Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

DJL doesn’t want to play with BSG. BSG is unable to handle rejection.

Not really a mystery why people don’t enjoy playing with BSG.


If you didn’t know me, I did something right.


oh yes, those POOR premades getting a taste of their own medicine, so unfair!!


You know the communities better than me but I’ve witnessed DJL in a pug farm so it just seems like they’re just afraid to have done to them what they do to pugs. I guess I’m missing something about BSG.


I’m not a fan of premade raids vs. pugs in general.

As for BSG, you can get an idea how they behave based on their forum posts. Not only are they rolling over pugs for easy wins, but they’re also using pugs as an excuse for their poor behavior against other premade raids.


We actually don’t milk pugs for hours, like other comms, it’s quick and easy, come and join us so you can see how we run.

You’re just upset that we call out your hypocrisy here. Admit it, it’s okay.

I know it’s not a good thing. Problem is the fodder class due to rewards’ structure, they avoid it but then someone else gets to be fodder. Same hand.

Yes. They don’t like it when it’s their turn. They boast about “whoopin alliance (pugs) even asking us to fall to our knees and die” for her.

It ain’t happening bud.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/qz6fH3E


I didn’t say we win every match. We win as many as we lose I’d say vs RR. Depends on who both teams have in and how many. Sometimes both sides are on alts, sometimes it’s a mix, sometimes everyone’s on their main. Regardless, we have a good time and GG the other side when it’s over.

We play for fun, because we enjoy each others company. There’s no angry screaming in our disc, lots of music and talk about poop though. Looks at Leebi and giggles


Anyway g, feel free to run with us nightly and see how we operate.

Don’t settle for hearsay.

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We whoop plenty. Get over yourself. It’s a game, meant to be fun. Yall suck the fun out of everything. Sweaty is a nice description, lol.


There’s no reason to AV cave farm players. That’s just poor sportsmanship.

Using pugs as an excuse to do it is even lamer.

They’re not helping pugs. They’re rolling over pugs too.


I only look up who I’m against if I see they’re a problem and I haven’t looked you guys up. Might be faction bias but if you run like you say I hold no ill will towards your community though I personally couldn’t do it. Thank you for the offer, though.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, maybe I just got lucky and haven’t faced them? I’ve seen some very organized groups, all MWs and boomies. While unfair I just go war criminal and it doesn’t bother me.

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Awhile ago, another premade beat BSG, who claimed they were all on alts. They hopped on their mains, added a few more players and faced the same premade again. I saw a portion of the video of the second game and one of the BSG leaders was calling for not just a win, but to humiliate the other side. This is who they are. They do not want good games, fair games or even a challenge. They want total domination. If any other premade ever reaches a level that they can consistently beat BSG, they will 100% fail apart.


The way to deal with them is non engagement. It works.

There are some that say they refuse to play against BSG (unless theyre lucky enough to match into a split pop from us.) When they outnumber us 4-1 they’re suddently more than happy to face our group and emote our players insesintly. When that happens we hunt them… pvp is still pvp afterall, were just playin the game…

We DO want good games, we’ve offered to send some of our best players to other community’s side for wargames so the games were more evenly matched. These offers were ridiculed, rejected and even reported to forum mods so we withdrew our offers.

Some nights we even setup wargames against ourselves to leave pugs out of it. We have big $@# battles and that part is a lot of fun. I can see usbdoing more in the future (our largest turnouts are always on nights when were doing more than randomly fighting pugs in epics)

Believe what you will, ive said my piece.

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I will always emote and tbag everyone equally. I don’t do it out of hate ,it’s purely out of love uwu


Haha, i dont mind a good well deserved tbag when i lose :stuck_out_tongue:


Agree. A hastily put-together Pugs team have no chance against a carefully designed and well-prepared Elite team, and it is wrong for this match to take place.

But, I like to clarify the ‘premade team’ I meant is not such an Elite team. A good portion of community premade teams are very casual - don’t pick their members, don’t use voice chat for coordination, not all members have top-tier gears, and don’t often have a full group. In such a situation, Pugs do have a chance, assuming they are not disheartened before the match starts. What would improve the odds more is that people step up to lead, not necessarily to provide strategy, but to hold people together.

I like the point you made about ‘the experience of playing together’ and I agree. However, despite the random nature of Pugs, our behaviour does stay in people’s minds. Over time, we begin to spot familiar names and learn how they work and how to work with them. This alone is insignificant but it is a foundation for trust to be built on.

Regardless of the type of premade, with the current game design, it will be difficult for Pugs. Changes will have to be made.

I am still learning so please take this with a grain of salt :stuck_out_tongue: You have up to 100 concurrent players per faction (there are 3 factions), but max players for each team is 50. Meaning each faction could have two full teams or 3 smaller teams, etc at the same time.

Supply plays a big role in WvW and the supply chain takes effort to protect. Ultimately, strategy, planning and execution together determine the outcome of the war and not strength alone.

I don’t see anything that would prevent a well-prepared Elite team, but game design minimizes the benefit of Premade and makes it unnecessary.


The whole reason I prefer epic BGs vs Reg BGs is it was virtually impossible to face off against a 20+ man premade (happened, but was rare). Just had 5 back to back games against the same alliance premade.

How is this fun for anybody? Getting paltry conquest after the first win, and honor is a pointless currency, so the only reason to be there is because you can’t cut it in rated content, and don’t want to do premades in regular BGs as the odds of facing another premade are too high.