Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

You have a 50% win rate in 2s (at the lowest bracket) with 118 games played.

If that’s any indication of how good you are in 1v1s/1v2s… yikes.

This is why I don’t waste my time… I’d win, easily - and get nothing from it.

But anyway - I need to get back to breaking top 10 in the world in Honor Level.

You want a shot at the champ?

Get Honor Level 1000… before I die of old age.

Ciao, ladies.

So, your big brain idea to combat queue syncing is for Blizzard to reenable PvP raid queues because you don’t like being inconvenienced by having to perfectly exploit the system.


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You said that there are different levels of PvP. I agree. There are also different levels of forum taunting.

Level One: Taunting with full intent and ability to back it up.

Level You: Absolutely no substance. Hiding behind hidden profiles and alts. Talks big, but is micro in many aspects of life.

Owlcacraven. There’s a side of the goldshire inn you’d enjoy, but that’s for a different conversation.


Dude I play double dps 2s. Pretty much nobody does anymore. And I’ve played double dps 2s higher than any 2s rating you’ve ever had :rofl:

You have 0 rating in 2s.

Your backwards logic is so beautiful for how much of a :cat2: you are. I’m amazed you don’t play feral since you are clearly a little cat.


If this guy types about honor level one more time I might just become a sync queue sycophant


Yes, but by beating a guy named Fatfreddy, who has 50% win in 2s, with 118 games played - isn’t going to prove Honor Level = skill. It just means I beat a guy named Fatfreddy.

Now, if you were Vanguards - who is great at both Arena and 1v1 - I’d gain something.

I get NOTHING from beating you.


And they wonder why Blizzard avoids this forum.

People like Fatfreddy…

If you really want to fight me - just play Horde.

Torture found me the other day… of course, he ran, when I focused him.

You’ll run, too… they all do.


No problem.


Problem solved.

I’ll make sure to focus any person with ‘‘Fat’’ in their name, who has 50% win rate with 118 games played in 2s. Now, we can get back on topic… awesome.

It would be my greatest pleasure to q with you and find this clown.

I value my time, and I will set aside some for this glorious purpose.


Instead you just made yourself a fool spewing psychodribble about honor level, the thing that people farmed by doing world quests

You gotta rethink your approach dude, what’s next trash talking someone’s mists of pandaria scenario completion number?


I sure hope he isn’t planning on fighting me alone.

It’s going to take at least 3 of you to get the job done.

Queue up together…

Perhaps keep it family-friendly and wear some pants, Cidi. It seems contagious, as you’ve scared the pants off the boom chicken.


who even wears pants anymore


Armor gets in the way of zugging.



Anytime. I ran into you on ToK with Bri on my hunter like a month back lol.

Just for fun, when we ran into a Fred in 2s:


There can only be one…

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You should invite him to your 3s team - maybe he’d break 40% win rate.

Seriously, though, I need to get back to being awesome. If I keep posting on these forums - I’ll end up having 365 Honor Level, and being mediocre at everything.

You people take care - and keep reporting those queue abusers.