Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

“Depends on who’s leading”. Leading what? Your organized, 24/7 clown-show-in-coms to roll defenseless alts and pugs while laughing hysterically as people unsub at a million miles an hour? How noble. What “leadership!” :roll_eyes:

So funny how all these premade groups always talk about who’s “leading” and their “great leaders”… What a joke…

“Are YOU the “great leader” that led their team to win Blizzcon 2023?”

“No, I’m the “great leader” that rolls defenseless alts and pugs all night while potted up, stacked and in coms.” Derp da derp derp de dooo… Mom must be so proud. :rofl:


K cool story bro

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“Yea, yea yea thats right… We exploit the game and are in coms, body armor and all have Golden AKs & sniper rifles and their 40 players all have knives, handguns and are in G-strings; we win every single time because its totally unfair. Yea, and I’m the great leader of this stupidity. King Stupid the clown. Isn’t that cool bro! I lead the nightly assaults to shoot fish in a barrel! We’re RAD! aNd don’t forget, iM tHe gReAt lEaDeR of it all!:roll_eyes:

i cant believe there are people acting as pr for these premades. literal clown jobs.


u good…?

He/she has a point. It’s gotten quite old/redundant to even try and enter bgs, which I love to play, however that love has dwindled because blizzard allows teams to que together and just enter/destroy solo players. Their needs to be something implemented where teams auto get placed into a bg bracket if they que with more than 2 people. It shouldnt be allowed for teams to que and get easy wins/conquest over those who que solo. It’s rather ridiculous at this point.

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You’re acting like this is all my fault well it aint. there are 5-6 communities out there including horde that do what i do

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This has always been a thing, they are actually less cringe then they use to be though which kinda ruins the fun imo

I think I have seen your team maybe once in Epics over the past few weeks. So I agree it’s not all your fault. I don’t think we can fault 1 person for this ordeal. However, you could help make the change! You could just group with 5 people and play the modes, heck if you get 10 people get into those RBGs and kick some butt for those cosmetics. Doing it for HKs or Honor past the point of needing it is a bit ehh. But hey, I get you all need a place to enjoy with your friends. As I said in an earlier post, as long as it doesn’t ruin things for people like me, more power to you all enjoying what you pay for!

Most of us are baked. Or a few beers in, or both. Both is good.


Let me know who to get in contact on the horde side then…cause they’re definitely not well known…

I’d be shocked if any of their main goals is to get Honor Level 3000. I’ve seen their Honor Levels, and they’re garbage. I’m 1856 - with no groups or exploits.

Some of these premade people can’t even break 1000… which is very odd.

“This user’s public profile is hidden.”…Mmmhmm…

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Go buy a Razer Naga - and key bind something.

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I have key binds.



I’ve even got macros. I’m fancy.


Almost 1000 posts in here, who will be poster #1000? Next post claims it :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

Point still stands… I don’t know how you run premade groups every day - and can’t even break 1000 Honor Level. So, I doubt that’s their motivation.

I’m 1856, and I missed half of Shadowlands.

That Bear guy is like 600 Honor level. Long shifts at McDonalds, I guess.

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you have not and you do not

anyone can see you are lying by looking at your armory