust at the flag”.


I understand not wanting to fight alongside with other “rotten apples”, but why would you not want to fight them if they’re on opposing team? Wouldn’t you be more motivated to kick their butts?

Our community voted to not engage with them at all, regardless of what side they are on. The other night we finally got in an AV, they were on our team, we left.

What about the pugs in there? They’re gonna start with only 10-20 players against a full team.


Happens on alliance too. It fills eventually.

Yes… and that is usually after like 2 minutes the game has started. And by then, the outnumbered pugs would have been wiped at SR, Hangar, ROC before people started filling the spots.

If people do manage fill your spots before the gate opens, there will be people that afks out of the battleground upon realizing that they have joined a game that is 40vs10/20/30.

:heart: Thank you and I would love to enjoy the EBG with you as well!

It’s fun to find familiar Forum member names in a match. Actions speak louder than words and often many pleasant surprises can be found. This is why I would love to see Pugs forming a (new, if people don’t feel like joining existing ones) Community, not for Premading (not until Blizz gives Premade an official & clear All-OK), but just to meet each other, exchange tactic ideas, or do post-mortems after the match. Besides thinking this is a good way for new players to learn and enjoy EBG, going into a match with only a single 5-person group who trust each other, can be very effective and fun :muscle:, don’t you think?

Just FYI in the past 3 days 90% of my Epic fights are teamed with good Pugs and this is between AEST 8 pm~10 pm so I am happy! Only bumped into the Ruslan (?) premade twice last night - we lost but it’s interesting observing what they do and learning as much as possible - wouldn’t want to walk away empty-handed would we :wink:

“good pugs” means there was premade com members on your team.

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Where’d all the premade communities go in community finder, did they switch to guilds? Can’t see any.

Guilds and communities have been fubar since last Tuesday.

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Just an update. Since the following day of this earlier post, we (Pug) matched against horde premade groups 95% of the time, we end up playing Blitz or 2v2 :smiley: The situation hasn’t improved much really in Epic for Pugs which is a shame.

Yeah, I meant devs specifically assigned to PvP. The known PvP devs have left Blizzard.

I don’t know if other devs took over, or if Blizzard just scrapped the PvP dev positions entirely and now PvP only gets looked at periodically when a random PvE dev has some free time on their hands.


Actually agreeing with owl for once is a weird feeling

But this is 100% true lmao

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There are people that work specifically on PVP things I can tell you that.

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But it doesn’t lol. At least not on Horde side. I had a night where our team started with 20 players 2 times in a row and never filled past 25. I knew it was another premade dodging because the Alliance side was a premade. Ironically never experienced this on Alliance side which I play way more often.


Alliance have so many queueing is why. We have mercs on horde side. Can’t merc to ally, so horde queues get jacked up and ally do not.

It’s bullying when it’s a group made up of many well-greared experienced pvpers with add-ons coordinating on discord vs. a PUG. That’s why so many people in the PUG group quit after getting smashed in the first battle. That’s why the match is so boring and not very challenging even if you are on the winning side.

You can merc to ally. There are many more horde in our server cluster.