Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Probably because like many others wants nothing to do with bsg :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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He’s your solo player alter ego, both equally delusional.


Come on man, you already know the answer to that question - you roll with a “full” premade and a good chunk of enemy players simply AFK out when they see you guys. I know I’ll insta-AFK out if I see a “full” BSG premade on the other team

The only pug players that actually stay/sit thru those 1-sided games are likely the more clueless types that have no idea about recognizing certain names on the board and such. The smarter/more experienced players are likely to leave pretty quickly since they’ll know it’s a premade just from taking a quick glance at the list of names

I see that Owl person fairly regularly in pugs-vs-pugs, he does play a lot. If I had to guess, he simply AFKs out when he gets paired up against a premade… hence why you don’t see him


fixed 10chars

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Swifty is actually a beast on his boomkin lol.

Tough to take down when he is a flag carrier in WSG. :heart_eyes:

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

I like playing the premades. Especially if you end up winning

So, the opioid epidemic finally infiltrated WoW it seems.

And for the recorded moose and crocs don’t live anywhere remotely close to one another. In keeping with your Savanna motif, you should’ve gone wildebeest or water buffalo.

I need to watch more animal planet.

there’s some good zoology channels on youtube, big recommend on “Casual Geographic” very humorous and super knowledgeable information

Massively multi player online role playing game….epic bgs flooded with pre-made communities…blizzard: hmmm I’m sensing that the people need to be able to Que up by themselves in a solo content without any friends

stick to complaining about hunters

I never complain about hunters. I make a statement!

when ppl gunna see me on the team and be like oh ,oh my god its kit its all over now ! >:(

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He’s right - I drop from most premade games. Normally, I’d stay and pick off stragglers, but premade groups tend to stick together - removing all of my fun.

I also spend a lot of time on my Rogue and Paladin.

I’m averaging 100 Honor Levels per month for the last 3 months… to say you don’t see me is a lie. You can simply sort the BG by Honor Level - I’m the guy at the top.

Your rants are quite angry and aggressive! That may be a detriment to your blood pressure and health.

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Yes - I’m totally fuming from a post I made 5 days ago.

Go do some premades, ‘‘BRO.’’


As long as 3 NPC healers stand next to it too. I’ve never seen him run without a handful of pocket healers.

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did my shower time warp me back to 2004 or what

Sums it up my brother.

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This thread has become quite off topic. I am a regular unrated PVP-er that just came back to the game. I am dismayed to see all the premades in epic BGs… However, I think what this thread is entirely ignoring is that some groups (such as Auggy’s) are using add-ons to coordinate their queue times. Wouldn’t THIS be against the TOS? It’s pretty frustrating to wait and wait, then just face premades where our entire side is dejected. Can a blue address this at all?

(keep on topic about the ADD ONs that allow groups to bypass WoW’s attempts at limiting premades.)