Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

im casual and i love super long av or ashrans ! uwu (: i get really tired of the groups that rush bosses all the time .

because im wild and i live for av and ashran

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Which one?

Well…I think part of why epic premades do what they do is as a response towards poor system design. I mean, if you can queue a five-man premade into a ten-man battleground, then why shouldn’t you be able to queue twenty people into a 40-man battleground?

Where the problem lies is that regular random battlegrounds have some semblance of balance when it comes to healers and premades. Epics on the other hand have none of this.


Ya for sure, we need cross faction bgs more than ever. as a leader of a premade community I support cross faction bgs.


exactly , im always the only healer sometimes :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I agree that it’s a response to poor design but I disagree with one of the elements that you listed. If I can do my job I should be able to find 2 others and we can counter a comparable 5 man but how many do you need to counter 20?

If they fixed the queues so they at least weren’t as exploitable I think 10 would be reasonable premade in an epic BG and the 10 man instances should probably be limited to 3 man premades regardless. I usually ask if we have a team on our side in the 10 mans and I assume that the other team has one if we don’t since so many 5 man groups specific queue into them.

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Some people say 20-man premades should be allowed in epic bgs because 5-mans are allowed in regular bgs.

I think it should be the other way around. 5-mans in epic bgs are a more appropriate size and the premades in regular bgs should be smaller.

It’s better when a premade doesn’t single-handedly decide the outcome of a random bg. Your team’s premade is worse than the other team’s? Your team’s premade wants to do some stupid strat? Your team’s premade wants to fight in the roads because they don’t care about winning and they just want the highest numbers on the scoreboard? Your team’s premade decided to give up so they’re just sitting at one base or at a gy? Your team’s premade decided to AFK out? Well, they’re half your team, so good luck.


The one front in center in this thread

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Crossfaction would be the final death roll for bgs/epics etc soooo many people will bail and have said so on the forums… If anything, take MERC out of the game. But, I kind of hope they do do the crossfaction thing as the games’ already jacked with premades, ice walls, LOS Evoker nonsense and other PVP game ruining garbage at this point, may as well put a fork in it and kill it with some John Lennon “Imagine” cross faction nonsense that totally goes against all the lore and everything. At this point, blizzard should just take the casual PVP aspect of the game behind the woodshed and put it out of its misery.

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Xfaction casual pvp will be a boon.

It’s improved the game everywhere it’s been implemented and shown everywhere that it improves the ease of participation for people.

I can play m+ or arena or rbgs with people regardless of faction which opens up the entire game population.

Would reduce bg queue times substantially and the “my faction always loses” nonsense.

It’s a huge minority that actually cares about the “lore” of horde v alliance anymore.


According to you… According to me, there’s a huge and very vocal part of the casual PVP community that doesn’t want to que into the opposite factions’ Ashran… Horde players all “FOR THE HORDE!”, WPVP’ers that do raids on capitol cities an the like queuing for random epic and then taking que into an all ally team at the ally base in Ashran/AV will kill the numbers so quick you’ll be waiting the same amount of time or even longer as so many people will bounce… That would def be the straw that broke the camel’s back for many people who are already ready to bounce.

How many people we talking? 50? 100? 1000? We’re talking probably sub 5% if not sub 1% would care.

Because the vast majority of players have had no issues with cross faction anywhere it’s been implemented.

Sure, anecdotally you’re part of a group that wouldn’t be happy with it, but anecdotal data is useless.

Bg blitz is xfaction and seems to be pretty popular with no complaints.

Hard to say if the popularity is because of xfaction, or because the gear disparity isn’t as noticable.

A fresh 70 can contribute more in blitz where as in a regular BG the only purpose they serve is honor for the other team.

Sure. Also the conquest is good so it’s a good way to gear.

Shuffle was popular as a “brawl” end of SL and is pretty popular now as a rated form.

Just saying the xfaction portion isn’t keeping people away from it.

They should really just create an option to queue as horde, alliance, or open to whichever. And that’d fill queues faster on all sides, without “forcing” people to xfaction themselves.

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Merc mode already makes BGs x-faction, if we make it official for everyone we could potentially make the BGs more faction specific by opening up larger queue sizes with restrictions on match making.

My concern is that x-faction doesn’t close the actual exploit but it’d go a long way towards evening out randoms.

Man some of my fondest epic bg memories are from in-house wargames I played back in wod/legion. I’m kind of surprised it’s not something comms do more often, but I guess the lack of rewards puts off a lot of people.

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It (war games) takes a lot of planning. That’s the biggest hurdle.

no it wouldnt , it would make role balances more even and merc mode wouldnt ever be needed ever again , q times would be faster . it would be healthier for the game . swtor does this and its so much better . wow pvp would heavily benefit from this .

premades and class balancing is why ppl are quitting , not because horde and alli bg together . If thats the case they shouldn’t ever take part in or do any ranked or blitz because its cross faction .


It wouldn’t change much for us. We’d still not take a q the undesirables were in. We don’t mind all the other communities.