Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

None of the Horde communities run with 40 presently. Even if DJL and AVM run into the same bg it’s rare to have 40 of us. An alliance community merced yesterday I read though. Last night we had a great game vs RR as our last game of the night, GG RR!

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much better thanks

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Don’t worry too much on fighting horde premades. I have seen it with my own eyes how they get beat by pugs.

I agree. Premade are individuals who love WoW just like us, and they are genuinely nice people to be with. I honestly enjoyed my time running in their groups, until I became aware of the harm it caused (because of the flaw of the game design)…

I hope one day everyone can premade freely without being criticised, and Pugs can stand against a premade. Having been in many Pugs, I honestly believe it has the potential to do so. I welcome all disagreement but please let’s direct the discussion toward ‘how to make it work’ :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info! Out of curiosity, I decided to give this a try and log myself out :stuck_out_tongue: I logged back in to write this post, and if this post gets through, then perhaps there is a grace period as suggested by the earlier posts? Not sure… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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every single time I queue epic I either wait 5 minutes for trashran…or 45 minutes for a 3 minute remaining LOSING wintergrasp. I’m all set.

There needa to be a mentality shift about “Why PVP?”

Often casual pugs will be in there once a day for a quest, and want a quick win. They HATE when BGs last 45minutes. They are there for a reward not to PVP. They want to complete this transaction and move on to the next without hassle, without trying.

BGs should be more like classic Ashran. Persistant battles where you come and go.


Lol, I was that person who would tick every single one of these boxes you listed :stuck_out_tongue: . Fortunately, I tried the original Ashran (when it was a pvp-zone), and it changed everything for me.

Yes, I would love to see that in WoW again. Nowadays, the closest thing I found is the WvW in GW2, where the battle never ends. There is always a leader, sometimes more, leading multiple big teams roaming around, pushing the frontlines forth and back. Today we had a ‘Grand Admiral’ leading our team and I was there until minutes ago and had no idea how long that would go on. This reminds me of the original Ashran, and I hope Blizz will bring it back. If GW2 can make it work, so can WoW.

There’s no way to make a premade raid vs. a random pug team work.

The premade raid gets to choose its players and comp. They can stack healers and meta specs. They’re probably more geared. They’re coordinated on voice chat. They have experience playing together.

The pug team is a random assortment of players. They likely have fewer healers and fewer meta specs. They have more ungeared or undergeared players. They’re not on voice chat. They have zero/little experience playing together.

It’s clearly not a fair fight as shown by premade raiders having a ~95% win rate. The playing field is extremely tilted in the premade raid’s favor. That’s why Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in random bgs and they disabled raid queuing for random bgs.

When Ashran was first launched, premade raids were allowed there. Blizzard was quickly reminded that premade raids completely dominate pugs. For hours, the pug side would be unable to win. They had to wait for the premade raid to leave the instance.

Blizzard tried giving stacking buffs to the losing side. It didn’t matter. Premade raids still dominated the pugs for hours on end.

Eventually, Blizzard had to admit this wasn’t going to work. They ended up disabling premade raids for Ashran.

How large are teams in GW2?

Does GW2 have premade raids going against completely random teams? If so, how does GW2 make it work?


Looks like BsG isn’t the “dying community” as other communities claim after all.

Guess people doesn’t like joining premades that lose to pugs.

I think it’d need some major revision like maybe a hunt rather than a BG. Probably won’t have sanctioned pug vs premade epics but maybe we can have some queue options for larger teams with tight matchmaking requirements so they can fight each other and compete in that way. Problem is Blizzard won’t even make a statement despite the furor which makes me believe they don’t want to commit to fixing it so I really doubt we’ll see any fix until the expac after windwalker I mean WW at the earliest.

Nothing in the pipeline, we’re probably stuck with this for at least a few more years. I find that unacceptable as well, hence my earlier statement.

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This is what BSG wants. Premades vs premades.

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You guys also called out the leader who was camping that I mentioned earlier, I respect you guys. I’ve mainly played alliance this expansion, played a fair amount of epics on Smaugh so maybe we’ve been on the same team or as opponents in merc.

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Indeed they do


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We do not promote pug farming. Our games are often quick unless there’s only a few of us in the game. We do not require 20 people to take que, sometimes 10-15 is enough, we rarely drop ques compared to the other comms.

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Tbh, I actually like that a lot. Lol

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We win plenty, even vs the other premades. Yall just salty cause we won’t give you the time of day.

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Source: trust me bro

Sorry TK, I’ve seen it with my own eyes with my freshly named mage how you struggle and lose against pugs. Even RR comp stomps DJ-L, I guess that’s what the L is for.

That sounds like a challenge.

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Might wanna ask around, we been busy winning.

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LOL it’s one the funniest songs I’ve made

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