Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Do it! I can’t wait… make it cross faction… The games’ basically dead already anyway…

The game is already in its “dead” state hence why you see the same names in epic bgs all day.
besides 99% of the time you are already playing cross faction, since your 99% of the time fighting alli premades in epics , the only difference is they merc instead of playing alliance side . Horde doesnt have many epic bg premades im not sure about reg premades .

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we are streaming a wow char hellspawn well me come see say hi LouisGuidetti - Twitch

Imagine someone being proud of the community she built from the ground up. How pretentious, right?

Thats it in a nutshell. We’re just not that into you.


thank you oca

I’m delighted to see that you’re feeling better today, Hellkitty! :blush:

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oh hey i remember you from arathi basin like two weeks ago. seems like blizz has been updating their npcs.

be a plum as we call it nowadays

i’m getting there oca its been a struggle to say the least but i’m standing at least not much better atm but i still got fight easy for a fight against plum anyways, but yeah im yeah atm least im alive not a fish atm was kinda yeah close i guess, neurologist
said i should be flippin round like a fish when i went in that woulda been a viral vid huh

I don’t feel like trolling you anymore tho, so there’s that.

Anyway, watch how KFC cooked.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6d57556mZE

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Irony. Pure irony. Keep ranting though. Also, no ban will be coming because you’re powerless.


goodbye see ya next year

Do not mind Hellkitty she is going through some IRL things that are affecting her health. she really shouldn’t be posting on the forums. Just ignore it fellow forum posters.


I can’t even describe to you how hard I’m laughing at these posts right now, I don’t even know what to make of it. I’m guessing a cat is walking across her keyboard as she rages but that’s just a shot in the dark.


‘butter sizzles in a pan’

“this is drugs”

‘breaks egg into sizzling butter’

“this is breakfast any questions?”


“This is the forums on drugs.”


Yep. /10char

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Hope you all have a great summer!


Can we get back to trashing try hard premades who get their jollies by rolling pugs and not whatever this meltdown is?

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hot dad summer inc.

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