Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Yeah, because we know who’d win.

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Yeah. Me.

Then I’d get the reward of knowing I beat a guy named Fatfreddy with Honor Level 250.

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:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:bg forums in a nutshell :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Yeah, the only place I’ve ever seen anybody mention honor level. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


I would love to see them go over to the arena forums and post this.

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I wouldn’t know - I’m not rocking 38,506 forum posts.

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I’m probably one of the few people who wants addons completely removed from the game. You have addons telling you when to move out of stuff… when other player’s used their cooldowns. It’s insanity. If only there was an addon telling Fatfreddy how to increase his Honor Level - we wouldn’t be bickering like old women right now.

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Venruki wants to scale back addon usage because it is a barrier to new players in all forms of PVP.

Not only does Pikaboo not use addons he doesn’t even have Slice n Dice on his bars! LMAO.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I took this personally. How dare you.

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The only thing scary about Kennie is his achievement points. Pretty sure he actually owns Blizzard and that the rest of these entities such as Activision and Microsoft are just puppet figures.

Trolling aside, this can obviously exist at any level LOL.

It’s just the idea of someone ego’ing over honor level whilst never having tried anything meaningful that makes me chuckle.

Kennie actually managed 1500 Honor Level - so, he’s cool in my book.

It’s the people under 1000 that bother me.

Especially when healers can enter Blitz at 20, 109 Honor Level. There’s just no way those people are good… and it was proven. Blitz should have an Honor Level requirement of 1000.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Kennie is a better PvPer than you or Fatfreddy. He actually dedicates time and puts effort into the game. Blitz will prove me right… when low Honor Level players ruin the games.

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You’ve never been above 1600, in any bracket, across all seasons


Let me give you an example.

Last night in Blitz.

I was stuck with two healers… 20 Honor Level… 109 Honor Level… The opposing team had a 1300 Honor Level Monk, and a 807 Honor Level Priest.

My healers were back peddling, and keyboard turning… That’s what I was stuck with… while the Monk and Priest were gliding across the map like two beautiful gazelles.

Not one person reading this - if they could choose - would have chose to be on the Honor Level 20/109 healers team… Why? Because it’s a sign of a bad player.

I am sick of trying to explain this to you people.

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Hi brother Owlcapwn,

I’m under 1000 Honor Level, even if I added my main account. Sadly, does that mean I’m really bad :frowning:


didn’t ask, you’re hardstuck 1600 lol

You’re hard stuck reading my posts… people in game even whisper me about it.

I bet your favorite film is ‘’ Play Misty For Me.‘’

no it’s The Martian

ok lol

I actually sort each BG by Honor Level - to see if I’m ever second best.

It hasn’t happened yet.

I’m currently in IoC - and this Hunter says ‘‘only two of us are running bombs.’’

So, obviously, I know he has a terrible Honor Level.

I checked - Honor Level 37. He’s a Hunter, and he’s running bombs.

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Nobody would show up. I’m around 450-something and I’m consistently the highest or near highest honor level player there. Randoms are a different story.

He is because he has the rated achievements to prove this. You on the other hand have nothing.

I will agree with you on that. But that’s the extremely low honor level players at around 10 that don’t know the difference between left and right.

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