Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

cross faction bg queue release us from this tyranny


Can’t figure out how to use the quote function, and, weak troll. Not surprised. :rofl:

lets just say theyll ‘ruin’ your good time LMAO always greasin the epics like who does that.

First, the alliance team was not a premade. I didn’t recognize any of their names. Not to mention half of them ran back instead of using the teleportation scroll, while the other half of them remained in ROC.

Second your tactic of skipping ROC to deceive the alliance PUG players into believing you were executing a backdoor blitz, and then ambushing them under their mage tower, was actually facilitated by an unfair communication advantage that the PUG players didn’t have access to.

Actually, you were aware that the alliance team wasn’t a premade, otherwise you wouldn’t have come with the skipping ROC plan. Had they been a genuine premade, they would have ignored the Horde team on their mage tower and finished ROC instead of running back to be slaughtered. Considering the protection scrolls farmed in ROC, you would have zero chance against an alliance premade.

Similarly, last week a premade alliance group in Alterac Valley remained inside the start cave until the horde team pulled Vann, at which point they showed up to massacre the unprepared horde players. Of course, the alliance premade knew the horde team was not a premade, otherwise their plan wouldn’t work.

While it’s true that you suffered at the hands of alliance premade teams employing similar cheating tactics, it doesn’t excuse resorting to the same cheating yourself.

I understand that sometimes people become frustrated with losing or having inexperienced teammates, so they form semi-premades to win a few epic battlegrounds. This type of premades sometimes even don’t have a healer because of their non-selective approach toward participants’ gear or class.

However, orchestrating a 40-man premade with an imbalanced composition of 13 healers and 25 RDPS, consistently running premade 7/24, or exploiting PUG teams through deception, is far from honorable.

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There is so much respectfully wrong in this post, so allow me to clarify.

First, we were not a 40 man premade. There were 18 of us from one PvP community in that group. The rest of our team was a pug. There was about 14 alliance players from premades we recognized. Whether they were running together or not is not information we would be privvy to, but those are the facts. I won’t use names here because I don’t believe in calling our players, but there was a famous Druid and famous hunter, just as an example. We realized they were a premade when half of the alliance team was specifically waiting for us to run to ROC instead of farming artifacts, and we feared we’d lose that fight, so we pivoted and ran south to try and kill the mage and cap the flag quickly.

We skipped ROC to try and execute a back door. It wasn’t our intention to ambush. About five of us went mage while the others tried to cap the flag quickly while everyone was at ROC. It only felt like an “ambush” because about half of the alliance team ran back and we realized we had a fight on our hands. I had hunter tracking on, and saw many alliance running back. Those capping the flag ran into the tower for security because they were outnumbered. We were instructed to hide in the stairwell to stack heals, and then we went out to fight. It is not our fault that some alliance chose to stay ROC and I won’t have a premade be blamed for alliance pugs refusing to play as a team. It quickly became evident that your team was going to put up a fight, so we fought. That’s PvP. That’s not bullying. I’m sorry you perceived it as deceiving, but that simply wasn’t the case. The strategy didn’t work as we intended.

My job was easy, and even if half of the alliance team was a pug, they should have implemented the strategy. I was to capture the SS, and guard our mage and boss. Not one player even tried to kill our Druid, go back for SS, or do anything of the matter. I danced alone at the top of the tower expecting one or two people to fight with. They didn’t even try.

I’m also sorry that you perceive a group of 18 players willing to follow the triangle is cheating. We were not even in a voice chat for that particular BG. All the shots were being called in raid warning. We are fortunate that all of the pug Horde players with us were so down with the calls because that’s not always the case (case in point, we just lost a terrible AV the other night).

Half of our Ashran win last night was attributed to pug players who played as a team, unlike the alliance team who clearly had different ideas with the split that occurred. There was no voice chat (though I’ll admit we often use it in larger fights) because our voice chat was mostly discussing an AV occurring at the same time. There was no stacking of healers or DPS (heck, look at my gear). And there was no intention to draw out the fight longer than necessary. But if a team wants to PvP, we PvP. We won quickly and we moved forward.

