Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

When Rated Blitz releases - I want you people to pay attention to the low Honor Levels… as your rating increases to 2000 - you’ll be going against higher Honor Level players.

These players will actually be… good.

As for Kennie - you’re really just biased. You claim that my Honor Level means I have no job - yet, you praise a guy that has 44k ach pts, 1500 Honor Level, and 48k forum posts.

The guy probably has a computer chair with a toilet seat.

Now, spare me your ramblings. When Rated Blitz comes out - my point will be proven. The higher the rating - the higher the Honor Levels. The more difficult the games will be.

IF you people can even get there… which I doubt.

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You go play with Fraam and let us know how awesome ppl with high honor levels are. :smiley:

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What exact positives are you claiming for the PVP Community?

While you mention cohesion, it seems that this might foster a sense of superiority rather than actual skill development. This wanting for a sense of superiority is a sign of addiction, and it’s trying to compensate for something missing in your life. True skill in gameplay acknowledges that it’s perfectly fine to lose sometimes. Constantly stacking “friends” to dominate less organized groups doesn’t necessarily reflect genuine skills. It’s just similar to a senior high school team overpowering kindergarteners in a game of dodgeball. Surely, there’s a more sportsmanlike approach to competition. We get it. You want to be the dodgeball bullies.


it’s pretty incredulous how obtuse these communities are to a) their selfishness, b) their ignorance to the negative feedback loop that is clearly aimed at them, and c) their arrogance in denial.

whilst it would be a very meagre consolation prize, these communities in at least acknowledging -

  1. yes, we are very selfish people
  2. we’re rubbish in the game in a fair and balanced context
  3. we’re not brave enough to sign up to the above
  4. we fight unfair cause we like bullying people

would at least bring acknowledgement and applause for self-awareness, and in many ways a certain respectability. It’s just a community of shame lacking that acknowledgement.

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I really wish we could use memes to sum these posts. I mean I’m pretty sure the Egyptians figured it out with pictures. They used cat memes a long time ago to communicate. I don’t want to read 1.2k walls of posts. Someone drop an OJ meme to sum up eveeything please

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h ttps://www.dataforazeroth.com/

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I meant on the wow website; like how there’s a page ranking PvP on the wow website. Not an external page.

I’ll pass on playing with Fraam, or any of you.

Besides, last I saw - he was maybe 600-ish Honor Level.

That’s not high - and you only proved my point. I don’t really care what you people think about Honor Levels. I know what I experience. My experience, in BGs and WPvP is - attack anyone with a low Honor Level - and it’s a super easy kill… because they’re bad. Attack a guy rocking 1300+, and it’s a better fight.

And when Rated Blitz comes out - you won’t want Fraam. You’ll want as many 1300+ Honor Level players that you can get. It’s simple - wait and see who is right. You’ll cringe when you see a 109 healer.

You’ll cringe because he’ll be awful. It’s a fact.

What about:

He’s only level 54 honor level on his us account.

Easily best survival hunter in the world. About as far from awful as possible.

Also sitting at 2.6k in shuffle using no addons or macros (lol character named noaddonmacro)


Why the hell do you people keep bringing up Arena? You can have a low Honor Level and be good in Arena. It’s a different setting. It requires a different set of skills.

But it doesn’t mean I want that 54 Honor Level on my BG team… and if I fought him 1v1 - he’d get annihilated - because his pocket healer wouldn’t be there to save him.

A great Arena player can have a low Honor Level. This has NOTHING to do with Arena. Paindevice is right - you people elude common sense - and logic. I’d block at least three of you, if I knew how these forums worked.

I destroyed Bajheera 1v1 - but he’d beat me in Arena… easily.

Seriously, bro - move on.

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So you’d beat bicmex or vanguards (honor level 570 what a loser…) 1v1? Not just beat but annihilate.

:rofl: :rofl:


So it’s there anyone you’ll actually fight on stream for us to see your incredible prowess?

Or is this a Jerry Seinfeld “I choose not to run” meme?

Click name (at least non chicken people who don’t make their profile private for whatever reason).

Under name there is a selectable box, click that, click ignore, select time length of ignore.

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Vanguards is the exception. He’s one of very very few players who is great in Arena - and great at 1v1 with a low Honor Level. I used to run into him back when PvP servers were still a thing - he would pop his wings, let it end, and then attack. That’s pure skill - that’s pure dominance… that’s pure arrogance.

Vanguards has my respect… in ALL aspects of PvP.

But there’s A LOT more Fatfreddy’s than Vanguards in Warcraft.

I’d take Vanguards over 5 of you combined.

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I blocked you for one month, Fatfreddy - because I know deep down - if you created a Rated Battleground group, and you only had one spot left - you saw a 109 Honor Level healer… and a 1450 Honor Level healer… you’d take the 1450 without thinking twice. We ALL would. Elise is next… just for being clingy.

Now, if you whisper me in game saying ‘‘Yes, Owl, the 1450 is far superior than the 109’’ I’ll unblock you.

No. I’d use checkpvp and take the person who actually has some rated PvP experience.

Not who has the most participation points.



For your viewing pleasure:

(Hint: bicmex does well in both tournaments 1v1)

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Why does this dude look like he’s twelve?



He is super young. And super great feral.

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Interesting. I don’t keep track of arena players, but I always assumed the very high ranked ones were at least 30 years old and had been at it for years.

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Bicmex is like 25 I think.

Ah. I guess the real “older” gamers are just doing battlegrounds then. :slight_smile: