Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Anyway, heard rr and spm beefing each other man. Stop that bro, remember y’all’s enemy is BSG.

Y’all 6 communities need to make amends and go back to circle erkin, love each other, join forces and fight BSG>


BlizZard doesn’t really care about partial premades in BGs since vanilla. When it it is full blown that is when they quietly gather data and take action in one giant sweeping change.

There should and will be sweeping changes in TWW with how the queues will be handled.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


I hate to break it to ya bud but no one cares about the new $20.99 KFC build you guys are running. We were laughing last night at the hilarity of it, as I told you. Congratulations you guys have a very strong team, that’s really as far as merit goes in epics though.

So accurate lol

This is the first i’ve heard of it. please tell me more since you know everything that happens between all communities.

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Cmon bro at least we cooking kfc and not methhh.





I made some calzones the other day and they were really good.

The interesting thing is that the dough called for 2 tablespoons of honey to be used. At first I was really confused, like why honey? But after trying it, this is some of the best dough I’ve ever had.


I don’t think there’s any benefit to trying to sync queue anyway.

It’s last man standing. Not teams.

It’s 100% like Fortnite.

Plus characters are made specifically for the game mode. That and with it being most likely very popular for cosmetics etc., there’s a likelihood of too many people to sync queue correctly.

It only works in epics because most people don’t play them anyway so there’s not that many instances of them running.


The benefit is getting into the same match and colluding with people you know, even though you are “enemies” in the match.


Whose turn is it to win?


How likely is it to even be possible though?

It works in epics because there are like, 6 (maybe) instances of any of them at once.

This is 60 people. Requires no max level character, no gear, nothing.

If there’s 100 instances that’s only 6,000 players and that’s a minuscule fraction of the entire possible player base.

Also it is queued through the character screen, unless it’s the last day of the event and the event is dead, there’s no way to see if the same people are in the same instance.

I haven’t seen how characters are named or if it uses our Battletag.

It seems really hard to sync a FFA 60 players.

I mean we just have to wait and see if/when cheaters will try it. Hopefully everyone plays by the rules. Other battle royale games have this same problem and some of them have collusion-detecting software to punish the cheaters.


Yeah… I doubt that’s gonna happen.

I doubt Blizzard put any time into developing countermeasures for premade raiders.

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I don’t think it’s gonna be much of a big deal.

Assuming there’s an enormous pool, the likelihood of getting in will be very slim.

Plus there’s not really much of a benefit since it’s last man standing.

Guess we’ll see.

One of their members is guaranteed to win. They can kill all the solo players first.

WoD’s Coliseum was also last man standing and people were definitely still forming premades for that.


But winning doesn’t really give much. And collusion won’t be that simple, since if they can possibly correctly sync it won’t be many, maybe 3-4 in any given instance.

I don’t see it as a big possibility.

Besides, if I know someone in any pvp match, I’m forgetting every objective besides trying to kill them as many times as I can.

Entirely different concepts. This is easy access and cosmetics plus fomo. Gonna be a ton of people doing it.

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Imagine this

Premade Leader “Ok everyone line up so I can kill you all one by one”

Thanks for the ideas again. You’re amazing.

Thanks RB, I was sleeping.