Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Seems they did something. But that didn’t satisfy people who want to do the above quoted crushing. So they somehow, miraculously find a way to get multiple groups of 5 in. Amazing.

Blizzard doesn’t let raids in because they literally have been quoted over a decade ago saying:

We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

Don’t blame them for not doing more like banning people. Just admit you like having an unfair advantage. That’s it. But you have some incredible cognitive dissonance that this is somehow not what you’re doing (getting an unfair advantage by circumventing the 5 man maximum queue).

It’s hysterical the mental gymnastics you continue to take around the advantage to somehow say “well they could do it too” or “use in game voice” or “blame blizzard for not doing anything“ (spoiler alert: they did, and you’re going around it).

Epic bg premaders never can admit they do it for an advantage. It’s somehow “skill” or whatever weird things they tell themselves in their heads rather than, “hey, I like winning, and want an advantage to do so, so I’m going to do this!”

I queue regular bgs in groups all the time (5 or below, we just press queue and it works! Wow, somehow the game just allows it and we don’t have to count down or coordinate with anyone else, we just press queue!).

I know it gives us an advantage. It’s fun, and I like winning, knowing that I have someone who will heal me when I yolo in too far.

And if we had more than 5 people, you know what we’d do?

Just like has been created and capable of doing in the game.

But go on, tell me how it’s blizzard could stop it (again, they put something in plans you’re literally bypassing), or how anyone can do it, or how it’s not about an unfair advantage, it’s just “skill”.


Steps to Queue Epic BG

Step 1 press Join Battle
Step 2 wait for pop
step 3 Enter battle when pop
Step 4 play the battleground

Steps to Queue Epic BG as premade

Step 1 create multiple party of 5
Step 2 ask other party of 5 to be ready
step 3 count down to queue at same time
Step 4 wait for queue to pop
Step 5 Did enough party pop at the same time?
Step 5a If yes, enter queue
Step 5a1 Play the BG
Step 5b If no, leave queue and requeue
Step 5b1 return to Step2

Gloamdream, what do you call those extra steps?


There does seem to be some extra steps in there. I wonder why those are done?


I’m not entirely certain, however I believe they refer to those extra steps as “skill”


That’s because they aren’t being honest with themselves from the start. They are well aware of the unfair advantage they gain from it, but they’ve already committed to the course. Their ego prevents them from speaking truthfully about it. All they can do is engage in damage control by downplaying the advantage as much as possible.


You make good points. And yes, the back door strategy was suggested while we were all getting the scrolls.

We knew that it might work due to the low number of premade players in there. But again, once we found that they were splitting and waiting for us specifically, an adjustment was made. I want to ask again: Did you leave the battleground or did you win it with us?

Without trying to pass a judgement call upon you as a person (which is often done against premade players and I disagree with it), may I ask why you may have stayed and won the game with us if you condoned our strategy as bullying? If you truly disagreed with how we won the game, quickly and efficiently, would you not have left the game? And if you did leave the game, wouldn’t you be unaware of what strategies and calls we made?

You’re in a bit of a pickle here. From my perspective, you benefitted from having an organized partial-premade, stayed and won the game with us, and then came to the forums to call us out even when you participated in the victory. If I’m wrong, I’ll accept your corrections of my assumption. Let me know.

There were not 7-8 people on the other side. It was a full battleground, both sides, with partial premades on each faction.

We won a game with over half of our team being a pug. They lost a game with over half of their team being a pug. The odds were even.

< Saltymcgrump now posting as Paindevice ^ Dude nailed it…


It’s disingenuous to claim pugs can just use in-game comms. I think I used that like once in twenty years with RL friends – and nobody jumps into discord for a pug random BG or pug dungeon run. For a BG especially, by the time everyone is in discord the match is over lmao

Everyone knows this. It’s the culture of the game and it’s not going to be fixed now.

“Hey everyone, they’re a premade, let’s all get our headsets and get into WoW’s voice chat and make a strategy.”

LOL okay

I haven’t queued for epic BGs in a while but what I saw yesterday was multiple instances where chat said “it’s that premade again” and 1/3rd or more of people just left.


why not? that would work, wouldn’t it?

It’s actually wild to me ppl are like this

Like…you’re 30 something years old and you can’t wrap your head around not being a mindless zealot…? (You doesn’t mean you specifically to be clear)

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elise where’d you go last night? You asked for invite and then i mentioned to oca you were lfg but you had already logged out.

I’ll preface this by saying I suck at PVP these days. That being said PVP still feels awful.

Premades should only be able to play against other premades.


I didn’t feel that there were many people in the tribe forming teams and entering the epic battlefield. My friends and I often only have two people, but the system automatically assigns a team leader to me. My understanding is that team leaders will be assigned to small teams with more people. So I think this way, I don’t know if there’s any mistake? Perhaps there is a time difference between my gaming time and those who team up.

At the same time, I don’t think there are many teams in the alliance because they are very weak. Only occasionally do I encounter a very organized team

Regardless of whether there is one or not, my teammates and I are far ahead in terms of the number of kills and damage. We don’t care if there is a so-called team, do what we need to do, and play games seriously



We do not require 20 people to go in a battleground, sometimes we take with just 10 people, if there are no premades to hunt.

Anyway, like I said before, we do not delight on farming pugs, we try to finish the game as fast as we could, we even ask Charming to help us with Blitz when he’s available.

We try get out as fast as we can so we can hunt other premades again.


if you truely wanted to fight other premades, you would only have to merc horde every night and i gaurentee you will fight one almost every single bg.


I meant Plmcrazy up above, not Gvz… And I fully attest that you guys do do that… A noble act… The other 98%, not so much…

we merc alot…

Well we actually did mercenary Que last night and for sure had a fun game against RR!

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