Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Usually the sugar is to feed the yeast.


Looks like mods hoovered the thread a little today.


The yeast expert.

You too uwu

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I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing rn xd

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Yeah, I make bread and I’m a great cook. What of it?


Most br games suffer from 3rd party syndrome. It will be interesting for sure . I’ve played a lot apex so I’m very familiar with how this works.

Do you use organic yeast?

Hmmm not sure who told you this one LOL might need to get a new spy kek lul

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No, regular ol’ Fleischmann’s.

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Oh ok bet. Thought was naturale home grownis.

Jerks will always find a way to be jerks, more at 11.

*She (Auggy is sweet) She doesn’t know how to “snipe”


They removed the ability to premade large groups for a reason. These people are abusing the queue system - but the only way to combat this is by making Epics cross faction. You guys are wasting your time posting here. You need to complain on Twitter. All of you. Send your complaint to @warcraftdevs.

Something needs to be done… and soon.

I had an Epic start at 38-8, because they’re queue dodging. It’s all a manipulation of the system. But we need people to complain where it matters… Twitter.


Using Queue Syncing to make your 15-40 ppl on coms have an overwelming edge over unsuspecting players is counter productive. Some find it fun, but it makes others quit the game.
Whole atricles and YouTube videos on “Why is WoW pvp dead?” Or where did the players go ect…the answer is they are only going to be Graveyard farmed so many times before canceling their subscription.

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worded like its premades are the main reason pvp sucks, just so wrong.

The main reason? No, that we can agree on. Do they contribute to the larger reason, yes they do. Exploiting game mechanisms to queue up in groups larger than 5 per team per the inteded limits put in place, rolling over people who are casually wanting to have fun by doing so, ruining those peoples gameplay.

Pretty sure I have seen you in a premade as well. /shrug


When it comes to retention of new players - a necessity to grow population and justify investment into PVP - this is definitely an issue, because the premade/group players with full gear have a sandpit where they should be playing - it’s called Rated. It is a very big issue and you should be advocating to fix this if you want pvp to be better. Whilst it is one of a number of issues, it is a significant one that involves the group that can bring investment - new players. Without them, why the heck should Blizzard make effort to give you - a new bg, better balance. You’re only appeasing this tiny uncompetitive group who have shown they only care about their happiness and as much as they present themself as “welcoming communities of kindness and love”.

S1 Ret was most probably the biggest fail in Blizzard balancing in PvP. No doubt about that. However, S3 DH, though bad, is not quite that bad. So balancing wise, we’re actually in a better place.

When PVP is stagnant or declining, you see a weird scooped phenomena of highly competitive high enders still passionate (often love the mechanics of Arena above pursuing another competitive pvp game) who play amongst themselves and don’t have any necessity to cross into unrated content (which is where all fully geared people should try to be). Then the other extreme of Low-Mid players who like to win, but don’t like to compete and do everything to have an advantage. Everyone in between these two poles gets stuck in a perpetual toxic loop of the latter group when queuing casual just for some fun. The reality is, that group should be kept humbled in a rated flux, not getting their kicks on people who play from behind 99% of the time.


Why pvp is less than fun is different for everyone. Some folks dont like the abundance of CC in BGs, arena rank 1s swear it is perfect for them. Some folks love nothing more than knocking folks off cliffs in BGs, others log off when it happens. Some players like removing other players defensives or keeping someone polymorphed most of a BG, other people log off when it happens. Wow is full of different players with different opinions of what makes combat “fun” or worth doing. All of that is fine. Blizzard has the tall order of trying to design specs that are somewhat balanced AND provided enough opportunities through spec design for the potential for fun “big brain play” moments, without having any spec feel hard countered by most others. Tuning/designing combat for a game this complex is a huge undertaking. Plenty of folks are enjoying Plunderstorms comparatively simple combat. Personally I dont want the Live games combat pruned/simplified.


I like playing against premades sometimes. Some of the games can be pretty competitive if you try, most people just fight in chat :sweat: