Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

I’m amazed people sub 30ish even want to play this game lol.

But honestly I think it’s a mix of players been around a long time; and younger kids just really good who enjoy it.

That’s just it. I was 30 when I started playing this game, lol. I have family members and co-workers in their early 20s that don’t know anybody that plays MMOs at all.

IMO that has nothing to do with any particular MMO design and more to do with the level of internet connectedness we grew up with, MMOs used to be really cool because you were playing with Tim from Minnesota, prior to that all multiplayer games had either player 2 right next to you, or you knew someone and were directly dialing their computer with your modem. the idea of not only talking to but making friends with someone in another state or country and exploring an online world together was extremely novel and interesting at the time.

then social media and smartphones happened.

these days most people under 30 have grown up in a world where people are already connected. talking to and playing games with someone on the other side of the world is commonplace if not expected. the original appeal of an MMO just isn’t interesting anymore because nothing about the genre stands out as special anymore in the modern world.


hi I think raids and the variety of playstyles enabled by classes/specs, arena, bgs to a lesser extent (remove wintergrasp) and sheer volume of vanity collections (mog, mounts etc) is in fact quite special hence why I play this game more than I do halo 3 :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah…as a Canadian it was kinda wild raiding with Vent in TBC/Wrath and listening to an officer from Texas who sounded like Slim Pickens from Blazing Saddles, LOL.

You have amazingly talented players like Meepmonk who are super young, and are pretty much what Cdew, Pikaboo, Snutz and co. were. Cdew is an old head now, but you have to remember during the days in Blackrock, when he was Tenderloin, he was one of the Meepmonks of that time. Snutz was young as when he was Snutzington and Neilyo was young when he was the guy. Pikaboo was incredibly young and wrecking people in Durotar duels the next generation over.

Kalvish is a ridiculous player now. And, to be honest, he could go pro in any game out there. It’s nice to know some talented freaks choose to play Wow given the barriers and all, but Arena is such a unique offering that has sustained this game for 17 years. We often forget this game is a real success by way of longevity.

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Right on brother. Preaching. There’s a method right -

  • If Conquest Grind, irrelevant. Just happy to play and meet new friends.
  • If just wanting some MMR, watch them play for 10 games and spot check positioning, kiting, trading of CDs and how they spend mobility CDs. If bad fit, still friends.
  • If Pushing seriously, will hard check achieves for past 2-3 Expacs. Check anomalies - Combatant/Challenger to Gladiator (once off type player) and then never Gladiator again. Highly suspicious if a high volume player - 500+ Honor Level, crazy suspicious if 1000 Honor+ and they are unable to Glad again in SL S1 or S2 (as insanely inflated) or hit Elite in DF Solo Shuffle S1 (outer space levels of inflated). Ridiculously high suspicion of boost and many of these players exist. Would rather take a non-Glad who is fun to be with and give it a good try.

But in all cases, Honor Level can be a more negative attribute than positive if there is an absence of progress/maintenance, but a massive volume of play (in other words, they bully a lot of lesser geared people, rather than seeking more satisfying games).


Nonesovile is an old fart pushing into 40.

Crazy healer still. Don’t know how he calls himself washed up.

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Can we please make an NPC of Andrroo in Ashran? When a Queue Sync is detected he one shots all the premade players and gives them an Anti-Craven BUFF that you can only queue rated content for the next 7 days.


I resemble this remark.

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Why attack Fraam? Genuinely a nice person and hasn’t said anything to you.

“I destroyed Bajheera 1v1”

Yes, I will take things that never happened for 500!

I wouldn’t be too impressed by a guy who needs three pocket healers to look good in BGs.

He’s a good Arena player - not a very good 1v1 player.

And I don’t care about Fraam, period.

Now, I need to focus on 1900 Honor Level, season 4 gearing… and 2100 Honor Level before TWW drops. So, you guys can have your little forum back. Peace.

Side note - If you read this Arrow - I’m the Rogue that made you Afk out, after beating you TWICE (I’m counting the afk)… The statue trick doesn’t work on me. Go back to attacking low IQ players.

The rest of you - not harm intended… at least Ruthlessbro got it.

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So, I can attack people lower than I am - and feel good about myself when I win every single fight. Plus, I want #1 in the US. Greatest Country in the world.

Then I can retire… My fingers are old, and brittle… My fingers used to glide across the keys like beautiful gazelles running through the plains. Now, my fingers move like a moose trapped in the shallow part of a river - being dragged under by two Crocs.

But I can still beat 98% of you.

I am out of here, boys and girls… see you on the war field.

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Back in the day I was in his guild on Darksper, Bajheera’s Army. And when we queued up together we didn’t always have healers grouped with us. Your posts tell me that you are probably really young or immature, calling people low IQ to me is ironic when you think HL determines a players ability.


* while refusing any duels due to arbitrary conditions just because.


who ?

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actually, how come i haven’t seen you? with that many honor levels you would think i would have bumped into you at least once.