Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service


See you soon.

why are you piping up about rating when you’re hard capped challenger this expac.

Honestly man maybe talking smack just isn’t your thing, try baking?



Because I’m trying to find out what they’re ‘skilled’ at. They toss out challenges, but aren’t good at Arena (at all) and they’re rocking low Honor Levels (really low.)

Why should I fight them?

If Honor Level is so meaningless - and so easy to get - why are they so low?

Fatfreddy claims he does 2s - for 1v1/1v2 fights. But he’s 50% win rate in 118 games played - which means, he’s probably not skilled at 1v1/1v2s.

They’re saying Honor Level isn’t an indicator of skill - but the two guys with the two lowest Honor Levels aren’t really good at… well, anything?

They can’t even seem to get meaningless Honor Levels.

Whatever… you people do you. I’m busy.

I have more sightless eyes and a higher azerite neck than you

I banish you from this realm until you attend Sunday school for 2 consecutive weeks

Please be watching baking tutorials or something


So Beary comes in with a little diddy of his own after having mine mass reported because it hurt their feels, the irony!

To be clear, mine was much better than yours.

It’s 2024 - pajamas or nothing.

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How are you so high honor level and don’t even have battlemaster? Or Khan?

Lmao at the :rooster: fighting

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I don’t do titles, achievements - I don’t care about winning or losing BGs. I don’t do rating. I find people weaker than I am - and I beat them. I mock them afterwards. The only way to trigger me - is to find me, and to beat me 1v1. It simply cannot be done.

I’m probably the most Toxic PvPer you’ll ever find… because my only amusement comes from making other people lose. I’d rather beat somebody 1v1 than gain 2800 Arena Rating.

But unlike premade communities - my toxicity is done alone. I don’t need large numbers, or need to abuse the system in order to win… and in case you forgot - that’s the main topic. Those are the real bad people.

I already put my btag down. Add it and we can meet up and stream it anytime.

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Yeah… I’ll get right on that.

Comp Stomp is great for gearing alts… It doesn’t award HKs.

I’m still top 75 in US in that, too.

And I’m not stopping… every HK is at the expense of somebody weaker than I am.

Come stop me.

pajamas are the official uniform of door dash drivers at all hours of the day/night.

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This is just honestly just sad, like if you were cracked at arena or something sure…but this mentality from someone who just plays this game’s Mario party game mode…?

You’re basically a chihuahua to be completely honest.


Another Honor Level done. Phew. I’m beat. I’m going to hop on Owl and do some chill Epic BGs. Maybe I’ll see a few of you in there… I doubt it, though.

Hopefully, this thread gets back on topic… because the subject matter is very important.

I’m trying to land 2100 before the expansion releases… wish me luck.


thread is getting weird.

All of this measuring sure gets Flex’s night elf juices flowing, and he can personally attest to it not being pretty when those two inches go from pink to purple!

Yeah, you noped out and left that AV.

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Awfully sorry, but I didn’t get to see what you wrote. I am not one of those who coordinates mass reporting (or mass liking). There are a few others who do that, but I don’t have to name them. You already know who they are.