Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

so, saltwater potions are exploiting? minmaxing is exploiting?

the game allows certain items and behaviors one can go out of their way to obtain in order to gain an advantage in pvp, syncing is no different, the game allows it.

someone with few games played has little idea of what really is fair vs what isn’t compared to someone with thousands of games played. the vast majority of supposed cheating or exploiting is just a lack of understanding of what happened.


the game “allows” memory editing btw
for the uninitiated thats literally how cheats are/were done

HAH, jokes on you. I have none!

I have no idea if she is or not tbh. I said she occasionally plays wargames with us, not that she is a member…

Most of those aren’t “out of the way” they drop from boxes and are sold right where PvP gear is and even inside a bg.

By that measure, sticky grenading onto the mountains in wsg and thus out of reach is “allowed” and “no different” bc it’s in the game.

The basic answer is always that if I can’t do it within the basic mechanics, it’s probably exploiting something broken. You can’t queue with more than 5 in a group, and you can’t get into the mountains of wsg naturally.


You get those items through rewards right? And they can be used in BGs. If they were used in RBGs then yes it would be exploiting. What does minmaxing have to do with anything? People use logs to maximize their performance, okay. They use items they get in the game. Okay. So not really sure where you are going with either of these. Unless you are saying that it provides an unfair advantage to my previous question. However, this is something that is designed in the game and is achievable by all participating. Which is off the topic I made about abusing the functionality that had been placed to limit group sizes of more than 5.

If the game allows it, why can you not queue with parties larger than 5?

Answer the above question for part of the response to this one. Also, what does the number of games played have to do with identifying cheating/exploiting? Are you assuming that someone with fewer games would not be able to use common sense and understanding to identify these situations? I think most people on here are educated enough to understand and be able to identify when systems, items, ect… are being abused.

Not sure if that is a stab at me or not but it is what it is. And I have plenty of games played over the years. I have also done many forms of content over said years as well and not just pvp. :slight_smile:

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it creates an unfair advantage over people who don’t. my point is that fairness isn’t the end all be all measure of if something is an exploit or not.

because what looks like cheating to one is just creative use of game mechanics to another.


you have to remember that with random bgs you are entitled to a random game, not necessarily a fair game. if you want mmr balanced fair games, play rated.

The real reason is sharding. Sharding has made wpvp a lot more difficult than it used to be. Why do we have sharding? Ruin in Nazjatar crashing servers to avoid wpvp.

I miss wpvp. I wish there was more of it. People just aren’t as interested in it anymore and that is sad.

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I think you missed this one, so I will just repost it for you.

And I think Freddy has an excellent point on this as well.

Even with the shard issues, which does suck. There is not the same incentives anymore as we had in the past. And the wpvp gear is lackluster.

If you introduced something similar to Scarab Lord, or got rid of the joint faction cities and let the raids on Org and Stormwind continue it may still be on life support instead of gone.

And let’s be honest, we players were notorious for trying to take down servers back in the day by seeing how many people we could get into an area and the carnage that would come out of it.

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you are still missing the point, the longer you play and more games you play, the more you see and learn and the more knowledge you gain, this means that what actually counts as an exploit or cheating gets smaller and smaller as you go on. the level at which you see things as being a basic mechanic or not gets blurred because what is a basic mechanic to someone with years of experience is a complicated exploit to someone with little understanding or experience.

Thats the second time you have dodged the question, so I think we in this thread have hit the nail on the head for the point.

Blizzard implemented 5 player max size groups. That is a fact.

Queue syncing is a way to get around that. That is a fact.

If Blizzard didn’t want to limit the players they would not have implemented the max party size. So doing anything to circumvent that is yes, an exploit. If you exploit the system to gain advantage then it is…cheating. Or something closely associated with it.

Not sure how blurry the red text when you try to queue with more than 5 people can be. It tells you, “This is not intended”.

Again, years of experience or not, people can understand what the limits are by textual information that is being shared.

I get it, you all want to play with friends, and thats fine. But don’t do it at the cost of mine and other players experience. We have just as much rights to enjoy the game as you all do. And quite frankly if it wasn’t impacting my play, I could care less what you all do.

Also I have played off and on since Vanilla, so yes I know quite a bit about the experiences of the game. I know even about the super sweet mage leveling grinds that happened back in the day that people used for leveling. I get that point that it was an exploit or flaw that was taken advantage of. But then it got patched. Blizzard stepped in and made a choice to fix it. And that was that.


Can you explain to me in simple words what is the purpose of Syncing?

This can’t be a serious response.


u have not seen my calves

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yet the last av i was in, RR kept pulling back from the base to farm over 200 kills for the next 40 mins on a team that was down 10 people the whole match. it’s funny, in one wave you killed 3/4 of our team and STILL went back to FW so we could respawn for your amusement. you guys totally farm HKs, quit denying it.

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Just kinda depends on whose leading, as we have 3-4 different leaders with different playstyles. we dont call it out in RW to farm pugs at x gy or whatever. if that is what you’re applying.

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Can confirm one game like that this week. Have fielded complaints saying the same. It has been brought up amongst leaders already.

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you gonna bring up wargaming instead of playing vs pugs or nah

The leaders have already discussed it as recently as yesterday.