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Man. Gonna leave me hanging.

That’s a lot more than 5.

Too bad we can’t access old forums. I remember oqueue getting shut down because of rathstrat av and other stuff.

In patch 5.1, we resolved some issues regarding how Addons interact with the Battleground queue system. It is no longer possible to automate queuing for standard or random Battlegrounds in groups larger than 5. We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.


I’m awaiting the “we don’t automate it so it’s ok!” response…


It is. But in a world where I couldn’t beat premades, I decided to join them. And I like mine a lot. We don’t agree with chasing, farming, or bullying. We aren’t allowed to do drama. We want to win quickly and leave.

i think we can also agree that people wearing pvp epics, with gems, enchants and embellished gear have an advantage over people that don’t have all that. But to call it “cheating/unfair” isn’t the truth.

There’s nothing unfair about that. People q into bg’s all the time. Unfair is something like botting, or some hack that makes you immune to any dmg permanently, or teleporting around the map instantly at will to capture flag.

that’s just a sign that a class is broken and that blizz needs to nerf it. Besides, not all premades are that desperate to win, and what i usually see is people playing whatever class they want to play at the time, q’ing together.

Though it’s funny you’re playing a hunter and complaining about hunters

You assumed I was on the alliance team, but that’s incorrect. I was actually on your team, which is why I noticed your name when you offered to check the backdoor inc in the battleground chat.

And no, there was no intention of executing a backdoor rush. The monk raid leader explicitly instructed the team to skip ROC and head to the mage tower with a raid warning and made no mention of any backdoor plan.

The reason the raid leader brought up the possibility of a backdoor inc is because only 15 alliance members were killed under the mage tower. He wasn’t certain whether the remaining alliance players were in ROC or attempting a backdoor attack.

As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t recognize any alliance players, nor did their actions suggest they were part of a premade or even a semi-premade group.

There was a mention of a back door plan. If you were on the same team as us, you would have seen it then. I don’t know what else to tell you. Did you leave the battleground or did you finish the win with us?

I didn’t flag anything. I don’t agree with you, but you didn’t break the code of conduct. Your name checks out though.

My Prat addon doesn’t indicate anyone mentioning a backdoor rush. But it’s possible someone mentioned it before I joined, but even if that’s the case, consider this: if you genuinely believed the alliance team was a premade, why would you suggest a backdoor blitz or a mage rush? It’s essentially setting yourself up for failure. If you go to mage, they will ignore you and farm ROC; if you rush boss, they will recall to wipe you.

This shows how a premade group often doesn’t require a concrete plan or strategy; as long as your team follows your calls, you can defeat PUGs with suboptimal or even nonsensical orders.


Agree to disagree.

I noticed you left out:

Premade raids have advantages over random pug teams. Those advantages are unfair in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.


“unfair” is finding a way to get 60 people to q into a 40 man.
40v40 isn’t unfair.
When blizzard randomly put 40 people on one side that are mostly horribly geared, with little to no healers, too heavy on casters/melee, and then gives the other team all epic geared with plenty of healers and good class balance… you’re okay with that, because “blizzard”. Even though one side clearly has the advantage, you’re okay with it when blizzard gives the advantage. But when people take it into their own hands to play within the rules and give themselves as much advantage as they can (again, within the limits of the rules), suddenly you’re upset.

Both examples have one team at an advantage, you’re just upset when blizzard isn’t the one responsible.

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Premade raid vs. pugs is unfair in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.


the premades aren’t doing anything that blizzard doesn’t do themselves. The premades aren’t bringing anything that pugs can’t bring (coms, potions, enchants, gear). You also keep using the word “raid” wrongly. People are grouping as 5mans. 5 mans aren’t raids.

If you’ve convinced yourself that premade raid vs. pugs is a fair fight, in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids, I’m not going to be able to change your mind.

Have a good day.


i coulda saved you the time and told you that before you tried. Besides it’s not my mind you need to change, it’s blizzards. And they don’t agree with you, since if they did they’d have done something about it a looooooong time ago. Which they haven’t.

Thanks, i will!