Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

Thumbs up for taking action, and that is what my friends and I did 3 months ago. Until Blizz becomes more transparent with players regarding PvP and starts addressing issues, they won’t get any support from us.

In the meantime, we are trying out other MMO games. It’s interesting how others handle PvP, and some are just amazing. What we found is that, while there is no perfect system, there is no doubt that game design greatly influences player behaviour, which might explain the issues we see in WoW today.

At the same time, WoW is a lot more polished compared to other MMO games. Perhaps this (and the communities) is what pulls players back.

Anyway, hope you have a great time away from WoW! We are still on the SoD discord, come visit us sometime :slight_smile:


don’t you need an active sub to post on the forums?

It lingers a bit.

Posting on the forums seems to work fine without any active game time or subscription. It’s been like this for a while already.


This is exactly it.

I think there’s a point where posting eventually can’t be done anymore and then all you can do is “like”. Something like that.


I see, and that makes sense. (and I enjoy giving out ‘likes’ so its all good :P)

I hope Blizz would hurry up, be more transparent and actively engage players in discussions to address issues and find some common ground going forward.

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If people aren’t happy with epics (or whatever their problem is), they can just queue something else. But the company doesn’t care about that. To them, a sub is a sub. That’s why there’s so many different versions of WoW nowadays, LOL. People can move around as they get frustrated but they’re still paying customers.

The only thing that gets their attention is if you stop giving them your time and money every month…period.


I think people do enjoy the Epics. I think the problem is the Premades exploiting the game to get into groups and roll the pugs. Just queue something else is an issue if they enjoy it but exploiters ruin it right?

I guess to each their own though. Started a game tonight against BSG, 35 alliance and 23 Horde. My solution: Go eat dinner instead. Blizzard can’t even get even matches before the games start :joy:


Yes. From Blizz’s perspective, if a player is still paying, he/she must be happy with the game.

Agree completely, and the more people the quicker it gets their attention.

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BSG played as horde tonight.


Was Merc que friday for BSG. nice try tho.

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I completely understand, and believe me, I’ve been on both sides of that coin. I’ve been the solo queuer and I’ve been the community premader. My point is this crap has been going on for years and Blizzard unfortunately just does not care.

Yeah, that’s because an instance is formed when the queue pops…not when the queue is taken. So if a premade community’s parties don’t all get the same pop…they can just drop and re-queue. Thereby leaving the others in that instance short-handed with a very slow backfill.

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cool i ran into gwi earlier she was just like starring at my hunter lel

which is why they should make a group lockout and make it account wide xd

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DH Log Supplemental: Today I queued for an Epic BG. Alterac Valley popped, and I was on high alert for premades. There was 1 minute to go before the match started and half the Alliance raid was still missing . I opened the BG info tab and checked the names of the Horde. I saw names that I knew were part of a premade and understood why half of our team was missing. It’s common that Alliance and Horde premades collude to avoid each other by dropping queues. Now we faced an organized, premade Horde 40 man raid on voice comms against 20 disorganized Alliance members with only fingers to communicate.

I wondered what mental gymnastics premade bootlickers would perform to make this make sense…


I think we all suffer by the same hand, even the epic premaders; lack of investment and maybe some hubris by the developers.

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I would watch this so hard

i think if you never log out of the forums you can keep posting. im just guessing but that’s how it works when silenced /suspended so im assuming.

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please dont say it like that

I would watch this so throbbing