Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Typical people bashing something they’re not capable of accomplishing. One guy with a low Honor Level comes up with one example of a non skilled player - ignoring the fact that the #1 Honor Level player in the world is 2700 rating across the board. Flark - one of the highest Honor Levels in the game - also a highly skilled Arena player. Many many examples of high rated players having high Honor Levels.

That’s like me saying 2800 Arena Rating isn’t a sign of a skilled 1v1 player… which isn’t accurate… simply because I don’t do Arena. A lot of Arena players are skilled 1v1 players.

If he wants a duel - he can get 1000 Honor Level… It’s super duper easy!!!

Can we put a pause on the cringe and get back to queue syncers ruining the EBG experience because they have no joy in their lives beyond breaking the rules in a 20 yr old MMO?


We need some soundtrack music to back up the theatrical effect of Owlcapwn’s epic rants.

h ttps://youtu.be/q6KAVzPb_yQ?si=i9Sg_5DISfYKFtzq

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I’m not sure how I became the bad guy - I play alone. I don’t group - I don’t have any friends on my friends list (because nobody can stand me) and I don’t abuse the system.

I joined the communities in order to take screen shots of their system abuse… sent them to Blizzard. I’ve reported the issue in game, and on twitter. I’m doing everything I can.

Nobody hates these people as much as I do… and they play on MY faction.

I do know one thing - when the change does happen… and it will happen.

I want every premade community member to know - I’m the guy that took the time to take screen shots, and the time to report the issue to Blizzard over 30 times.

Remember that…

There it is! You have no friends so everyone else should suffer, got it.

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The only thing suffering right now is the state of this game. The state of casual PvP is becoming as barren as Rated PvP… due to the queue abusers that infest the game.

We shouldn’t be questioning the skill levels of anyone but the people who need to manipulate the game in order to create a 12 healer group… in order to beat a PUG.

I’m only on this forum to try getting some of you to actually start reporting this issue in game, and on Twitter… where Blizzard actually listens.

Nobody cares about the… Battleground Forum. LOL.

I feel dirty even posting here for as long as I have.


Blizzard IS aware… just keep reporting.


I’ll be your friend, but like don’t add me, or talk to me and stay over there and I’ll stay over here, but know that I am your friend.

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Somebody said ‘‘premade’’ in chat, so I dropped. I had no idea which premade.

I drop from 99% of premade games - after reporting the group.

Other than premade groups ruining the game - it makes no sense for me to stay. Most of you keep your players together. I’m looking for stragglers to fight.

I’m just not interested in a 60 minute AV turtle.

I always said the best kind of Warcraft friend is the person that never messages me.

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Yeah no sh*t.


Dude, imagine bashing someone on honor lvl like ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: bro honor lvl dont=skill lvl. it just means you do alot of battlegrounds and what not. you’re probably the guy that abused the legion wpvp quest i believe it was to get to honor lvl you are now lol


The poster boy for que syncing accusing someone of abusing WOW systems.

You just can’t make this :poop: up


The dude is talking trash on folks because he has a high honor lvl? honor lvl does not mean skill. lol…im like close to 900 honor lvl it doesn’t mean anything I just q alot of bgs :joy: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: if you really want to bash someone go off their rating in arena


These are your words, I added the emphasis on abused. You sound salty about it, maybe it’s because you didn’t get a chance to do it?

I was pointing out that there was a bug in legion to lvl up honor pretty fast. I really dont care and i am not salty about it lol…you get no rewards past 500 lol.

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Your ~900 honor level and epic BG win rate of 80% or higher shows us you’ve been a tryhard queue syncer for several expansions, minimum.

As cringe as his rant was, you don’t get to accuse anyone of exploiting the game.


i get that ppl vant to pvp vith friends. but premades have messed up the pvp experience for mny others.

limit pvp per faction to max of 3,
pvp group of five players per round,
since these players are communicating on voice channels outside the game then prevent names from requeing into next battlegrounds together ( 5 names per normal BG ; 10 for epics )

this allovs players to group but prevents cheating by dominating a pvp battleground unfairly

wait wait, you are going to armory shame someone while hiding on a level 19 classic alt, and you think people are going to take you seriously?

Do you think anyone takes you que syncers seriously? :rofl: :rofl: