Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Nope, never said that, you actually want to direct that at Holycow, he’s the one that advocates that.

That’s no one’s fault but your own/the puggers. Get a mic and install it. Use the ingame coms or some other program. Or just give in-game written instructions.
“Waaaaahhh, but no one listens!!!” That’s not the premade’s fault.

Believe me, there are premades out there with reaaaaallly bad pvpers in their midst lol

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Like me! Apparently. I checked out The Guild. It’s a good cooking show. Still bummed you roasted my gear on your alt. I thought we had something :heart::sparkles: (I kid)

You’re right! They should use the in game mics.

Also, they should for a large group, perhaps of 6 or more in what may be called a “raid group” and queue up right?

That’s how it works?

You form a single large group that allows you to queue for bgs within the game mechanics, just like the microphones exist within the game? Right?

I see no issue there. Let’s all just go with what the game has built in already. Seems perfectly fair!


you’re not guaranteed to get into the same bg, even when forming as a “premade”, so you’re beef against “more healers, meta specs” etc isn’t really accurate. Some premades even lose to puggers.

Oh good! What do you think of the show so far?

Don’t be mad about the gear roast, just think of it like how Beatrix Kiddo gets roasted by her mentor all the time in “Kill Bill” movie. Just upgrade your gear and move on from the roast :slight_smile:

nope, that’s not quite how it works. You miss the part where we pray to the rng gods to get in the same bg.

Do you have a mic?

It’s hilarious and weirdly wholesome! Perfect for making breakfast. It also reminds me of the good old days where wow sort of was my entire existence (though I’m glad I’ve branched out now). Nostalgia hits hard.

We queue at the same time and pray it throws us into the same BG. There have been plenty of times we’ve all queued together and been thrown into like, three or four different battlegrounds.

it’s a mystery.

Correct, but for some reason they refuse to use it.

Wow frequently puts people into random bg’s with no healers vs a team that has 2-3. Or an all caster team vs a good melee/caster assortment. Or brand new quest greens vs an epic geared team. Instead of complaining at premades for finding ways to do WoW’s job better, complain at wow. Premades aren’t cheating, they’re just doing what wow should have been doing all along to begin with. Forming good groups with coms that work, with people ready to follow instructions and that gear properly. If you want to group with brand new green quest geared pugs out of some sense of moral righteousness, have at it! :slight_smile: :rainbow: :zap: :rainbow: :hearts: :rainbow: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :rainbow:

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I am happily amoral.

You still haven’t explained if I can form a raid group and queue within the constraints of the game.

It seems perfectly viable based on what you’ve explained, it creates better conditions for winning.

But how do I do it? When I make a 6+ player group it does not allow me to queue.


They’re circumventing restrictions to bring a premade raid into a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that is a fair thing to do, there’s not much else I can say.

I just want people to consider what they’re doing and how it might be negatively affecting the PvP community.


then why are you complaining about people forming premades?

no, you can’t. And premades aren’t doing that either. They break off into 5man groups, some even single q.

first find friends that know how to pvp

they use coms, just like anyone can do. They join with 4 other people, just like anyone can do. They have gear just like anyone can do. They pvp better just like anyone can do. They have heals just like anyone can do.

You’re really stretching the definition of “cheating” just to win this argument.

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Sorry, but pugs don’t join a random epic bg and say I want 10+ mistweavers.

That’s just one of the unfair advantages that premade raids have.

You’re circumventing restrictions to bring a premade raid into a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids. Premade raids roflstomp pugs.

What do you want to call it?


then complain to blizz to nerf mistweavers? And you’re exaggerating, not all healers are mistweavers. I’m preservation and still do alright. I think you’re just addicted to complaining and finding reasons for why you lose.

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They can’t admit to it being cheating, exploiting, or even an advantage in any way because they have convinced themselves that they are winning games based on skill, not an overwhelming advantage.


I still don’t understand. If I gather 35 people to queue for a large bg to make sure I have the best chance of winning, why can’t I just go in?

I’m trying to understand. Also, it’s ok to say, “I exploit things and I like it because of the advantage it gives me”

I circumvent modern emissions restrictions (e5) on my motorcycles because it allows them to run smoother, but I don’t blame the people who create the emissions regulations or begrudge anyone who doesn’t want to so there bike runs clean but lacks some of the oomph and generally smoother gearing of an ecu remap. I can admit that what I’m doing circumvents established restrictions and that I like doing it anyway. :man_shrugging:t4:


it’s an advantage, it’s just not an “unfair” advantage. People on here like to abuse the definition of words.

I think we can agree that premade raids have advantages over random pug teams.

The “unfair” part is from circumventing restrictions to bring a premade raid into a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids. Now those advantages are unfair because you’re not supposed to have them.


:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_crylaugh: :clown_face:


I think having 5-8 parties of 5 players that contain stacked classes and healers coordinated to queuing together into a random bracket to maximize the chances of all getting to play together towards an easy victory is totally fair.

After all, why shouldn’t you have 12 healers 4 tanks, 8 boomies, 8 hunters in every single match. You deserve the right to play with optimal conditions to insure maximum pleasure.
