Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Really, thats weird, because I have videos uploaded on youtube from then. Guess those don’t count. And we can see you are hiding on an alt :slight_smile:

creative use of game mechanics

What the…nobody was supposed to know about this!! I had my Instagram profile set to private!!


I’ll answer myself. To bring what would otherwise be called a Raid group in the battleground. But since the queue systrm doesn’t allow it, you have to use this one simple neat trick.

4 quarters for a dime.

On another note, Season 4 is about to be lit if no buffs to the environments.

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Que on my Druid earlier, we start an AV with 17 people total.
Que on my Horde Shaman, run into a premade with 15 names I recognize. Wait a bit, que into them again half way through them farming AV.
Que on my Druid again, get hosed because we had like 22 people. Then the constant quit cycle of never having vehicles in a WG.
At some point, this can’t be sustainable, and I say that as a person who even as recently as last patch was defending premades to an extent because I understand that it is fun playing with people that will team fight, will do objectives and not bail at the first sign of struggle.

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what are you on about auggy doesnt lead premades shes just a sweet lady i really dont understand why ppl latch onto auggy so much shes completely innocent . they bout to catch hands stg >;o


what on earth are you yapping about april fools is over dear , i mean ive played 100000000000s upon 1000000000000000000000s of epic bgs over across my alts many hours .

Q syncing is still exploiting .

Like come on man did i really need to explain this to you ? you dont need hrs upon hrs of game “experience” to figure that one out .



It’s so simple to understand

Make a group 5
Queue Epic
Enter Battle
Play the game as intended

Blizzard doesn’t want you to queue with more than 4 friends.

Stop being so dense about it.


i haven’t dodged any question, the game doesn’t allow you to queue with more than 5 so nobody is.

as for syncing, if my team wasn’t doing a sync and we all just queued, then a large group would still end up in the same bg and still be able to coordinate and communicate. and we are still going to roll over teams full of people in PVE gear.

if the outcome is no different for you whether we sync or not, what does it matter?

if you got your way and blizzard was able to flip a switch and stop premades and syncing overnight, you would be back here the next day with new complaints directed at something else preventing you from winning “having a fair game and a fun time.”

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1.0K replies on this thread and Blizzard is silent. What a joke of a company this has become.


You didn’t read my response clearly, and that is okay.

If you all didnt sync your queues and people ended up in different games or spread out, and only 1 or 2 groups got in, then that would be the luck of the RNG.

Because large premades impact my experience of playing the game, if you all didn’t, then I wouldn’t care.

Yup, thats how it works. That usually why those PvE geared people are in those BGs as well is to get some honor for gear and the little conquest that comes from the daily wins.

Premades just make that process take longer, or people give up after 4 or 5 games of running into premades without facing non-premades.

Would I? Thanks for letting me know what I would do. :+1: Not sure why the egos seem so strong from people who play as groups. Not sure why the concept of fun seems to be so taboo for you all. If “rolling over teams in PvE gear” is your thing, maybe you all should just go camp Quest NPCs and kill people there /shrug.

As I stated before, you exploit the system that was put in place. Just follow the rules and play the game the way others do.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:


From my own personal recent experience, premades que syncing werent taking split ques though and waiting until they got majority of their team in. By doing this they were ruining their factions que. Going in with half to two thirds of the opponents number is a rough go.
Not disagreeing with the other part of what you said because i do agree that people would find something else to complain about. But que syncing does have direct impacts on games.
(Also no backfills dont really help a lot when half your team drops and backfills just keep the unequal numbers from ending the bg early.)

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If the error message isn’t obvious enough, Blizzard has also publicly explained they don’t like premade raids in random bgs — premade raids vs. pugs are unfair and players get driven away from PvP.

Blizzard and pugs hate this one trick that boosts your win rate from 50% to ~95%! (And the trick requires ignoring/openly violating the rules of a competition.)


^ Top comment.

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Yeah noooooo dear you q sync all groups to get all 40 in .

Hello holy nice to see you around again o/

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Congratulations on 1856 honor level. This Bear guy started at honor level 0 last summer after coming back to WoW after about 7-8 years away, so missed all of honor levels from Shadowlands. Only 397 honor level here, but thanks for the extra credit. Maybe this information will help you craft some rants with better information.

High honor levels and the ‘lol hardstuck’ ratings ridicule aren’t things I’d bother to seek validation for. It’s a game, and nobody outside of this game cares about those things. I’ve never though much of trash talking on forums, being disparaging of someone’s social status, or making personal attacks on people I don’t know on the Internet. Raging isn’t my vibe…Not in my wheelhouse, but hey, you do you.

I’ll still try to get along with everybody as best as I can and be a little positive. So… :person_shrugging:


The outcome would be 100% different.

Without Queue Sync and Drop here’s what would happen :

  • No more starting BG’s with half groups.
  • A 5 man premade could take the spot of back-fill and flip a loss into a win.
  • A 5 man premade could Merc while others don’t which would spread them on both faction, creating a healthy Queue, since Fast queues are better.
  • Real super-star PVPers would not give-up after one fight
  • PUGs will have a good time following multiple potential leaders
  • Epic BG’s are fun again and more players stick around

The Backfill 1 fight afk meta is all caused by premader syncers.


It appears my little diddy for the que syncers got flagged and removed.

What shocks me about this isn’t that their fragile egos compelled them to flag my post, it was how easily the report system can be manipulated. Then again we’re talking about people that are used to manipulating WOW systems.


Are Epic Premades toxic? Yes.
Does queue synching violate the TOS? Yes.
Does Blizzard care? No.

Time to sync queue boys, let’s gooooooooo

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